Her story(2)

"I'm a lucky girl to have a friend like Lei Zhao, and he's been a great friend since forever. Did he tell you about what he did for me?" Yue Yan had asked softly.

Yan Mei nodded again before she replied "Not much, I got the impression that it's not truly his story to tell"

It was Yue Yan's turn to nod curtly, her eyes fixed on everything in the room except her. "Yes," she answered finally, "he's kind like that but it's more than that, what Lei Zhao did for me was save me."

Yan Mei had waited patiently; she sensed a story and with the way her house-guest had refused to meet her eyes she knew it was no ordinary story. The show of vulnerability touched her and Yan Mei couldn't help the strong wave of sympathy that filled her at the lost look. At long last, her patience was rewarded