The Bullet Gods Gang (1)

~ Chapter 85 ~

The sudden absence of light momentarily blinded the intruders, and they stopped in their tracks.

"What the hell!"

"Who turned off the lights?!"

"Don't go there!"

As they argued amongst themselves over whispered voices, they failed to notice the minute movement behind them.

Under the cover of the delusory darkness, a shadowy figure furtively moved across the partially lit living room of the two-storey house.

With the lights turned off, only the light from the moonlight streaming through the windows of the house helped them see in the dark.

The picturesque view of millions of stars twinkling around the brightly lit moon would have been a great sight tonight at this part of the city! However, no one knew that under this dazzling canopy of stars, a tragic event would transpire.

"Who wants to go first?"

An indifferent voice rang out amidst the altercations of the gang.

The four intruders felt chills ran up their spines as they shook from fear. That frosty tone could make one's skin crawl.

"What was that?!" The leader of the gang asked the person next to him. His voice was slightly edgy.

But the second he finished his question, the leader felt a prick at the sensitive spot of his neck and his body just slumped down on the cold hard floor.

The sound of something heavy dropping on the ground made the rest of the gang panic. But because the darkness obstructed their visions, they could only see the outline of a bulky man lying on the floor.

Still, they did not know that it was their leader who had dropped dead at their feet.

Only the person wearing night vision goggles saw what had happened. But even he did not know how their leader went down just like that.

Just as the other two were trying to identify the identity of their fallen comrade, they heard the coldness of that voice, which was much colder than the arctic air of deep winter, yet again.

"Who's next?"

No one dared to speak.






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