A new party member

My life slowly fell into a routine after that. Every morning I would wake up alone, make myself breakfast, do my workout routine. I would follow that with either a brief rest then go to the dungeon, or I would read from the book. Every time I read from the book; I was only able to read a single paragraph. Reading that paragraph would always take the remainder of my day. On a couple occasions I woke up from my reading to find Hylia had already come home.

Because of this, and the daily cost of the book, I would only read from it once every 3 days. The other two days I would go the dungeon. I needed the coin. After a month I had finally leveled up my firearm proficiency to beginner grade.

[Beginners firearm proficiency] lvl 1

Increases accuracy of shots by 1% per level. (Effects of dexterity)

I could feel my understanding of firearms had increased by a small margin when the skill evolved, but not enough for the skill to truly matter. However, the increase was enough to allow me the opportunity to purchase a technique book from the shop. It was the most basic of techniques, one meant for beginners like me. The book cost me 10,000 coins, bringing my total down to 5,000.

It did not give me any sort of skill, rather it taught the most basics of marksmanship. How to breathe, how to shoot, how to hold the pistol. The information might seem rather mundane, but the technique allowed me to have vast improvement in my proficiency skill. It leveled it up to level 20 right away after reading the book. More importantly I could feel that the skill would level up much faster in the future.

The constant body and mind training had increased my stats, my intelligence had raised by 40 points and wisdom by 10. My strength, constitution and vitality had all raised as well. Perhaps it was because of my low initial strength stat but it had raised by a total of 20 points, whereas my constitution and vitality only rose by 5 points each.

My new stats looked like this

Name: Yuri Morningstar [War's Mistress],

Class: Arcane Assassin (Novice Necromancer)

Skill points: 30

Shop coins: 5,000

Race: Dark Elf

Age: 18

level: 160/500

hp: 160,800 mp: 184,800

strength: 30

dexterity: 625

agility: 2,040

constitution: 335

Vitality: 335

Intellect: 385

Wisdom: 715

Charisma: 25(+7)

Surprisingly even with the increase to my stats the morning workout did not get any easier. If anything, as I got physically stronger the workout seemed to put more strain on my body. The time limit for the work out also remained the same. it would take me two hours to complete a set, and I would need to complete three sets for the bonus stat to appear. I had not tried to continue for longer, as 3 sets was already my limit.

Today was one of the days when I would go to the dungeon. I must admit I was more than a little excited about the trip. With my proficiency freshly upgraded it gave me a lot of motivation to trudge down the path I had selected.

Oddly enough when I arrived at the dungeon, I found that the elvish girl I had run into before was standing at the entrance to the dungeon alone. When she saw me approaching, she rolled her eyes, but stepped in front of me.

"You come here almost every day, but I never see you with your group. Why?"

Her voice oozed with arrogance. Not intentional arrogance, but the arrogance that comes from years of being put on a pedestal. Years of other people looking up to you and complimenting you. such an arrogance was second nature, probably something she herself was unaware of.

I was not the type of person who people looked down on. Perhaps on earth I was. There I had been bullied to no end. But here was different. Here I had the ability to stand on my own two feet, and I would push back if needed.

With a cold voice I responded. "I don't see how it's any of your concern." My tone switched when I spoke the second sentence, to one that feigned concerns, but the sarcasm was extremely apparent. "Are you not worried that others will see you dirtying yourself by speaking to a filthy dark elf?"

The girl rolled her eyes. "If it were any other dark elf then what you said would be true. But you Yuri Morningstar, Daughter of Laurel Dragonmaw are different. You are not only the official hero of Slagstone, but you once received a blessing from our goddess Eliondra."

The girl put a sad expression on her face as she continued. "The goddess Eliondra has spoken, and the priestess made it official the very same day. I am now a member of your party." The girl handed over an official notice from the guild. When the document touched my hand, I could feel the verification from the system. This girl was truly now a member of my party.

"My condolences" I said as I walked past her. Her presence not mattering in the slightest to me. I had come her to enter the dungeon, and this girl would not stop me.

I quickly entered the dungeon, only to find that the girl had followed me. Entering the instance with me. I could feel a glare coming from her, as well as an aura of cold indignation.

"How dare you act so impolite to me. Others would beg for me to enter their parties, and you, you can even ask me my name."

I rolled my eyes. I hated this type of girl the most. "Whatever you say princess. Just don't get in my way."