Tyra Pagus

Chapter 4 "Tyra Village"

After the family's initial brunch, Masha was then tasked by her mother in fetching a pail of water from the villages well, located down from their chalet.

This is so that both of them could eventually laundry the dirty clothes later at noon, while both the father and son went out hunting for food, bringing their sharpened glaives with them.

Masha being in quite a good mood today happily agreed to it and helped her mother wash the dishes before that, she couldn't help but hum a serene tune at the thought of going down, for she too had somethings to do at the village and some people to meet in this life time once more.

Looking forward to meeting her peers from the village Masha hurriedly does her task at hand leaving a sighing Elisha to stay at home to sort out their dirty clothes.

And when Masha goes outside of their chalet, she was met by the mornings cold autumn breeze. It tickles her features, though not paying any mind to it unlike the former's past self.

For the young girl brought along her future temperament, making Masha slightly used to harsher weathers not normal to the denizens of Lucrezia, though still, it is visible that she is not yet entirely resilient against it.

She stood there for a while absorbing the sun lights richness encompassing all over her petite figure, warming the girl's body from the abrupt coldness, there; she starts to walk down the arching pathway with the pail tightly gripped on her fists, swaying it around and about while humming this sweet tune.

Seeing the village one more time, a pleasant smile forms on her features, thinking back on the days she blissfully spent with her family till the ends of time itself, Mashas determination only increased.

After she vowed to herself once more, a thought slips on her mind, making her wonder about her friends location at this moment of time.

Before she could guess on those thoughts the sound of children's laughter filtered the air.

Hearing those sounds Masha became anxious to see them, making her forget the task for a while to understand whether or not this place truly is a dream or not even after multiple confirmations that this is all real.

Walking towards the origin of laughter, She was not disappointed and manages to see them again . . . her friends in the village and the one she wants to start her life with once again.

Seven children are seen playing a game of tag on the grassy villages floor, four are young boys and three of them girls in the group of peers.

Masha captures once more this image of them playing happily in her mind, silently praying her tokens of gratitude to the goddess Lucrezia for the current events that continues to happen in this lifetime.

Her hearts softens up, unable to just idle on with the day as she wants to meet up with them.

As her eyes traces their figures out in the distance, a certain silhouette who is playing with them makes her eyes focus there completely.

The person she wants to meet again . . . the one she wants to fall in love with all over again, as those thoughts linger in her mind, darkened aura seemed to seep out of her regal core, masking her body with tints of dark light.

His name rang deeply in her mind, making her saddened from loss, telling herself to just walk up to him and plant a deep kiss mark on his pretty face, and that is indeed what she is planning to do.

They weren't call her to join them though even after only being fifty meters apart, that is because Masha is accidentally unleashing her regal powers, making her invisible by instinct whenever she is stalking her prey as the girl hides through darkened aura.

Not wanting to wait any longer, Masha slinks towards them still hidden by the powers of her Aura, listening to them as they play their rag tag games of fun.

"Tag your it Jakov!". a young boy said to the other kid with dark brown hair named 'Jakov'.

"Not fair Dante, Stop poking us with a stick! Only use your hands" Jakov protested a bit vehemently at the antics of the yellow haired boy named Dante, this is the person Masha is staring lovingly at.

He had an air of coolness that resonated within the group, making the boy look to be the leader among the peers as he is also the eldest.

"Yeah Dante it's called Tag for a reason, Not poke me not!" guilt tripped another boy with black hair who seemed younger then all of them.

"The objective of the game is to win, using a stick won't make a difference Marx". Dante rebuked their claims making the rest of them slightly irritated, but it gives them an idea on what they should do in the future.

"Jakov is right, Other wise it won't be called a game anymore". an older but younger than jakov brown haired boy named Yuri supported the other two's claims.

"Enough dilly dally I wanna play! we girls don't have enough time to be arguing it out". the girl named Siera with long brown hair called out, she is Yuri's twin sister as Masha recalled.

"Yes, I have to go deliver the next mushrooms from my parents caravan so that you all have something for dinner". another girl who looks younger than them named Anastasia said, she has red hair cascading down from her features.

"Aish you boys are big dum dums, just play the game as it is, or . . . do you just like it this way,?". the last one in line said retorting in frustration are the fact that they are fighting over this.

She is the last one who was playing them, a girl with long black hair named 'Nytri'.

Yet while all of them stops their play time, nobody from the group notices a brown haired girl walking up to them with a slightly irritated face.

"Eyy are you all fighting again". Masha asked, appearing behind Jakov, before hugging him from behind, shocking everybody in the group stiff.

"Ahh how did you get here Masha!". Dante said surprised from her stealthy appearance.

"Yeah we didn't even see you at all! How did you do that!". Yuri said also startled.

"Wahh big sister Masha is scary, Spooky!". Siera specifically stated.

Those series of questions made Masha realise that she messed up a bit but didn't know where, observing herself for a moment she notices the black tint of dark aura swirling around her body, making the girl curse at the thought of it.

Yet she didn't mind if they asked her because they wouldn't be able to understand how she did that anyways. Retracting her aura she stores it once again inside of her regal core and looks up to the group afterwards, meeting the curious faces and eyes of her long lost loved ones.

"U-Uhmm Masha why are you cling at me so hard". Jakov said stuttering, feeling the warmth of his crush on his back.

All eyes begin to perk up at her knowingly, seeking an answer that will try to explain this weird yet heart warming situation they were witnessing.

Knowing that Masha is dense and all they couldn't help but imagine what was going on.

'Is this dense girl actually finally going to be reciprocating Jakov's love?'. Yuri thought in his mind.

'Is big sister Masha not so dense after all?'. Siera questioned herself knowing who Masha is from the ins and outs.

'Mmmmmm Mushrooms'. Anastasia savored for herself.

'Ahhh finally this girl now knows he likes her, or is she going to be confessing to Jakov, Hopefully when they are together he doesn't make her cry or else I'll crush his b*lls'. Nytri thought in relief.

"Hmm, Ohhh I just felt like playing a game of family instead! Jakov can be the Husband and I'll be the Wife sounds good? . . . well alright then let's start, Husband you can begin by helping me fetch a pail of water!". Masha begins to shamelessly state her needs to all of them without consultation.

Dante: ". . . . . ."

Anastasia: ". . . . ."

Yuri: ". . . . ."

"Ah, Uhm Yes my Wifey, I'll do as you please". Jakov suddenly blurted out, making everybody silently agree to help him with Masha today, as they begin laughing in their mind, for they think that a great show will be happening.