Game begin

Lei Zhao poured a small amount into his glass, swirled it, and took a much-appreciated sip before adding more to his wine glass, then he poured a generous quantity into hers.

His next words followed on the heels of a blissful sigh "this is fine wine"

"I just knew you wouldn't be able to resist that gift." The words were faintly sibilant.

Lei Zhao opened his mouth to protest but Yue Yan cut him off with a vicious eye-roll "you know I had to do that, you of all people must understand"

"Understanding and acceptance are two different things, thanks, Yue Yue." He conceded, his eyes dancing around, looking at everything except her.

"You haven't called me that in a while" she observed casually, his actions almost endearing

"I guess we've both been busy and all," he replied, a bit morose.

Yue Yan rolled her eyes, and quickly changed the atmosphere with a chuckle "I'm just glad to be alive"