I.T. 12 (Training)

The physical training regimen we followed was a lot more intense than the previous work out routine I had been doing. We worked out every muscle systematically. Whether it was pushups or sit-ups. Jogging, sprinting, and squats were also on the workout routine. We did kick boxing and yoga. And many more that I did not know the name or purpose of.

The entire workout took a total of four hours. My entire body ached at the end of it. I could barely move, and the adventurers around me were in no better shape. It seems the workout was harder the more you practiced, so even the most senior of students could barely move when we were done.

What followed was a rather large lunch. The foods that were provided were all high quality, and each plate contained all the nutrients we would need to develop and strengthen our bodies.

We were only given around 15 minutes to eat. The time was rather generous, and we had more than enough time to finish our meals. The sound of the hall was silent, except the sound of silverware against plates.

I wanted to say that the squads were disciplined, but rather no one had the strength to really communicate or focus on anything other than the food in front of them.

When lunch was over, we were led upstairs to a room that looked like a classroom. Each squad was separated into a different table. The old man stood at the front as he looked at all 3 squads. He did not say anything, but with the wave of his handbooks appeared in front of us.

Each book table had 6 of the same books. The books on each table were of a different color. The books in front of us were red. The squad that appeared to be around 12 had blue books, and the books the oldest had were black.

The old man did not say anything as he turned to leave the hall. The other squads quickly opened their books as they began to read. Our squad followed suit. The words in the book were unintelligible, but I could feel my soul slowly reacting to them. On my lap I could feel my core spinning faster in the little sleeping dragon.

The words seemed to strengthen the mind, but I did not know what they were saying or doing. I could only sigh as I continued to stare into the pages. My soul seemed to react instinctively to the words, and the unnamed book in my library opened at the same time. I Could feel my soul growing at an incredible pace, much faster than if I had read either of the books individually.

The room was quiet for a long time. I do not know how much time had passed. Eventually the old man returned. With a wave of his hand the books in front of us disappeared. When it left, I could feel the unnamed book in my head slowly close as it returned to the library.

The old man looked at me for a moment as a slight smile crossed his face. It disappeared a fraction of a second later, causing me to wonder if it had ever been there in the first place.

The squads around me seemed to be incredibly exhausted. Even my teammates could not hold back their yawns. We were led back downstairs, where a large mean was ready for us. The meal was much like the first one, but this time it seemed to possess foods that would nurture the mind and the soul. The food was rather heavenly. I could only sigh in satisfaction after I had finished the meal.

After the meal we were given 2 hours of free time. The hall became rather loud as most of students began to chat loudly. Some of them went outside, their activities were unknown to me. Hylia, Leisha, and Bailey joined those students and went outside.

Sierra found a group of students who emitted a strong magical power and began to chat with them. I could feel that in the past this would have been a great place for me as well, however with the small dragon to take care of I dared not approach. The dragon did not seem to like them much, it would often glare in their direction.

Instead I decided that I would find out as much as I could about the young dragon companion that I had gained. As I had observed before it was made completely out of bone. But this did not mean that it was hollow, or there were empty spots on the inside. Between the bones of the dragon were a softer material. It could not quite be called flesh but seemed more like the membrane or wing. The material was rather elastic, and after playing with it for a while I found that it would not be easy to damage it.

I then began to examine it with my mental energy. I could feel my core rotating inside of it, it seemed react to my probing, as it began to spin slightly faster. The small dragon looked up at me as I did this. Its face seemed rather terrifying but adorable at the same time. Out of instinct I spoke to it, not out loud, but mentally like I had communicated with Hylia in the past.

The dragon reacted, sending to me images. The images were rather vague, but I got the feeling of contentedness from it. I communicated it with it for a while and finally decided to give it a name.

I had never had a good sense of names, even on earth I had horrible problems with it. I went through the famous names of dragons I had heard, but none of them made much sense. Finally, after much thought I settled on a name that went very well with my last name.

"You shall be called Lucifer Morningstar. And from now on we will be partners."

Lucifer purred happily at my words, and playfully nipped at my fingers. The hard scales on my flesh were not bothered by its sharp teeth, and I only smiled as I stroked its boney flesh.