Beautiful Monster.

Author's Note: Yes you're a monster, a beautiful monster and you're mine. My beautiful monster.

          -Lei Zhao

Lei Xiao Tong slowly looked at Lei Zhao's face. She raised her shaky hands and brought it to Lei Zhao's face cupping his cheek.

Lei Zhao smiled and leaned into his mother's palms.


Hearing her son's voice, Lei Xiao Tong's stomach and throat tightened. 

Fear grabbed unto Lei Xiao Tong.  She wanted to ask how, why? But she couldn't. 

More tears spilled began to spill from her helpless eyes but the tears weren't for the death of her son. No, it was for the feeling of being wrong.

Lei Xiao Tong felt like fate was playing with her. She could still feel the emptiness in her heart. 

The sheer of nothingness that coursed through her soul and the helpless feeling like the weight of the world was on her heart.