
"Why do these zombies evolve so fast" Jason complained as it hasn't even been a day since the apocalypse and they had more level 2 zombies than level one.

Just as Arya was going to pierce all the zombies with ice shads Jason stopped her.

"Wait let me try my powers if it doesn't work then kill them all," Jason said as he concentrated on controlling his power over time and thought of slowing time for himself.

The world around him seemed to hit a slow button as if the air around him was replaced by a viscous liquid making everyone slow.everything was moving in slow motion, the zombies rushing towards him in slow motion did look quite terrifying.

Jason was amazed by the sight around him making him wonder about other implementations of the skill except just slowing downtime.

"But that can wait, I have some zombies to kill," Jason said as he took aim and shot each fo the zombies in the head. The bullets were also slowed down and they would only reach the zombies when he comes out of his state.

Jason can then conclude this matter, it wasn't that the world was becoming slow it was that he was moving too fast relative to the world around him causing him to feel as if the world slowed around him.

Jason again willed himself to come out of this state and…

*boom the accumulated sound of ten gunshots rang out immediately, even though the gun had a silencer on but the accumulated sound was truly great.

Arya was astonished seeing this all she saw was Jason saying he wanted to try his powers and then a loud boom and all the zombies fell down as if they were puppets whose strings had been cut off.

"Isn't this way too overpowered," Arya said as she looked at the scene but when she saw Jason, he had a pained expression on his face.

"Are you alright?" Arya asked with concern.

"Nothing serious it's just that this power puts quite a toll on my body," Jason said as he looked at the condition of his body.

There was a slight pain in all over his body and a minor headache, it was nothing serious but this indicated that controlling this power took a lot from his body.

'I'll just have to practise more and I'll be able to use it freely then 'Jason thought.

"Let's move," Jason said as he turned the stairs and then slowly climbed them while remaining cautious of his surroundings.

They moved-up slowly climbing stairs as they crossed floors and every time they encountered zombies Jason would kill them silently and move on, they were here to look for Arya's family not to fight all the zombies in the building.

Finally, they arrived at the door of Arya's house and the atmosphere around it was quite and the door was slightly open but not enough for on to look inside.

Looking at the terrified look on her face, Jason mustered his courage to push the door causing it to open with a creaking sound.

Looking at the scene inside Arya could not hold anymore and she collapsed on her knees as she burst into tears and a look of pure misery and pain was reflected on her face.

Even Jason could not help but tear upon seeing the scene. Arya's parents were quite close to him and he often came to her house at weekends before and they too were kind of like a second family to him.

Jason collected himself and sat down on the floor and just hugged her as she cried her heart out.

"W...Why...Why them?" Arya's broken voice rang in the floor as she spoke as tears flowed freely from her eyes.

"I...I… Why did this... H happen to them….When all this happened I still hoped that they would survive… I Prayed again and again to any god who would listen to my prayers…. They were all I had…. What is left in my life now?"

"Mom...Dad… Sis look I have powers now I could protect you from all this then why did you have to go"

Jason gazed at the two dead bodies in the apartment. Arya's dad had a hole in his head and his mouth was wide open with a large set of pointy teeth in it. He obviously had become a zombie and Arya's mother had a huge gash on her neck obviously from a zombie bite.

"Wait... Your sister's body is not here and the fact that your dad is dead after turning into a zombie means that someone killed him. Maybe your sister is still alive, let's look inside for a clue." Jasons' word's jolted Arya and breathed life into her as she hurriedly got up with tears still flowing freely from her face, she rushed inside with a desperate look on her face.

She looked around and there were clear signs of a struggle and when she looked at the fridge there was a note with tearstains on it.

Arya could not help but imagine her sister writing this note with tears on her face right after killing their dad and not knowing if Arya was alive or not and not even knowing that she would be alive for long enough in this apocalyptic world.

Arya took the note from the Fridge with trembling hands and read it in a trembling voice.