
"Hey Lei Zhao" she raised her head briefly to look at him before returning to the tray of slop on her laps

"I've already talked to the doctor, you'll be getting discharged from the hospital and coming home with me" he delivered softly, fighting a smile at her comical disappointment with the contents of her tray. At his words, she brightened visibly before deflating with a sigh.

"Not to complain or anything, after all, I'm completely tired of this hospital and disgusted even if I haven't seen beyond these four walls, the thing is I can't turn myself into a leech on you." She replied before grabbing the spoon to the left and poked the contents of a plate.

"Don't be like that, you have a healthy bank account yourself" Lei Zhao countered gently

"I do?" She asked, genuinely puzzled as if the idea had not occurred to her at any point.