Nox Creatura

Chapter 9 "Night Creature"

"I pity the mother of whoever birthed wherever this corpse came from, defiled, defaced, deranged, and most especially even more dead and uglier than ever . . . . . till naught is left." the female vanadis spoketh too soon, outwardly contemplating over the incident as she talked to the two other guards within her vicinity; as she kneeled to the ground.

"But with the situation as dire as this, I would set all this thoughts aside for the protection of this village I dedicate myself too, and as to where the bloody prick this came from?! . . . seriously you lot? how did it get past our supervision?" She continued scratching her head, ranting over the details and questions, just as stumped.

"I agree with you Lady Sif, even with us scouting the area for where it was dug up from, I still have no idea as to where in pandemonium it came from." one of the guards replied to the woman named Lady Sif to acknowledge her thoughts to be the same.

"Well from what we've analysed this revenant has been already decomposed for quiet some time, based on how messy the blood is, the Lady Masha and Siera are quiet lucky that it wasn't at its prime, but to what extent t'was rotten, I'd leave that details to the victims and not ask . . . . . . well not directly at least." Another responded, looking forward to their findings.

"Its body is beyond material death now, so we shant not fret over it any longer than needed, though how it came to be is still a mystery, I'd wager ten argent coins that it came from that mire. Its hungry soul sauntered here till it sagged and wasted, before being brutalized . . . . . . by that terrifying little lass." The first guard expedited over the topic, betting on it as he chuckled.

"But I could be wrong." he continues, as a shiver is sent on his spine by a glare.

"Oh sod off, two off our villagers where nearly killed by this thing, luckily not, would you please not make the outcome of an assault a bet on who's assumptions are correct?" Lady Sif slightly irritated responded back to his unbelievable proposal.

"Aye, no harm joking, just trying to lighten the mood, didn't meant it like that Lady Sif. Also said that I could be wrong, because of what we found for it to be here . . . . . . nothing." He quickly exclaimed, just as clueless with a tinge of disbelief and sarcasm.

"Tch." She rubbed her temples, an even harsher look of disbelief pouting from her angelic features.

As the second guard continued unbothered, "That's true, but its only recent, fresh no, out of knowhere yes . . . . . . What are the chances that this was caused by a Night Creature?!" Looking at the woman clad in mithral gear.

"Highly likely, to what it is I can't say for myself, but judging by how we aren't even able to find tracks of both where the revenant came from or any outside interferences, I'd also say that this is beyond our capabilities to solve alone without the aid from an Inquisitor, we don't have Psykers." Lady Sif explained pondering over it, while assessing the threat at hand standing up to the two, eyeing them both.

The first guard then suggested, "Since we can't do much nor wait for the inquisition to enact from our report, let's get a holy man to cleanse the area, maybe Theurgist Simone if he is awake."

"That would help, for now we must report to the head, and the inquisition when we can, then it's up to them to enact upon it, while we stay ever so vigilant." She paused.

"We must tell the wood cutters to chop down lumber close by the plateau as off now then, and trading with merchants be made within the towns walls." Lady Sif, orderingly said.

"Outside is off limits for the time being." She sauntered past the two.

"Hopefully it ain't what we don't want it to be, and is just a fluke." the second guard ended the conversation with that in mind, as the thrio began to enhance themselves with regal energy gathering within, before jumping forth, quickly moving back to the village to report their findings.

* * * * * *

"Oh thank the heavens, Lucrezia! your both safe!" Elisha bellowed in a broken voice, as she ran towards Masha and Siera in tears streaming down her eyes.

"Siera!" Joined by the mother of Siera, as the four of them sprinted to an embrace. All tired out of their mind and mentally drained from the ordeal of worry, misery, and gratefulness that their children are not in harms way.

Siera tearing up with fear of loss, and Masha for making them both worry.

"When me and Miranda heard on what had happened we dropped what we where doing, and rushed here as quickly as we could, your father and brother is already on their way as well, are you sure your not scathed at all." Elisha worriedly coddled Masha checking for wounds; the latter only snuggling on her mother's embrace.

