~ Chapter 88 ~
Inside the kitchen, after Wang Rouxi had closed the door behind her, Xia Jiannan remained seated on the cold hard floor for quite a long time.
He trained his eyes at the door's direction as he watched the back of that mysterious woman disappear in the darkness.
Something was wrong!
Xia Jiannan was sure of that.
Silence reigned over the entire place as he sat there all alone, trying to find out the source of his unease.
Broken shards of glass, debris and other shattered things scattered everywhere. The shower of bullets had dealt tremendous damage to Wang Rouxi's house.
Xia Jiannan could not hear the gunshots and the muffled voices coming from the other side of the door.
He was too deep into his thoughts, he's drowning out everything around him!
Read the next part in the new novel: