What are friends for?

"Oh," Ying Sheng said nonchalantly.

"It's nice to see Liam care for a girl. He must really like you!" Dong Yishan said while glancing at Ying Sheng with a smile on her face.

No. It's not true. How can Liam like her when she was a mess. She was sure no one would want a broken girl like her. Also, Liam likes another person.

Suddenly Ying Sheng arched her brows. Can Dong Yishan be the girl Liam likes? After all, she knew how it was like to be in unrequited love.

Ying Sheng flinched at the thought that the girl might be Dong Yishan.

"No, Liam already likes somebody else. Also, I have someone I like."

"He likes someone?" Dong Yishan asked as she parked the car into the parking shot.

Ying Sheng shrugged ignoring her question and got out of the car. They walked into the huge mall and they made their way to the clothes store.
