Harry's parents


A static sound came as an electric ark slashed the shoulder of the man attacking Arya. The ark cut through his shoulder as if it was made of butter, cutting it off as his right arm fell down with a stumping sound as blood gushed out of it. The wound was already sizzling from the heat of the ark.

Kim had an Enraged look in her eyes as she prepared another ark to put down the despicable man that had attacked her sister. If she had not been alert all the time, then Arya might have been gravely injured by that attack.

Arya on the other hand had a shocked look as she jumped back from the attacking range of the man.

The crowd surrounding them started discussing among themselves the severity of the attack.

"I did not know these girls were this strong, better stay away from them."

"That man is doomed to die in a day or two without his arm."

Arya stopped her sister form attacking the man again.

"Leave it sister, he won't survive anyway," Araya said coldly as she dragged Kim with her towards the main building of the base. She did not want to create any more of a scene. She couldn't help but feel angry at herself for being careless. This was not the same lawful society as before and there was no shortage of despicable people in this world.

Araya and Kim left the sight as they left the disabled man alone. He was still lying on the ground thinking about how his life had become hell in just a second. His group had long since abandoned him as they ran away to save their own asses.

Jason followed Aiden towards the main building where Harry's parents were at the moment.

"So what now brother?" Aiden asked she looked at Jason briefly as they continued walking towards their destination. She couldn't help but notice that he looked somehow different than before as if something had changed about him, but she could not pinpoint it. She had seen her brother grow from an ordinary college-going guy to a man who while likes passing out a lot can still lead a team safely in the apocalypse. There was slight anguish and a desire to do something in a hurry in his eyes as if he were in a race against something. She wanted to ask about it but she held herself back as she thought that this was not the right time to do it.

"What do you mean?" Jason asked in a confused tone as he too glanced at her.

"I mean what do we do now, do we stay here or are there other plans in your mind?"

Although Aiden wanted to stay here in this base, she knew that sooner or later they will have to face off against invader and that would be game over if they do not become strong enough.

"Well for now I want to meet Uncle and aunty, well most probably have to leave the base in search of those arenas created by the human high gods. How are Kim and Arya doing?" Jason inquired.

"Well after all that happened, they got quite a shock so they decided to hunt for mana beads every day so that they can grow stronger. They go out every morning and come late in the evening all tired. I'm worried about their health, but I do understand where they are coming from." Aiden replied in a worried tone.

"Brother also I want to become strong so that I can help you and the others," Aiden said with a determined tone in her voice.

"Don't worry lill sis I have a solution for that, soon you'll become a supernatural just like us " Jason said as he pinched her cheeks adoringly. That determined expression looked super cute on her especially combined with her doe eyes.

"Ugh! I'm not a child anymore" Aiden said with an exasperated tone but there was a slight smile on her face.

"You'll always be little in my eyes," Jason said with a laugh.

They soon reached the entrance of the building where Aiden nodded to the guards standing at the door.

The guards let them in without any hassle as they had seen Aiden visit the owners of the base many times.

"Wow, they have guards too," Jason said admiringly.

"These guards are normal humans who are good at fighting, they get good quality food as a payment for guarding the building," Aiden explained.

They had to go through the hall to visit Harry's parent's room.


Aiden knocked softly on the room.

The room was soon opened by a beautiful black-haired lady with homely features. She wore a leather jacket with cargo pants, this gave her a contrasting look with her soft features. A smile bloomed on her face as she saw who was at the door.

"Jason! You're awake" the lady on the door moved forward to hug Jason.

"Yes Aunty, how have you been?" Jason asked.

"Were doing good." The lady replied with a smile.

"Savannah, don't let them stand there invite them in." Harry's father's sound came from within.

Finn Cameron, Harry's dad was the CEO of a chemical company before the apocalypse. He was a man who wore a business suit every day to work. While he was not a fat man he was neither a gym freak. The apocalypse had gifted him with the ability to make explosions and he used that ability along with his wife's support he created a base in the apocalypse to survive better.

Jason and Aiden entered the room, the room was a luxurious one with a sofa in the middle. Jason and Aiden settled down on the sofa comfortably.

"Thank you uncle aunty for helping us this much," Jason said with gratitude.

"What are you saying Jason, you both are just like our own children to us," Finn said as he waved his hands dismissively. Jason and Arya were Harry's best friends and he had always treated them as his own children.

"I wanted to talk about Harry, " Jason said as straightened up and adopted a serious look on his face.