Chapter Four

📒Genesis POV📒

I got up early the next morning so I can get ready before my dad comes to wake my up so I can cover the cut on my arm. I put my arm on the bed and my arm hurt so badly I started crying but I got out of bed anyway wiping my tears.

I got of my bed and went over to my closet a got a sky blue long sleeve shirt with pink and red hearts on it. Then I got a pink skirt.

Just as I finished getting ready I heard the front door open. I heard foot steps coming up the stairs and I heard my door open. I turned around just as my dad walked in the room.

"Oh Princess, you're already awake" He said. He had bags under his eyes and I could tell he was tired after his night of hero work.

"Dad you look tired you should sleep" I said as I took his hand and tugged at it so he would follow me to my bed.

He layed down on my bed but when he let go of my hand my sleeve rolled up revealing the the bandage on my arm.

"Hey babygirl, what happened?" He asked worriedly as he swung his legs over the edge of the bed and pulled me on his lap. Then he rolled up my sleeve to reveal the full length of the bandage.

"Yesterday night while you where gone I was hungry so I went downstairs" I lied. "And I accidentally knocked over the knife on the counter  and it fell and cut my arm."

"We need to go to the hospital so a doctor can see this" He said and before I could answer he picked me up and carried me to the car.

♡Time Skip♡

The doctor checked out my cut and gave me a few stitches and bandaged up my cut and said I would have to stay in the hospital for the rest of the day.

While dad was inside talking to the doctor I decided to go out into the courtyard to get some fresh air.

When I got outside I saw a boy around my age sitting by a tree and it looked like he was crying and he had a bandage over his left eye. He had white and red hair and two different color eyes.

I walked over to him and sat next to him with my back against the tree.

"Hi, my name is Genesis. What's your name?" I said cheerfully with a smile hoping he would cheer up but he continued crying but nonetheless he answered my question.

"My name is Todoroki Shoto"

"It's nice to meet you Shoto. But why are you crying an what happened to your eye?" I questioned.

Then he told me the whole story about who his dad is and how his mother poured boiling water over his eye.

After he told me the story I couldn't help but let a tear slip from my eye and I hugged Shoto making sure not to use my uninjured hand. He seemed taken aback by the hug by he soon melted into the hug and put his arms around me and cried into my shoulder. I pulled back a little and wiped away his tears.

"What happened to your arm Genesis?" Shoto asked.

I was hesitant for a while then told him the same story I told my dad. He looked like he didn't believe me but before he could say anything someone called my name.

"Genesis" I heard someone call out.

I turned around to see my dad looking for me.

"Bye Shoto I have to go, my dad is calling me. I will see you soon!" I exclaimed.

Then I got up and ran as fast as my little legs could carry me to my dad and hugged him.

"Princess, the doctor said that we can go home now and he also said be careful with your arm," He told me.

"Ok, daddy" I replied. Then he took my hand that was not injured and we began to walk to the car but before we turned the corner I made sure to wave bye to Shoto and he waved back.

"Who is that?" Daddy asked.

"Oh my new friend"

♡Time Skip♡

We were on our way home in the car but I wanted to go somewhere else.



"Can I go to Tensei's house? Please?" I asked.

"You want to go there now. You just got out of the hospital" He responded.

"Pllleeeeeaaaaasssseeeeee" I begged.

"Fine" He answered.

♡Time Skip ♡

We are now outside Tensei's house. My dad knocked on the door and Tensei answered.

"Oh Hey," He said obviously not expecting us to be at his house.

"Sorry for dropping by suddenly she wanted to come over," Dad said.

"It's ok. Come on in Genesis." Tensei said and he put his hand out.

"Bye, dad. Love you" I said.

"Bye Princess. Love you" He said.

I took Tensei's hand and we walked inside.

"So Genesis are you ready to start training with your quirk."