
Jason's eyes were slowly closing as he lost himself to the melody, Kim, on the other hand, had a scrunched up face as she tried her best to resist the melody.


Jason felt as if someone poured chilled water all over his body as he was woken out of the trance by the system. His had goosebumps all over his body from the chilled feeling and also from realizing that if not for the soul shard from the system he would have fallen into the control of the man standing in front of him. He was still adapting as slowly all his senses came back to him.

A man with curly black hair and a sharp pale face was staring at them with his piercing green eyes was standing in front of them and he had a gun pointed directly at Jason's face.

His face changed as he saw Jason come out of the trance.

"How did you come out of it?" Now that this miss here had killed the vice leader it freed the burden his conscience put on him so it should be easy to gain a new servant without their own consent.

His power was to control people by making them his servant, at this stage he could only control one person by force and if he wanted more he either needed their approval to enter their minds or they had to be made week subconsciously before making them his servants. He had been planning on gaining the electric girl as his servant, so he had tsked the vice leader with the task of either making her give up the control of her mind voluntarily or to make her submit to him by torturing her. But that week ass servant of his got himself killed by this lady. He was planning on making the girl as his servant first and then teach her a lesson but this annoying boy came in front of him before he could do so.

He looked at the struggling girl and made up his mind, she was quite wounded and if he did not make her his servant fast and give her some medical treatment he would lose a good servant.


"You are no use to me," Morris said as he shot the boy in the face. The boy was immune to his powers somehow so his existence was worthless to him. But the bullet went past the boy as the boy turned into a blur and vanished out of existence, the bullet whizzed past his previous location and hit the wall behind him.

"Wha" Morris could not complete his sentence as…


He was shot in the chest from behind as his body shook from the shock. He slowly looked down and put his hand on his chest as he felt the warm blood sprouting out of the wound. His face as he had a terrified expression on his face as he slowly turned towards the perpetrator behind the gunshot.

It was the same boy he had tried to soot but now the tables had turned as he was the one who ended up being shot at.

"Do you know I could have killed you with a simple headshot. But I didn't do that. You know why?" Jason looked at him with naked fury in his eyes as he gave a spartan kick to his chest. Morris was thrown backwards with so much force that he almost felt like football.


He could hear the sound of his rib cage collapsing as he clutched his chest with a pained expression on his face. He had tears in his eyes as he screeched out with pain at all the pain he was feeling in his chest, he could feel the fragments of his shattered ribcage plunging deep inside his internal organs causing him an insurmountable amount of pain.

"I can't let you die easily, not without paying back all the pain you caused to Kim," Jason said out aloud, his voice cold and biting as if he was the devil himself.

Jason walked up to the man and lifted his leg to hit him in his right leg instead. He had planned of crushing every bone in his body before letting him die.

Just as he was going to bring down his leg with enough force to crush the man's leg he spoke in a pitiful tone.

"P- Please" it was all the man could say with a terrified face as tears rolled down his face.

Jason was jolted back by the voice and when he looked at the man's face again he staggered back a few steps as he clutched his head.

"I'm a monster" Jason said to himself as he looked at what he had done. He had always thought of maintaining his humanity in this apocalypse and just a moment ago he was about to torture a man to death. In his rage, he had also forgotten about Kim as she was sprawled on the floor as she had lost conscience due to the overexertion of fighting Morris.


Jason hardened his face as he thought of how this man was behind Kim's terrible condition. His death was set on stone but he would not turn himself into a monster and torture him anymore. GIving him a swift death was the right thing to do.

A tiny yellow bead floated out of the man's body and hovered right above his chest. Jason swiftly caught it and swallowed it causing a warm feeling to spread all over his body.

He looked back at the now unconscious Kimm and then turned his body to look at the horde of men staring at him with their weapons pointed at him. The members of the stronghold had woken up just in time when Morris tried to shoot him but looking at his horrifying abilities they were so terrified that all of them just stood there with their weapons pointed at him. Some of them who had guns had pointed their guns at him but they could not muster enough courage to shoot him as they had seen his unusual feat of blurring out of existence and them appearing behind their now dead boss.

Jason took out a grenade from his inventory causing the group to have even more terrifying looks as they saw a grenade come out of thin air.

"You know about what this thing did to your beautiful front gate, what would happen if it exploded here?" Jason said with a smirk on his face bluffed as what he was holding was just a smoke bomb but in the face of sudden death who would care to look at the difference.

"My squad is coming in and we just need to take our wounded member out of here and then we'll be out of your territory in no time."

As if to agree with him a yellow coloured school bus with almost transparent ice covering its outer surface stormed its way in the stronghold through the already destroyed front door.