Chapter Two


I woke up in the morning to a kiss on my forehead. I look up to see my dad with a soft smile on his face.

"Good morning baby girl"

"Good morning daddy"

"Today I have a surprise for you, Princess" My daddy told me.

"A surprise!" I exclaimed "what is it!?"

"You"ll see but right now you have to get ready because were going out" daddy told me.

"Going out for what?"I asked.

"For your surprise" he said and then left the room leaving me to get changed. So I got out of bed to change.

I put on on a gray t-shirt with a picture of Eraserhead aka my daddy and a blue skirt with pink flowers and green leaves.

I got my sky blue backpack (sky blue is her favorite colour) and I put my yellow notebook and sky blue pen in my bag.

When I finished getting ready I went downstairs to see my dad on the phone.

When he saw me he told the person bye and hung up the phone.

"Daddy who was that" I asked curious.

"I was no one sweetheart. Now if your ready then let's get going."


With that he we walked out the door to the car and drove away.

♡Time Skip♡

We were outside a huge building which I soon recognized to be UA. I realised this was the surprise and was so happy that I was jumping up and down in my seat. My dad realized how happy I was as he had a soft smile on his face.

He soon parked and we got out of the car.

"Ok Princess, I have an idea."


Aizawa walked into UA high school towards the meeting room were all the teachers and All Might ( all might doesn't work at the school yet he just comes around there) waiting. Shots walked in and sat down in his chair.

As soon a Principal Nezu started talking Genesis popped out of her dad's scarf and yelled BOO. All the teachers and All Might jumped except for Nezu.


I popped out of my dad's scarf and yelled BOO. All the people in the room jumped except for a little mouse person. Everyone except for the little mouse person looked surprised and were probably wondering what was going on.

"Hey Shota, who is that?" A man with blonde hair asked.

"Everyone meet Genesis, my daughter." Dad said in his monotone voice.

Everyone was in even more shock except for the mouse person.

"Your daughter!?" A women with black hair and a really inappropriate outfit called out.

"Hi" I said with a big smile.

"Hey" said the little mouse person "it's nice to meet you. Your father told me on the phone that you were coming today. "

"Hey little one. Do you know what my name is?" The man with the blonde hair asked.

"Yes I know who all of you are. You are Duncle Hizashi" I said pointing to the blonde haired man. "You are Auntie Midnight" I said pointing to the black haired women." Uncle Nezu" Pointing to the little white mouse. "Uncle Rush, Uncle Vlad, Uncle Ectoplasm, Uncle Power Loader, Uncle Cementoss, Uncle Snipe, Grandma Chiyo and Uncle Toshinori" (Let's just pretend All Might just hung around at UA before he started working there)

Some how all of my Aunt's and Uncles seemed to be more shocked by me knowing all there names.

"Wait Dncle?" Duncle Hizashi asked " What does duncle mean?"

"It means dad and uncle" I responded.

"Dad and uncle? You see me like a dad  and uncle to you even though we just met?

"Yes. My dad said him and you are really close"

Duncle Hizashi then ran up to me picked me up and spun me around.

"I have always wanted a child" he shouted and my daddy glared at him.

Then Auntie Midnight came up to us and took me away from Duncle Hizashi and said " I will be able to teach her everything about fashion" she exclaimed.

"No!" Both my dad and my Dunlce yell as my dad takes me away from Auntie Midnight.

"Well me and Genesis have to head to class" Dad said.

"Really daddy I get to go to class with you?" I asked.

"Yes Princess, you get to go to class with me." Daddy said

As we walked out all of the staff were still shocked that Aizawa could have a daughter.

♡Time Skip♡

Right now I am back inside my dad's scarf ready to scare all of his students.

I hear my dad open a door which I assume is the door to his class room.

Before my daddy can speak I pop out of his scarf and yell "BOO".

I looked around and all the students looked surprised by a little four year old girl popping out of his scarf.

"Excuse me Aizawa Sensei" a girl with pink hair said " Who is that?"

"Well this is my daughter" Dad said.

All of the students mouths dropped open and touched the floor.

"Y-your daughter!?" All of the class screamed.

"Yes my daughter. Now can you all stop screaming and get in your seats" my daddy said in a monotone voice.

My dad then put me on top of his desk and started teaching.

♡Time Skip♡

The bell rung and all the students stared leaving for lunch except for the girl with pink hair.

"Baby girl, it's time go for lunch but I have a meeting. I am sorry. But  Konya, Kanako will be with you till it is time for lunch.

"Bye Princess" my dad said before walking out of the classroom.

"Hi Konya" I said

"You can call me bye my first name if you want" she told me.

"Ok, Kanako"

"Now I think we should head to the cafeteria to get some lunch" she said reaching out for my hand.

"Ok" I replied taking her hand and we stared walking to the cafeteria.

♡Time Skip♡

We arrived in the cafe and as soon as we entered the cafeteria everyone looked over at Kanako and I and started whispering.

"Who is she?"

"Aww, she is adorable"

Still holding my hand, Kanako led me to a table with three people sitting three.

"Genesis, these are my friends. That is Kato, Aito" she said pointing to the what I have to admit the hot looking guy with red hair. "This is Moriyama, Akane" said Kanako pointing to the guy with blue hair who may I say also looks hot. Hey I may be four years old but I sure do know alot of things.

"Hi Kato and Moriyama"

"Oh it's on you don't have to be so formal with us" said Moriyama.

"Ok Aito and Akane"

" Genesis how about you sit down with them while I go and get our lunch" Kanako suggested.

"Ok" I replied and with that Kanako left to get lunch.

I turned back to my two new friends and asked "what class are you guys in?"

"Oh the same as Kanako but me and Akane were not in class this morning because we had stuff to do for the teachers" replied Aito.

Soon Kanako Cameron back with lunch and we began to eat.

Then the lunch bell rang.

"Well we better get back to class"

Right as we were walking into the classroom Akane asked "Not to be rude but who are you?"

"DADDY!" I yelled as I saw my dad at the front of the class and ran up to him and hugged him.

"DAD" Both Aito and Akane yelled.

"Yeah that's her dad" Kanako told them.

"Hurry up and sit down" Daddy said in a bored voice as he hugged me back.

They soon took there seats and class began for the second half of the day

♡Time Skip♡

"Bye Kanako, Aito and Akane!" I yelled as I was leaving with my daddy.

"BYE" I heard them all yell as I got in the car and my dad started driving home.