The Art of Firearms

I spent the next few days looking through the shop. I was looking for books that taught techniques. However, pistol wands were not common, and I was only able to find a few of them. All of them were expensive, costing around 10k coins.

However, one of them stood out to me. It was more expensive than the rest of them, at a total 15k coins. I was able to afford it, if only just barely. With my discount it would leave me a total of 500 coins left.

I had looked at the book more than a hundred times as I glanced between it and the others. I could not understand why this single book would be so much more expensive than the others. 10k for a technique book was already extremely excessive.

When I clicked into the summary there was not anything written, no description or anything. Just a simple title and an author.

The art of firearms by Laurel Dragonmaw.

When I saw who had wrote it the price no longer mattered. I bought it without a second thought. The person I idolized in this world the most was my mother. And now that she had passed who would be better to be my master? To bestow upon me their techniques.

I did not hesitate to put the book into my library. It only had a limited amount of space, but this would deserve its place. This book made the 7th book I had uploaded, leaving me with only 3 spaces left.

My library was a cheat skill, I knew this, and with the technique book it was the same. An insane amount of information began to pour into my head, I formation that I could not immediately understand.

The information I received would compare to a kindergartner looking at calculus. They could recognize there were numbers and letters, but they had no idea what they meant.

The entirety of the book was out of my scope of understanding, but at the same time I knew I had come across something amazing. A treasure that could only be discovers a little bit at a time.

Mentally I began to flip through the pages, and on the first real page I noticed a warning.

The words made sense to me. Only if one could truly understand the essence of a weapon could they learn any technique with them. When I looked up the skill in the shop, I found that it did not exist. Nor did a mastery of any kind. There was only a single skill and it cost 500 coins. [Firearm Proficiency].

[Firearm Proficiency]

This skill gives the user the chance to understand the use of firearm wands. This skill does not even begin at the beginner level and must be leveled through constant use of the wand. The ability to use arcane Energy as a projectile is necessary for the use of this skill. Through repeated use and understanding the skill can advance up to the master level.

I did not have a choice; I purchased the skill without a thought. For now, it would do nothing for me, but in the future the skill would become essential as I advanced further down the path I was walking.

I was now broke, in both the shop as well as real life. Thankfully as a C ranked adventurer, I was able to enter the dungeon once a day. I could even go in alone, but I would be assigned a low ranked dungeon. The experience would be nonexistent, but I would still be able to gather coins and gold.

Using the map of the city I traveled through the city looking for the dungeon. as I traveled, I noticed that a lot of eyes were on me. Most of them were hostile. It was not something I was used to, in Slagstone city most of the people had been rather friendly with me.

It took me a while, but after observing the reactions of the people towards others I realized that most of it was just the general attitude of the people. They did not look at others with open hostility as they did with me, but there was undisguised contempt.

Only when I observed another dark elf receiving the same treatment as myself did I understand the problem. My race had not been a problem before, but it seems the in this city it would bring about true problems.

I could not help but sigh. Racism was something that I had hoped was not existent in this world, there had already been plenty of it back on earth. The one thing it had taught me was that it never led to something good.

When I finally arrived at the dungeon, I noticed it was almost exactly the same as the one back in Slagstone. The only difference were the people that surrounded it. Across the street was also the adventurer's guild. This made the process much more convenient than it had been before.

My destination was the dungeon, but after some thought I decided to go the guild first. It would be essential for me to register at this location, as my previous location had ceased to exist.

The inside of the guild was much the same as the one in Slagstone, it seemed that it was probably a standard design to make it simple for traveling adventurers. I was met with several hostile eyes as I walked through the building. Most of them did nothing but send me a few curses or glare. But there was someone who broke the mold.

He was a rather tall and muscular human. He wore what looked like martial artist gear and had no visible weapons. He had a scowl on his face as he sneered "Your kind aren't welcome here you filthy dark elf. You best take your shit and leave".

I smirked as I looked at overconfident man. "Move aside small fry, you are years away from being my opponent."

The man could not take the insult to his over inflated ego and swung at me. The attempted blow was all the invitation I needed. In the brief moment before his attack landed, I entered stealth and shadow stepped behind him.

Using my overwhelming speed and accuracy I struck with a kick to the back of his knee. The combination of my speed and accuracy, as well as my opponent's unpreparedness allowed my kick to overcome my lack of strength and sent the man to his knees. Before he had a chance to react, he could feel the cold muzzle of my gun on the back of his head.

I let him sit there and tremble for a moment before removing my pistol and walking away. The area around us was completely silent as I proceeded to register.