
The fleet of vehicles came in an oppressing manner inside the iron gates without a care in the world. The leader of the group was sitting on a modified jeep with huge tires. He shouted out loud to talk to his people.

"Take all the trucks from here and load it with all the material here we'll need it to build a base for us. And for the two hot chicks here tie them up and bring them back to the base we'll see what to do with them."The leader said with a lecherous smile on his face he then gazed at Harry.

"As for the boy kill him, we don't need a wimpy little kid in our gang"

"Good idea boss we sure will have some fun today." A guy shouted from within one of the car.

A roar of laughter came from the fleet as all of them laughed aloud.

Aiden had a scared face as she clutched onto Arya's hand and hid behind her as she heard what those men were saying.

This group was a group of guards that were first employed by their leader for protection. Their leader was a business man who did illegal trading so he needed guards to ensure his safety form both the others in the business and the government.

After the apocalypse happened half of the guards turned into zombies after that only ten of them were left alive and their leader talked to them that how this was the start of a new era where they could be kings with no law binding them. In this new world, the strong would always prey on the weak and by coming under his wings they flourish indefinitely.

Also, the fact that their leader had somehow gained superpowers played a lead role in making them follow him willingly. There was one guy who protested in the start and he was burnt to ash by the leader making all the others follow him without objections.

The whole day they had been finding other guards who used to work with them and then asked them to join their group and now there were thirty guys in their group. Today their leader had rallied them and told them about his vision of creating an empire in this new world and how they were the ministers and officers of the future and how they should work hard and create a primary base of operation. They needed construction material and the trucks for hoarding food and other materials daily for the base.

Arya looked on as she saw some guys jumped out from their cars and pickup trucks and walked towards them as the rest rushed at the trucks and the construction material intending to pack it all up.

Arya secretly turned on the radio and said slowly

"We need help"

She knew with Jason's speed he would be here in no time.

But she could not sit back and wait for Jason and Kim to rescue them, she had powers and it was a great time to put them to use.

She concentrated and few ice shards materialized in front of her and ice started covering the ground near her. She still wasn't able to have perfect control over her powers but she was learning to control them slowly.

The ice shards that were as big as a human fist were hurled at the guys coming at her smashing into their legs crushing them. She could not be as merciless as Jason or Kim as she still had some Nativity of a young girl. So instead of going for the kill, she hit their legs hoping to scare them away.

The ice shards pierced the legs of the men who were coming at her fracturing their legs as they stumbled down clutching their now bloody legs as they screamed aloud.

The leader seeing this had an astonishing face as he looked at the young girls who had just shot ice shards at his men out of thin air.

She too was a superhuman like him, this thought made his blood boil as he asked the girl in a heated up voice.

" Girl how about you join me? I'll give you all kinds of benefits and I'll even let this little boy toy of your's to stay alive" The Leader said with an excited face expecting her to accept easily as having a group of people for protection was the best thing you could have apart from superpowers but still then it was a good deal in these desperate times when he could kill them both, giving them a chance was a great deal.

"No thanks, I'm good" Arya replied with a scoff. This idiot had the gal to try recruiting her right after saying all those things before and trying to kidnap her and Aiden while having the intention to kill Harry.

"Well it's sad that you don't want to do it the easy way then I'll have to make you submit," The leader said as the atmosphere around him changed as his hair turned red and it started defying the laws of gravity as it started flowing freely akin to a red flame on his head.

He put his hands in front of him in a weird motion as a ball of pure red fire emerged in between his hands, it was growing larger by the second as the air around him boiled up as his clothes caught fire and when it reached a considerable size he readied to throw it at the girl. But before he could do so…


A bullet pierced the man's head as he fell down like a doll whose strings had been cut off. His face the same fierce expression he had when he was thinking of beating down the girl infront of him.

"That was sooo anticlimactic bro you should have blurred in front of him and then shot him in the head after saying a few cool like lines," Harry said as he looked at Jason who had blurred into existence right next to him.

Just when he finished saying that…


The compact flame that the man had conjured exploded when there was no one to control it. The jeep the man was riding on previously was lit up in flames as broken parts of the car exploded everywhere, the cars and pickup trucks near the exploded car were also affected as their windows exploded from the pressure injuring the people inside.

"I wish I did that,"

Harry said as he gazed at the gun he had inside his pocket. He did not even get the chance to take it out with Arya being here and then Jason just Headshotting the leader.

"I wouldn't call that anticlimatic" Jason said, his voice laced with sarcasm as he gazed at the explosion area.