First magic

The next few days passed in a blur. I spent my time either memorizing the monster encyclopedia, meditating, studying the [Venomous Grimoire]. I had already spent 5 days in this new world with my unfamiliar body. I had slowly grown accustomed to the feeling of it, and had come to terms with the fact that I was now a female. I am not proud to say that I had spent more time than I should have exploring my new body.

My routine had already gained me results; my stealth had leveled up to four. and I my poison core was now level 3.

[Beginners Poison core] level 3

Raises your affinity to poison type magic to the maximum and increases the damage of poison type spells by 30%. Grants the user [Basic poison resistance]. Your ability to cast other types of magic has been revoked. Increases maximum mana and mana regeneration by 3%.

I had two days left until my timer ran out. I only had these last two days to find a way to escape from this hell hole. I had not made much progress on learning a spell from the spell book. I got the feeling that the spells in the Grimoire were meant for much higher levels that I was currently at.

With a sigh I was forced to set down the Grimoire. If only there was a way to bring these books with me, I hated the idea of leaving them behind.

As if the gods had been listening to the desperate cries of a small goblin the system responded.

I could not hold in my astonishment as I looked at the notification. So, the System had a function like this? What else could it do?

The system had grown impatient at my lack of reply, and once again repeated its question.

When I selected yes, I felt a rush of information into my head that seemed to go nowhere. At the same time the books in front of me disappeared. I paused as I looked around me. The books were gone, but how did I go about accessing them?

"System how do I access the books?"

"How do I access the menu screen?"









I selected library, and found a small bookshelf in my head with the two books on it. I selected the [Venomous Grimoire] and the contents of the book appeared in my mind. As I flipped through the pages in my mind, I found the information came to me much easier than if I had been simply reading it. The process told that the spells in the Grimoire were in fact to high level for me to learn. The Grimoire was meant for those of at least Wizard level. My accessing it before I was even an apprentice Wizard should not have been possible.

I shook my head as I exited out of the Library section. I would need to find a different way to learn a spell. It was no wonder I had made no progress in the last five days.

My eyes fell on the shop. What could be more exciting that a shop in a mythical place. When I opened up the shop, I found that I had zero coins, which came as no surprise.

What was a surprise however was that I was in possession of some kind of ticket? When I selected it, I found that it entitled me to receive any one item from the shop under 1000 coins for free. It was called a Beginners package.

The shop itself contained everything you could think of. It held portions of all kinds, skill books, spell books, and equipment. It even held Various parts of mythical beasts, but the costs of these items were astronomical.

After browsing for over an hour I finally noticed a filter button on the top. I selected three different filters, as the shop was a perfect chance to help with my current predicament. I selected spells, wood type, and apprentice level as my parameters. The system only had to think for a moment before it pulled up a total of 400 different results.

The majority of those appeared to be regular wood type spells, which caused me to put in another filter. When I added in poison type spells there was only a total of 10 spells left. Of those two costs over 1000 coins right off the bat they were eliminated. There were another five that cost under 500. I eliminated these as well as they would be a waste of a ticket.

The remaining 3 spells were as follows.

[Venom] Your attacks gain the poison element, dealing 1% health damage per second. lasts 6 seconds. 10 mana. 1-minute duration. cost 825 coins

[Sleeping poison] Contaminate a water source, causing all those who drink from it to fall into an unconscious state for 12 hours. 15 mana. Lasts until purified. cost 700 coins.

[Poison Orb] a modified version of fireball that shoots a ball of contact Poison. Causes the target 5 poison damage per second for 10 seconds. stacks up to 5 time. 5 mana. Evolvable. cost 1000 coins.

Looking over the options I really liked [Poison Orb], It was the best option by far. Unfortunately, it would not be something that would help me at this moment. The spell that I needed right now unfortunately was something that would help guarantee my escape. With a reluctant heart I selected [Sleeping Poison].