The black Bead

This sure is a windfall, now I'm far above the human constraints. I'm approximately 150% more powerful than an average human if I consider stats individually but the compounding effect of the total stats makes me thrice as powerful as a normal human.

"It sure feels great to be superhuman well except for the slight problem of not being able to control my powers but that's just temporary." Jason thought in his head.

Jason got up slowly and this time thought of controlling the power and then again opened the door and moved towards the zombie corpse. This time, fortunately, he did not blur out and managed to walk normally. Arya also joined them as they moved to stare at the corpse collectively creating a weird atmosphere.

." What is that back thing?" Harry was the one to break the weird atmosphere . What he was talking about was a pure black bead hovering just over the chest of the zombie corpse. It was quite small the size of regular dice and they only noticed it when they looked closely at the corpse.

"Let me ask the person who helped me before," Jason said as he contacted the conscience of the system in his mind.

"Why are mutant zombies coming this soon in the apocalypse and what is this black bead.?"

"This should not have happened but the mana of the earth released very soon into the apocalypse causing such a scene. This means that all the organisms on earth will mutate faster including zombies. And that black bead is the mana spirit of the Zombie and these things drop every time a mutated being is killed. They are owner-less after that and an evolved being can consume these to increase its powers and there is a 1% chance to obtain the corresponding powers of the mana bead. If an unevolved being consumes it there is a 50% per cent chance of evolution and a 50% chance of going berserk"

"Can you increase the chance of evolution and eradicate the chance of going berserk? " Jason asked the critical question. If the system could do so then he had the chance of creating an evolved humans group for better survivability.

"There is an ability that has this as an auxiliary function, it will unlock at level ten" The systems answer at least gave him a hope to do that in the near future."

"Okay," Jason said as he moved on to explain this to his friends.

"It is a mana spirit which can increase our powers if we consume it with a 1% chance of obtaining the powers of the bead. For unevolved humans, it can give them superpowers but there is a 50% per cent chance of going berserk"

"As you both killed it, Arya you take this Mana spirit," Jason said as it was one of the basic rules of maintaining a group, the majority of the loot goes to the participants of the fight. As for Harry, he could only wait for him to either evolve naturally of for him to reach level ten and then unlock the ability.

"How do I use it," Arya asked as she looked at the black bead.

Jason asked the question from the system and it replied that simply ingesting it would do the trick.

"Just put it in your mouth," Harry said with a straight face, he couldn't help but feel something wrong with his statement.

Arya nodded and took the hovering bead in her hands and put it in her mouth. It felt warm and slippery and as soon as it touched her tongue it melted into her mouth and she felt a vivid cold sensation inside her body as she could feel her powers growing.

"It works quite good," Arya said as she put out her hand and conjured an ice shard on it. She could feel that it was more solid and stronger than before.

On seeing her use her powers Jason could not help but be amazed and he could not help but think about his own powers. But they did not have time to try them out right now as he had planned to reach Arya's home before nigh and it was already close to sunset.

"Let's go. We have to reach Arya's home before night and we still have half an hour's journey left." Jason said as he turned towards the bus but he had just taken one step towards it that his form blurred again and his stumbling form appeared near the bus. Jason had forgotten about controlling his powers and this made him fall face-first onto the ground again.

"I seriously need to learn to control my." Jason lamented as he dusted himself and carried on to climb to the drivers' seat with a straight face as if nothing had happened but the slight blush on his face could not be hidden.

Harry and Arya could not help but laugh as they saw what happened.