Meus Amor

Chapter 2 "My Beloved"

Sunlight comes rising eastward and blooms all over the discolored morning clouds, It pierces through each cumulus nimbus and radiates the whole mountainous area; illuminating the harmonious chalet long built within recent decades.

And in that cosy wooden establishment rests the small figure of a young Masha Alluvidan, who is sleeping silently through the arduous night from before.

Skin glittering from the particle beams dazzling around her petite self through open windows, enchanting it with scintillating beauty that not many would be able to see within the whole of their lifetime.

Sprawled messily and stuck glued to its bed fibers are her long well-combed dark brown hair, which is only being melds deeply into her bed sheets by the rich profusion of viscous drool that slobbered everywhere.

While her body lazy itself deep into the fluffy cotton fibers with unnecessary movements, limbs extended and wholly egress ever so slowly to the mattresses outer edges.

Intense morning light slowly begins to reach her face, beaming at her eyelids, making the little girls' eyes brows compress into a disturbed twitching, and through particle to particle, her irises shine its ardent glamour.

Appealing blue eyes opened themselves once again into the world this girl very well knew and loved, Yet they seemed lacking in attention at the moment, for the uncouth young lass still hasn't come into her senses.

That changes quickly for she begins to takes action making them glow in this petrifying determination, sitting up Masha begins to rub her eyes out of drowsiness, making her sunflower colored tunic slide down to chest length, revealing her smooth and unsharpened shoulder blades.

Soon did her temporary dazed state subsidies, as she started to awaken and then stood out of the bed covers, slinking towards the enclosed resting chambers wooden doors.

Threading towards it with the notion to egress from her comfortable abode, smiling ever so slightly before she is exits the room on whence an ultimatum was made.

A voice called out to her, it was soft and un this this female southern Romanian accent that is filled with endless warmth rippling from their heart, Brimming full of eternal love as if there was nothing more equal in the world that is needed to quell their unending satisfaction.

"Good Morning my baby girl, You woke up very early today!"

Masha faces that person with her smiles widening and her tears little by little trickling in her lower eyelashes, She heeds her loved ones call with that same affection she; herself as well yearns to shower them with.

Unable to hold her longing any longer, she ran up to that voice and answered their call with undying happiness in the form of an embrace.

It is followed by a soft reply from Masha's already torn up heart "Good Morning Mama".

Masha loves to once more hear from that voice, the soft sounds of her loved ones that she is greatly fond of ever since the nightmares former assaults.

"Oh my, Masha deary is anything wrong?". Questioned the tall figure of Masha's mother named Elisha who is wearing a white and well-cleansed apron, while a light brown tunic was tucked inside of it; sleeves were folded to provide better comfort for home labor.

She stood with light brown hair cascading down her features, while her eyes glistened in this simple black shade, Yet not so much right now as it gazes perceptively about the worries of her young one's plight.

"Its nothing mama . . . I just wanted to embrace you". Masha lied, and she tried to justify her reason as a means to console herself; as the dreaded future is just too appalling for her to face, Masha had to comfort herself for once.

"Oh? alright then my little Masha, can you pretty please wake up your father and Older brother? for they seemed to love laying around and about till it is already the break of noon!" Masha's mother asked for a favor, praising her own daughters' responsiveness, as this was the first time she is the early bird.

"Yes Mama,". Enthusiasm seemed to be oozing out of Masha's features, wanting to deed her mother's proposal as if time is of the essence.

Taking those words into action, she snuggled out of her mothers' warmth and skipped happily towards the father and brothers' bedding; opposing over the kitchens dinner.


Mother Elishia Alluvidan didn't know it but she had this lovely smile forming on her complexion, whenever she sees her daughter does those playful and lively actions expressively.


Walking towards their chambers, Masha couldn't help but halt abruptly as an idea forms itself in her mind, causing her to slink inside the sleeping place.

First, was her older brother's room that is meticulously placed on the other side of her parents bedding.

Tiptoeing inside it quietly with proficiency not so easily displayed by many yet, she gazes over the door to check upon their current state, peeking ever so slightly inside the room.

Seeing her older brothers' black raven hair scruffy around the pillows topmost regions she couldn't help but smirk; toppled with a mischievous glint forming in her eyes.

Bending down into a four-point starting position, Masha readied her body to startle the poor lad with a mighty blow, and as she finishes the stance she pounces on top of his lazy abled body.


"Wake up dunderhead it's time for breakfast". She boldly acclaimed as Masha rouses him up while laying on his chiseled chest.

Masha's older brother Lycanad Alluvidan became startled by the sudden accumulation of pressure in his body, it was not enough to hurt him but enough to wake the former up though.

Before he could even protest to the person who played his morning sleep, echoes of laughter exited the room as Masha ran speedily away from her brother's form.

As soon as she left, the loud shout of Lycanad reverberated throughout the interior, startling their father Viktor Alluvidan from peace-filled slumber.

"MASHA!!!" Lycanad feels wronged by her actions, but couldn't help himself to blame her for that small thing, for he saw that she tried waking him up this early in the morning, and indeed it was a success.

Meanwhile, Masha got ready to once more play the fiddle as she immediately saw her father's already awakened but dumbstruck features and leaps on top of his well-refined pectus.

* Gack

He gasps out in surprise, but couldn't help himself to get angry as he begins to carry his beloved daughter with those toned arms, while she laughs it out.

Masha's actions made their day.