Arya awakens

The best way to choose between things is to list the pros and cons of each fo those things and then choose between them. Jason listed the pros and cons of each of the abilities.

Telekinesis: It would make him move things with his mind and he could use knives to hurt his enemies in the early stages of the ability. The cons are that at starting levels it does not have a lot of firepowers and will not be able to hurt zombies until he controls it properly.

Pyrokinesis: It would give him excellent firepower and would be extremely powerful in the start. The only con is it will take time to control the power.

Inhuman strength: It would give him the most firepower in the start but it would also require him to physically fight zombies with his fists or cold weapons.

Time Skip: This is the most mysterious skill and it goes excellently with his sixth sense skill he got recently and it was the skill that would give him the strongest survival skills.

After doing this, it made him even more confused between powers, he excluded inhuman strength as it had its limitations and he did not want to physically fight zombies to risk infections...Jason smacked his forehead as he said " I almost forgot about the medicine"

Jason stopped his monologue and opened the system store and took out 3 Immunity shots from the system unhesitantly. It halved the coins he got from the jewellery store causing his total coins balance to be 1800. This also included the coins he got from the zombie kills after the mall by smashing them with the bus.

"Now back to Business" Jason murmured as he got back to skill selection. But first, he had a question from the system.

"I can choose one of the remaining Abilities after I reach level ten right?"

"Yes, But you probably won't choose it as the Abilities that unlock at level ten will be stronger than the previous ones. This sequence goes on as the system unlocks more powerful skills." The conscience of the system explained patiently.

"Well, I wanted to get the time skip ability for now and then get the telekinesis afterwards. But we'll see what skills unlock at level ten."Jason said as he finally made his choice.

He chose the time skip skill as he has a possible use case with it that would make it far more powerful than other skills.

"Cheers to becoming superhuman," Jason said as he laughed in his mind. Who knew that he would have superpowers in this life.

Unlike before when getting new skills did not affect his body that much getting an ability made his body heat up as if a freakin nuclear warhead had blown up inside him. He pressed the brakes causing the bus to again come to a screeching halt.

If he kept driving like this Harry would start cursing him.

"Wtf is wrong wit…" harry stopped midway as he saw his friend's state. His body was red as a ripe tomato and steam was coming out of his body as if he was burning up inside.

"I guess I'm getting super powers too"

Jason said as he pushed himself off the driving seat and got onto the seat next to it and passed away. The last thought on his mind was that " didn't he get the Time ability then why did it feel like he got the Pyromaniac one."

"Wtf is all this Harry said as he saw Jason pass away after saying those words. Now he had both his friends' unconscious ongoing the transformation of becoming a superhuman and he was supposed to protect them with a bus.

"Well let me have a try at driving a bus," Harry said as he jumped onto the driving seat and remembered his driving lessons and fired up the bus's engine and caused it to lurch forward.

If someone saw from far away towards the bus they would think something was wrong with the bus as it seemed to be dancing on the road sometimes it sped up sometimes it slowed down abruptly and sometimes it turned left slightly sometimes right it looked as if the bus itself was drunk.

This continued as he kept driving on the route they had thought of previously. He finally made a stop at a gas station as he stopped and got off the bus to fill the gas. He had taken the gun off Jason's body, his gun was out of ammo so he had to take one from Jason. He pointed the gun forward as he surveyed the surroundings as he moved towards the station and started filling the Bus's gas tank.

*Tap *tap

The sound of silent footsteps echoed inside the station. It made his hair rise as he shivered and looked around frantically to see the source of the sound.


The sound came from inside the bus as harry turned towards the bus, he moved so fast he almost snapped his neck.

"Jason? Harry?" Arya called out as she woke up from her sleeping state.

"Shit you almost gave me a heart attack" Harry placed his hand on his chest to check his fanatically beating heart as he moved towards the bus as he got on the bus.

Arya had quite a transformation as her features had become sharper with high cheekbones and a soft nose, her lips became plumper and their colour became a tempting red as if she had applied a lipstick of highest quality. The most astounding change was her hair which had changed to a snow-white colour with deep blue highlights. She looked like a princess from some snow-covered land.

"You… You look beautiful" Harry couldn't help but compliment her.

Arya was just about to answer harry when the hair raizing sound came again.

*Tap *Tap

Harry mechanically turned his head towards the source of the sound and what he saw made his eyes fill with terror.