Chapter 22 – Blue, grey and dangerous


Jella has been changed to Doctor E.


David observed various researchers tinkering with equipment and analysing samples in the Lab. If one looked further inside the lab they would spot a bald woman inside a sealed room experimenting with a piece of rotten flesh. On a closer look David identified it as a hunter's arm.

Sighing as he waited for the woman to finish David thought back to the conversation with Larson. She gave him what he asked without any problem, access to the Rockeagle Labs. Unfortunately for David the real person in charge of the Lab was Doctor E.

Even Larson couldn't order the doctor around as she reported directly to "HQ". David thought things would proceed smoothly but Doctor E unsettled him,

'She isn't normal. Something is off about her, maybe I should go back an-'

David's thoughts were interrupted by a single glance from the mysterious woman. She smiled and signalled him to wait at the side.

While the good doctor was decontaminating herself, David continued to ponder over the unsettling feeling. It was the result of the [Eldritch Dimension]'s uncanny attraction to the doctor. The minute connection David had to the [Eldritch] dimension was seemingly attracted to the doctor and that was not good news.

It showed that there was a 'darker' side to the doctor. David continued to regret his rushed decision to come to the Labs as Doctor E walked towards him,

"David, I've heard much about you, the resources you obtained were of much help to our work here, we owe you one."

The woman sounded as plain as she looked but her eyes carried a glint of something much greater, so David put extra effort in his mannerisms and politely responded. The Doctor guided him around and introduced different parts of the lab and some of the scientists to him, before leading him to her office.

The room looked like an ordinary office but with a flick of the wrist a secret door opened up leading to Doctor E's living quarters. Albeit it looked nothing like a normal person's room and was instead twice as sci-fi as the Lab.

'Oh shit… is she going to experiment on me…?'

"Of course not David and no I can't read your mind."

David coughed and recollected himself while the professor leisurely sat on a work bench and stared at him,

"What are you?"

The question took him by surprise,

"I'm not sure what you mean Doctor?"

The Doctor's next words shocked David to his core,

"I know you're not enhanced but I also know you're not powerless. If you don't possess the [L1-strain] than what is the source of your strength?"

David mumbled excuses but panic ensued when he came to the realization that he couldn't move his body at all, it was as if he was being constrained by invisible arms.

The Doctor approached David with a needle and drew some blood from him as he watched on nervously,

"Doc?? This isn't really ethical now is it… how about you let me go and we forget this ever happened?"

The Doctor didn't respond and proceeded to test his blood. With her back turned to him she was oblivious to the approaching [Eldritch arm] or so he thought,

'Ah fuck…'

Even the [Eldritch arm] was frozen in place by invisible constraints. The Doctor showed no reaction and continued messing with the apparatus lying on the table. It seemed she finished whatever it was she was doing as she looked at him quizzically,

"Interesting. One hundred percent human but yet you are able to tap into [Dark Dimension] just like those cursed creatures. This monstrosity of an arm, how are you able to command it…?"

Doctor E continued to ramble about the [Darkness] and 'monstrous' creatures while she examined David's [Eldritch arm]. David withdrew the arm and stared at the Doctor in frustration,

"Let me go. Larson will search for me if I'm gone for too long and she will know who's responsible."

The bald woman responded curtly,

"I'll just have to erase her memories."

David's eyes opened wide at that statement as he tried to put more effort in breaking free, but it was all for naught.

'If she can erase memories than why can't she just read my mind if she wants information…'

The Doctor smiled,

"I wasn't lying when I said I can't read your mind. Then again the minds of those from the [Dark Dimension] are hidden beneath their madness and evil."

Even though David only had a minor connection to the [Eldritch realm] through his [Eldritch arm] it wasn't enough to shield his mind from telepaths. In reality the little monkey, his [Spirit Animal] shielded him from not only negative influences like the [Eldritch] but also intrusions into his mind.

The combined strengths of the little monkey and the [Eldritch touch] safeguarded David from pesky psychics.

"I'm not evil and I've never heard of this [Dark Dimension] before, the arm is just a construct."

In response David watched in awe as the bald woman before him shifted into something alien. The Doctor grew in height reaching seven feet while her skin turned a pale blue-grey. Her head grew hair made of silvery crystalline material and her eyes had black sclera with white-gold irises.

Unable to move his head David stared straight at her chest. It was quite 'Amazonian' as was the rest of her body. Unfortunately he wasn't able to admire the marvel before him as the alien amazon lifted his head up to look straight at his face.

"You're lying human, but I can't seem to determine how this is even possible. I'm sorry it had to come to this…"

With those words David felt his mind being assaulted by a powerful force. The alien Doctor E was trying to raid his mind and this attack was nothing the likes of the [Spirit Animal] and the [Eldritch] influence can prevent,

"NOOO STOP, WHAT IS THIS…. I… please stop… I can't…"

The Doctor collapsed and the invisible constraints disappeared. The [Eldritch arm] was summoned instantly and at the downed alien's throat. With a single thought David could end his problems and he would be all the better for it but,

'Oh [Nightmare], why am I an idiot.'