Call From His Majesty....

" You could say that again. " Liang Jie replied with a sheepish smile. 

" I see....I'm extremely sorry to bother you when you're so busy but, I was hoping if you could pass on a message on my behalf to Zhuang Gohan. " 

" Of course!! Why not?? It'll be my pleasure, Sire. " Liang Jie tried his best to sound as normal as normal can be. But, in reality, he was dying from curiosity.

Wasn't the Ai family not enough that now we have to put up with this old freezer as well? 

" Thank you, Liang Jie. I just got the word that Richard is back from his expedition so I wanted to have a chat with the three of you as soon as possible. " 

What! How did you know about Mr. Owen's returned? 

Liang Jie was floored when he heard this because Richard's return was clearly top secret information and only few top government officials knew about it.