
•°•°•°Somewhere in A forest•°•°•°

Wind blew across the forest creating calming whistling sounds as leaves fluttered peacefully. The natural calming sound of rushing water came from behind as a waterfall behind them gushed out pristine water which smashed on the rocks below creating a peaceful ambience.

But what stood before him was nothing but peaceful.

A lion or what used to be a lion was the leader of the group in front of him. The evolved lion in front of him was a humongous creature reaching an imposing height of 8 meters with arms and legs as thick as his waist. It looked humanoid but with a head of a lion and a body covered with fur, except it's impossibly muscular chest and its paw-like hands.

The being in front of him was the stuff of the nightmares but he was standing unpebured with a hint of disdain hidden deep within.

The lion in front of him was just at level one of enlightenment, he had seen gods what was this punny little lion in front of him. But he held himself as he had come here to complete his mission and maintaining a good relationship with theses beings in front of him was essential for that.

'This makes things easier' he muttered as he gazed behind the lion.

Behind the lion was a line up of leaders of all the animals inside this forest. Some had reached enlightenment, some were on the verge of it.

"WHO ARE YOU?The deep growling voice of the lion broke the silence. The voice was raspy and unbearably loud. It seemed as if this lion had just gained the ability to speak and was rather inexperienced in this department.

"So it seemed my summon irked you a bit"

He had summoned the leaders of this forest through a special way which connected all the animals innately and a higher being had the ability to summon lower beings.

"I apologise for my abrupt summons but I wanted to meet all of you on urgent basis and this was the only way" He replied in a calm tone.

The lion could not understand the human in front of him. He looked tiny but the feeling of fear that it gained from the human in front of him was giving him chills. There was also the fact that he had suddenly felt a deep calling to come at this place, this had been experienced by all the other leaders of the jungle. All this experience was a bit unsettling and had all of them on the edge.

"WHO ARE YOU??" The lion asked again.

"I am your friend from a faraway place and I have come to help you take control of this planet from humans and let your kind flourish." The man said with a smile on his face.

"Why would a human help us in destroying his kind?" The lion asked with confusion and enmity laced in his voice.

"I am not human I am just like you my little lion king" The man said in a teasing voice.

"YOU DARE CALL ME THAT" The lion roared with a rage filled face, it's roar was so loud that a small wind picked up in the area.

The lion went forward to attack the man in front of it by rushing at him as it prepared to slash the man's face with his paw.

The man's smile widened as the air around him suddenly had a sizzling effect and suddenly in place of the man standing there was a humongous midnight black panther. It was easily double the size of the lion and when it simply pat the earth with it's paw the whole earth rippled as if it was water and a shock wave was sent which smashed into the lion and the other animals throwing them away as trees surrounding the area were uprooted.

"Of course I dare, to me you are just a little cub who needs to learn to respect his elders" the panther replied as he again reverted back to his human form.

"Apologies from our side elder, we did not know you were of our own kind" A tigress replied from the group of animals as it got up and walked in the front of the animals. It had not transformed into a humanoid shape but it could speak and it's voice was soothing and had a enchanting effect to it.

"No worries, I know how hot blooded the lion kind can be" The man simply waved away the apology.

He then proceeded to walk towards the injured lion who was lying unconscious as it had faced the brunt of the force of the rippel.

He put his hand on the lion's arm and a green glow flashed throughout the lion's body and all it's wounds were healed and it slowly blinked its eyes open.

"Now onto the main matter" The man paused a bit and then spoke strongly again." I have been sent here to unify all our brethren in this planet and help them take control of this planet and provide justice for all the crimes humans did against you all . And in return all I need is your cooperation to find somethings that the leaders our kind asked me to find."