A mothers goodbye

The guild leader pulled a letter from a pocket on the inside of his coat. It was addressed to me.


If you are reading this, then that means I have succeeded, and the Dryad is dead.

I am sorry. I cannot stress that enough I am sorry. I wish I could have been a better mom. That we could have bonded like a real mother and daughter. But when you were born, I only had a limited time left. I had been corrupted by a terrifying being.

When you brought news of the three boss ranked monsters dress filled my heart. One of those three, they corrupted Dryad, was the very creature that had sapped my strength. This led to your birth.

Because of that I never really could show you the love and affection you deserve and crave so much. But I do love you. I love you more than life itself. Which is why I could not let you know my plans. Which is why I had created such a distance between us. I am proud of the woman you are, and the woman you will become. My only regret is that I will be unable to witness it.

I could not tell you when I left. I could not bear to see the look on your face when I said goodbye. I know this was selfish of me. But I would not have been able to do what I need done. For this I apologize.

Before I go there is some things, I need to tell you. The first is that you need to be wary of using your necromancy. This is for two reasons. The first is that it is a taboo field, and people will automatically think you belong to the dark. The second, and most important, is that the stronger your necromancy becomes, the closer you are to him. When you become strong enough The Necromancer King will attempt to take your body. The stronger your necromancy the easier it will become.

The second thing I need to tell you is that I know everything. I know that you are a visitor. I know that your original name was James Frank. I know about your original mother, and the stepfather that let you die. None of this matters to me. You will always be my Yuri, and I think that you know this as well. You were never meant to be on that side. You were always meant to be here. You are not alone. You have Hylia. How I wish I had been able to see you two be married. To see my beautiful daughter, walk down the aisle... Perhaps I will be able to witness it from the afterlife.

I know you have a tendency to take everything on yourself. That your previous life made you far too independent. But you have a team, a family. Let them take on some of your burdens. You would do the same for them.

The last thing I have for you is a gift. Well, two gifts. The first I have already given you. The pistol that I gave you back in the goblin lair is not all that it seems. It is a legendary wand that far exceeds anything else in power. I have put an enchantment on it to limit its power, but as you grow so will it.

The second is a skill. It is A class exclusive skill for the Arcane Gunslinger, but in was able to make it usable to you by spending a lot more coins than I would like to admit. Use the skill and pistol. They can be considered my Legacy, and perhaps your greatest hope of getting strong enough without relying on your necromancy.

I love you deeply daughter and wish you nothing but happiness.





A tear formed in my eye as I read the letter. And I did the only thing that seemed logical to me, I put it in my Library. Some might consider it a waste of a slot, but for me this letter was more precious than any of the books I had in there.

A bitter smile appeared on my face as I activated the attached card that came with it.

[Arcane Bullet]

A modified version of the bullets fired by the secret class [Arcane Gunslinger]. Unlike the Gunslinger the recipient of this skill will need to use their own mana to fire rounds. Damage is equal to intelligence, and costs 200 mana.

The skill was not as powerful as even my simplest spells. It was not even a spell, rather a skill that used mana. But it was something that I would need to master. It was given to me by my mother. I would use it even if they were my only reason. It was enough.

With a bitter smile I nodded to the guild master. He said not acknowledge my action, rather he looked out at the ruined city. At some point the four members of the shadow corps had appeared.

"The city is done for. We have defeated the enemy, but at the cost of all we hold dear. Us standing here is all that is left. If you have anything to take care of in this city do it quickly. We do not know how much longer we have until the Bug men return. We leave in an hour."

We nodded at his words; we only had a single destination in mind. The only place worth stopping at was the temple of the goddess. She would have already known everything that had happened but would get angry if we did not inform her personally.

The stop was quick, and she simply told us to go to the temple of whatever city we ended up at. She would take care of the rest. With that we returned to the Guild leader. We were the last to do so.

Author: This concludes the second volume. It has been a great Journey so far. I have been offered a contract for the book which I plan to accept. If you continue to read, I will try making the new chapters longer to compensate your use of fast passes. Thank you for reading! (Also, you will still have a few more chapters of free. I have not signed anything yet!)