Now you can read the PRE-RELEASE drafts as well!

Because I am slow with updates, I have decided to let the readers view the Drafts which have already gone through initial revision. Since I take a while to release the final drafts.



You can visit my website and from the "List of novels currently being updated" you can chose "Kaliyuga Segment 1"

~ here's the site link ~





Please note that I will still update the FINAL CHAPTERS over here, but if you want to read the PRE-RELEASE POSTS and BONUS CHAPTERS, then you have to visit my website. It is free of cost, totally does not require any signup or logins, just a simple visit. (You can comment, give reviews and also put up questions)

My website is - (HomePage)



(I am also advertising my website, since as an author, having a website of my own was my initial goal, but do know that I value the community of WebNovel as well, and will keep updating over here, even if the update gets delayed)

I will comment the link to my website as well, so you can open the comment section and easily copy and paste the link \(^^)/