
Attention: This chapter will be in 3rd person due to Yuri's bloodlust. In case you forgot:

[Were-Rabbit Bloodlust]

A powerful Blessing/Curse normally assigned to the first of a Lycan species. Fenfir has rewarded you with it instead for your role in awakening his failed project. The blessing doubles the growth of your agility, Applied after all other bonuses. The Curse also causes the host reaches a state of bloodlust when at low health, its primal instincts taking over, attacking without thought or reason until the prey is dead.




Hylia jumped at Yuri, her powerful legs propelling her forward at a speed that most would not be able to see with the naked eye. Her massive strength combined with her agility caused the movement to be far too fast for Yuri to dodge the fist that came her way.

She flew back to the side of the shrine. Her body came to a sudden stop as it hit a barrier made of complete holy energy. Her skin sizzled at the touch, and she was already growing dizzy.

She quickly rolled to the side to dodge the incoming attack of her partner. She simultaneously cast a [Poisonous Bone Bullet] towards Hylia. The bullet was much more compact that the orbs had been, very similar to the head of an arrow. The bullet shattered on impact, injecting poison directly in Hylia's body.

Hylia screamed in rage, jumping towards Yuri either all her strength. The force of the jump caused the ground floor of the shrine to buckle. the board's cracking under the pressure. Yuri again was unable to dodge in time, and could only bring her arms up to block the strike.

A loud crack could be heard as pain engulfed Yuri's mind. Both of her arms had been fractured under the force of that blow. She grits her teeth against the pain, and quickly entered stealth when she landed.

Utilizing her skill to its apex, Yuri quickly moved behind Hylia and fired off a shot. The bullet easily penetrated Hylia's defenses, blood painting a portrait of gore in the shrine.

Hylia was quick to react to Yuri's sudden appearance, she interlocked her hands and sung them like a hammer as she turned towards Yuri. The blow sent her flying once again as blood flowed from her mouth.

Yuri began to laugh as she wiped the blood with her left hand, rubbing it in between her fingers. With her right hand she cast a bullet. not even waiting for it to land before she entered stealth while Hylia was distracted by the blow.

Yuri smiled in satisfaction. Victory would be hers after the next move. Hylia did not stay still, even if she could not detect her enemy. She swung her fists at random. In every direction she could reach a blow was unleashed, but none of the blows landed.

Yuri waited patiently for her opportunity to strike, and finally an opening appeared. She forward rushed at full speed, planting her right hand on Hylia's chest as a bullet penetrated deeply into her victim's chest. At the same time the blood in her left hand began to glow, and she smeared it over the open wound.

Hylia staggered at the blow, her movements becoming clumsy. Not even a second later she fell to the floor asleep.

Yuri stood above her victim, her right hand holding the girls face as magical energy began to gather. This would be the end. Her victim had no chance of avoiding this fatal blow.

Maniacal laughter filled the blood-stained temple. She had gathered enough energy for the spell. The bullet would claim Hylia's life as soon as it was unleashed.


At that very moment.

Hylia opened her eyes. They were not the red eyes of her blood rage. Rather they were the eyes of her beloved Alex. They looked at her in delight as the all too familiar toothy smile appeared on her face.

Yuri hesitated. For a moment she hesitated. And the result was a blow to the head that threw her across the shrine. Yuri's vision began to go black, but she could see Hylia approaching. Her eyes glowed a deep crimson, and that toothy smile that she loved so much had a sadistic feel.