
Chapter 6 "Night"

Birds flutter into the distance, their body starts to perform silhouettes that lengthen fixated deep unto the ground, It levels over those landmasses and watery bodies as the gargantuan sphere of hot plasma eradiates all life forms.

And from there it overshadows the plateau embedded with man-made wooden walls protecting its creator's homes, as shelter to shelter is horizontally built, meticulously crafted by master masons and woodworkers hard labor, in the hopes of being able to let their Children's and the next generation; a chance to thrive against survival.

For the world outside those walls is savage, brutal without mercy, which makes any living intelligible creature loss their will and composure, Yet the idea of hope threaded on wards, it brings the salvation out of them and increases their determination to thread the path not taken.

With that light that slowly shines, it forms an epiphany that judges all, as a result of this resolve many can continue on wards the enigmatic road called life.

Because of those who were willing to sacrifice for the future, a petite girl is now skipping and singing towards the comfort of her chalet, she carries up with her a large pail of waters and swings it around effortlessly as if it was magically hovering over the ground.

Questions could be asked by those who witness this strange scenario, thinking that this little lassie wears are already drenching, yet none dare to ask, for there is nobody there in that area but herself to begin with.

There is a smile on her face every time she skips a cobblestone pavement, that young lady is of course Masha who is happily going about on her day as she thinks of absolutely nothing right now.

That lovely beam of hers only blooms even wider, forming into a grin as she sees her mothers wave of the hand, which gestures her to rush forward to do their current task at the jiffy, and Masha does just that.

Walking towards her mother, she puts down the filled bucket and starts to help in sorting the dirty clothes out, and then when they finished, both bonded together mother and daughter as they wash their families clothes happily . . . . . .


As they finish the task, Masha held on to her promise, seeking out her friends to play together later that day, using chalk and small pebble on the village's smooth stone floor did they draw down a line to entertain themselves with a game of Hopscotch.

Everybody heartily danced in a circle at the end of noon, this was by Masha's suggestion of course, which just makes her friend's mood better than before.

For they cherish the days that Masha is being playful together with them knowing her strict and clueless personality which all the suddenly disappeared thankfully.

Soon came the night, so while Masha is laying on her bed contemplating over the actions she is going to do in the future, a group of unexpected visitors pays a visit to take that time away from her.


Light from the star twinkles down at Masha, she stares at it unconsciously in deep thought with her eyes shifting from here and there which points out her decisive nature over important events, however, that pensive look on those eyes was only temporary as her mothers call interrupts Masha's privacy.

"Masha sweetie! the girls are all here for a sleepover"

Confusion is visible on the young woman's expressions as she thought about it, 'That's weird why are they coming over? I never asked all of them for a sleepover'.

Shifting herself from the hems of the bedding, Masha dashes to meet her friends for their supposed 'Girls Night', as she opens the door Masha did not hastily egress from her room.

Because when she did, her sights immediately recognizes the discernible outlines of those said peers, Masha gestures at them to come inside with a questionable tone to her voice, hoping that her parents don't tell them anything funny about her life.

"Pssst, come over here and get in".

"Oh big sista Masha is calling us over inside her room, thank you mister big brother Lycanad, hehe". Siera giggles as she spoke, which made Masha frown the moment she heard that they are talking to her older brother.

"Hahaha, Aish thank you brother Lycanad that is one good story of yours, well be excusing ourselves now". Nytri acclaimed jollily as if she is satisfied by their short conversation.

However, Anastasia only stayed quiet this time, smiling helplessly as she hears about Masha's daily life in the village for the past few years.

Masha became slightly irritated at her own brother, she questions his loyalty while motioning at the girls to get in already with her finger-pointing at the betrayer, "What did you tell them, who's side are you on? girls don't listen to him, he's spouting cow dung".

Lycanad smiles a bit sardonically before he replies back to her, "Oh its nothing sister, I just asked them what you did today and I heard something really good, they pleaded me to tell them something in return so I did just that". He ended with a well-formed smirk.

"Why you, I will!". before her angry rants could reach his ears, the girls drag Masha back inside her room, which seals their end of the bargain.

Sighing wearily, Masha could only ask them what they want to talk about as they start to sleep together in the white covers of her bear sized bed.

The moment she does ask them thought, Masha was bombarded by a series of questions, which made her regret ever asking them in the first place, coupled with Nytri's statement.

"CONGRATULATIONS, So when are you and Jakov going to make it official?". Nytri Loudly cheered.

"How do you -err become so scary big sista Masha!". Siera not knowing what to ask thoughtlessly blurted.

"DO YOU ReAlLy LiKe Big Brother Jakov". Anastasi says obviously heartbroken, with tears starting to form on her eyes.

Dumbfounded, that question of hers startled everyone, all eyes in the room stared at Anastasia, both worriedly and confused, but Masha new why though, nothing lasts forever, so she tells Anastasia her answer in anticipation.

"Yes - Yes I do Anastasia, And I know you secretly do too".

"W-Wha what h-how, did you - find out". realizing she spoke too much, Anastasia covers her mouth while tears suddenly trickle down those gleaming eyes.

Things escalated all too quickly, one moment they were having the time of their life, now the temperature drops below zero, Not knowing what to do both Nytri and Siera panicked, seeing that their friendship is going to be torn apart just like this in one day, tears then starts to form on their eyes as well.

Unexpectedly, Masha then pulls Anastasi into her sorrowful embrace, shocking the latter completely, and before she could reject that feeling of warmth with disdain filled features, Masha tells her.

"Yes I love him, so you better take good care of him when I'm gone okay". there was this pause . . . . . everyone did not understand what she meant, but they knew that this is something that will change their futures forever.

Mashas became teary-eyed as well, she continues to voice out her pleas, which shocks everyone into deeper sadness. "Because I won't be around for long . . . . .".

"What are u saying, Masha? Please don't go away". Anastasia asked a bit confused with her initial disdain gone, now replaced with worry.

Anastasia's eyes becomes wet with tears at the thought of Masha disappearing from her life completely, Masha then clarifies in response. "What I mean is that, please love Jakov with all you're heart".

Silence engulfs the room, they didn't know what was going on in Masha's mind, however, when they also saw her starting to cry, their minds became unable to comprehend the situation, as all of them hug each other out of sorrow.

"I really misse- *sniffle you all *sniff, I really really miss you". Masha cried out with snot coming out of her nose.

" *sniffle what are you saying you dummy *sniff we are always here for you . . . . always will be there . . . . always . . . . " Nytri said and hugs all of them even tighter.

"Masha Uwaaaahhhhh I'm so sorry please don't hate me for liking Jakov, please don't leave our village, promise me that you won't be doing something stupid". Anastasia cried out to her, regretting trying to fight each other because of something like love.

"Big sista Masha, I really enjoy being with you *sniff please don't leave". Siera tearfully said as well.

As she hears those words, a forgotten memory resounds throughout her mind, Masha looks at Nytri in reverie, for she remembers that she said the same thing to her all over again.

She shivers in sadness at those words before finally giving up and just cried all out to their hearts.

"Un, I promise *sniffle ". Masha promises as she raised her pinky finger to Anastasia, pleading to make a pinky promise to her.

After a long while of mending their broken hearts, they all cried till their sleep, and as they did, Masha was smiling the entire time through the night.