"Its okay Mama, we are here, the scary thing is gone." Masha reassured, as Elisha brings her up, carrying her.

"Mama is it okay if I stay with big sister Masha tonight?" Siera asked, clearly still afraid for herself.

As the two mother's nodded at her pleas, for assurance and safety.

Masha agreeing immediately, while then contemplating for herself a bit on what to do if ever this continues on.

'Sigh if this keeps happening, my anxiety will only get to me, I need to grow stronger so that I may be able to destroy them then for good.' Her inner monologue paused.

'And here I thought I could enjoy my childhood till I become off seven years age.' Her thoughts trailed as her eyes stared outside the walls of the plateau, truly pondering her fate her and how it has changed so far.

Her return to time must have a reason, and oddly enough she has no clue too what that is. As her mind can remember the future, but vaguely the ever motioning present.

Her thoughts continued on, as her eyes dimned with indecisiveness, for the burden off handling the future alone is too much for her to handle on her current form.

'Its the only way I have too make a deal with it . . . . .' As her mind factored over that decision, her thoughts where interupted by the appearance off her brother and father, with Siera's father.

Continuing to assure the two on what transpired, before heading too their cottage.

As they all arrived Masha once again, took a look at her status quo. Measuring her own power once again.

(Masha Alluvidan) (Race: De' Lucrezian) (Age: 5+) (Height: 4ft) (Width: 32cm) (Class: ???)

(Life Power: 27/27) (Regal Power: 3/15)

(Armor: None)

Strength: 3

Perception: 4

Agility: 4

Dexterity: 3

Endurance: 3

Constitution: 3

Intelligence: 6

Wisdom: 2

Charisma: 7

(Suffering from Regal Fatigue)

Skills: [New] Blood Punch

Spells: [New] Luminous Senses, [New] Regal Enhancement (Activated Passive)

Blood Punch

Tier: 3, Damage: 60, Regal: -10

A powerful melee attack that releases a massive wave of shock and destruction upon near by foes and its primary target.

Filled by ever increasing rage and glorious kills.

Reach: Five Feet Radius Sphere

Multiplier: Strength + Dexterity = 6

Cost: Strength + Agility + Constitution = 10

Result: 6 x 10 = 60

Luminous Senses

Tier: 1, Regal: -5, Time: 10 seconds

Sees through all non magical terrain or objects to locate creatures hidden beneath the material realm.

A gift to the De'Lucrezians by the Khanar Maykir themselves, for all who wishes to see heaven.

Effect: True Sight up to 60 feet

Multiplier: Wisdom = 2

Cost: Wisdom + Constitution = 5

Result: 2 x 5 = 10

Regal Enhancement

Tier: 2, Regal: -3 Time: 45 seconds

Enhances the entire physical body with a circulation of regal power, coursing through luminous veins till no power is left or until its time limit.

Body enhancement technique used by the Valkyries, developed by the great Freya.

Effect: Increases all stats, skills, and spells by double their power tier

debuff: All stats are decreased by 1 for 1 minute, and decreases by another for every subsequent use.

Multiplier: 15

Cost: Constitution = 3

Result: 3 x 15 = 45

As she and Siera cuddled together for tonight, Masha thoughts lingered on the class that prompted itself to be unknown.

'Thats odd I am for sure, was Berserker in my past life. Even more so that I am able to emulate the basic berserker arts? Was it because I also trained in the bodily manual excersize of the Valkyries regal Enhancement?' contemplating a bit, Siera's drool wetting the pillow besides her.

'I well i don't know if this is a good or bad situation, I have so much questions now that I thought about it. only the Arch Seraphim would be able to tell me then.' she adjusted herself as she breathed a sigh, before closing her eyes, savoring her nightly rest before the destruction of her home world in two decades.

Her thoughts thinking nothing wrong with herself . . . . .