Bad friend

Jun Cha took Su Bei's hands and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"Hm, that's why you're sad? Because the guy my little girl likes loves another person and that person is your best friend." 

Su Bei looked away and nodded.

"Does Yan Mei knows that the guy loves her? Does she also love him? Does she know that you love the guy?"

Jun Cha asked calmly, as she waited for Su Bei's reply.

Su Bei turned around to face her mother and furrowed her brows.

"No..I don't think so. She is happily married and seems to love her husband. And from how she talks I don't think she knows Leng Shao is in love with her. For her, he is her best friend and brother…"

Su Bei trailed off when she realized that she had been overreacting and shouldn't feel angry at her friend. A whole day has gone by since the incident and she hasn't even called her friend to ask how she was.