A few changes

"So tell me are they gonna start massacring humans as soon they reach here?" Jason asked wearily.

"No most of them won't as they are here to train and gain as many resources as they can, they will form factions and try to recruit humans to do the hard work for them. But there will be exceptions to it and some races might just start massacring without abandon." The system explained.

A grim look overcame Jason's face as he thought about it. This world will become a shit show for different races to compete with each other with humans directly in between.

"How powerful are they compared to my power level?" Jason asked with an inquisitive look.

"There is a general classification of power levels adopted all over the universe," The system said as it listed them.

" Mortal




Each level has Lower, Mid and Higher sub levels"

Mortal beings are still within the limits of the world they reside in and can't interact with the laws of the world.

Immortal beings are beings who are those who can not be harmed by mortal means, they have grown past the mortal limitations and have huge lifespans.

Ascendant beings are beings who break past the limitations of the world reside in and ascend to the higher pane as their energy levels are so strong that it would rip apart the natural laws of a lesser world and they would be able to bend the laws with just a mere thought. Some higher-level races are born Ascendants and by default, the worlds they reside in are higher-level worlds capable of sustaining such life forms.

God beings are able to create mini-worlds of their own and have huge factions under their wings.

This is just the general classification as each race has different classification criteria according to their power systems.

And to answer your original question you are at the bottom of Mid mortal level and that too due to your time ability and the fact that you have completed the second evolution otherwise you would still be in lower mortal level. " The system explained patiently.

"So you mean to say I'm just a speck of dirt in the overall grand scheme of things considering my power level," Jason said with a grimace but he wasn't that much downcast as he had expected it after listening to names of various races all around the universe.

'For god's sake, there are Dragons and Elves out there in the universe, just imagining their power levels according to all the fantasy novels he had read it wasn't such a shocking discovery of him being a speck of dirt... But only for now' Jason added in the end with a determined look as he would become strong enough to stand tow to tow with these beings so that no one can hurt his loved ones.

"What are the power levels of the invaders"

"The strongest beings are limited to the Immortal level as this world can only sustain a higher Immortal level powerhouse at max. The weakest of them would be around Higher Mortal level"

"Damn I need to get stronger" Jason muttered under his breath as he felt insanely pressured by the power levels of the invaders as even the weakest of them could wipe the floor with him.

Jason had a lot on his plate now as he had to get stronger, find Harry's parents and somehow survive this messy world.

'One step a time but first let's explain all of this to the others…' Jason thought as he planned different strategies to grow stronger.

Everybody was sitting beside a table where basic food items were kept ready to be eaten but nobody took a single bite as all of them had various thoughts swirling in their minds and they were looking at Jason as Kim had asked him to talk about the recent developments.

"So.." Jason looked at each of them as he took a pause to collect his thoughts.

"I'll explain the current situation first then let's decide our way forward after that." Jason got agreeing nods from each of them as they had gotten used to him having information about things that they knew nothing about.

~~A few moments later~~

"So we're pretty much fucked" Kim stated with a straight face.

"I wouldn't say that…" Jason tried to continue but she cut him off.

"Even our best, i.e you are a full level weaker than their weakest members. I'd say we are pretty much fucked" Kim said with a calm tone.

"If you word it like this then…" Jason said with a sheepish look on his face.

"So what's the plan," Kim asked nonchalantly.

"What?"Jason asked confused.

"You don't expect us to sit back with our thumbs twidling as we wait for the end?" Kim asked with a deadpan look on her face as Arya and Harry nodded to her statement.

" Well, I have something interesting things on my mind…"Jason said as a smirk formed on his face.

"What things?" Arya asked in a curious voice.

"Oh, a few like mounting a machine gun turret to the top of our truck and…."