"Let's begin our conversation. First of all, my name is Otec, and I will be one of your teachers here." (Otec)
I want to nod to affirm that I had understood him, yet, I am still forbidden from speaking. I think it is a better choice to remain silent. Otec is right, I can follow orders. Pain is a great motivator.
"I did say this is a conversation, and I can't really claim it be be a conversation if I am the only one that speaks. I give you permission to speak." (Otec)
"Understood." (Rehor)
"Short and sweet. I like that." (Otec)
He paused his words at this point. I assume that it would be better to be judicious with my words. Less ways to get in trouble is preferable. Pointless drivel, which is a lot of what normally comes out of my mouth, right now, would, probably, not be appreciated. Silence it is.
"You are now an Unleashed. I understand that Muceni has explained to you, to some limited extent, what this entails. Do you actually understand the situation, or are you still confused?" (Otec)
Should I say that much of what Muceni has told me has been lost in the confusion that has occurred over the past few days? Or would it be smarter to show that I understand the general concept? I mean, I have a rough idea of the concept about Unleashed, but what that means, I really do not have the slightest clue.
"Speak freely. I need to gauge how much you understand. I won't go everything, right now. Eventually you will learn more. I just need you to be able to adjust towards the situation." (Otec)
"Yes Sir. I am an Unleashed. I am here to learn how to control Putere. Muceni told me Unleashed aren't part of nature anyone. And somehow, we have to wear a collar and a chain." (Rehor)
If I was not still in the body of a child, I possibly would have expounded on what I understand. But this is a body of a child, I should not be able to fully explain what I had vaguely understood. It would probably lead to more problems in the future. Add on to that, I was the child of a wood-cutter. I am not from some family that completely educates their children. Basic education, yes, I was taught that. More complex ones, for this world, I have not yet been taught.
"Is that all you know?" (Otec)
"Yes Sir." (Rehor)
"So, from my point of view, you know nothing. At least it is a starting point." (Otec)
"Sorry." (Rehor)
There was a noticeable from Otec. He did not really move from where he was sitting on the table, he just adjusted to his posture, I think to get more comfortable. He took another sip of his beverage, probably tea. I will just assume that for now. I hate not being able to describe a thing to myself. Such a vague word as beverage annoys me. So tea it is.
"Yes, you are an Unleashed. For some reason, that nobody fully understands, we have been separated from the control of nature. Instead we are able to control parts of nature. This power is called Putere. Here's the thing about Putere, other than to talk about the power that we can control, nobody calls it Putere. It's just power." (Otec)
"Then why use the word Putere?" (Rehor)
"Someone long ago, I don't know how long ago, decided to classify things about Unleashed. The reason has been lost to history. But as with most long standing groups, traditions remain long after the reasons.
As for the collars and chains, they are a way to show ability to control the power and how much of it you can use. Not counting being unchained, there are five levels of being of each Chain and Collar. Everyone, no matter if someone has started training or not, will start of wearing a leather Collar.
At this point, this shows that you are an Unleashed. Most Unleashed voluntarily stay leather Collared there whole life. They don't want to go through the test to advance any further. She has enough control of her power that she could easily be the same rank as me, in Collar. Do not ever look down on anyone for just being a leather Collared Unleashed." (Otec)
"Why wouldn't someone want to be a higher rank? A leather collar is uncomfortable." (Rehor)
"We won't talk over that now. You will understand in the future." (Otec)
"Yes Sir." (Rehor)
"Now onto Chains. You, until you have formally completed your training, will not be awarded a Chain. A Chain shows how much power you have at your disposal. While you are in training, it is hard to be seen how much you can use. Do know this, no matter what level of Chain you wear, it does not reflect how well you can use the power. I have known Unleashed that wear a silver Chain, that can do less with their power than a person that is iron Chained." (Otec)
He stopped again at this point, presumably, to let me think over what he had just said. So, if I am understanding, the Chain, denotes how much Putere can be wielded. And the level of Collar equals the ability to harness Putere. Though, a person can control more of their power than their Collar shows. It is easy enough to understand.
"There are some more intricacies involved in being Chained and Collared. As for now, though, it's more than enough for you. Suffice it to say, it is a fairly simple system. You will learn more in the future about it." (Otec)
"I think I understand, Sir." (Rehor)
"Good enough for now. Now on to your training…" (Otec)
A deep sigh came out of him at this point. What is so hard to explain, that that deep of a sigh was needed? It is just some education. It is magic, at most, it will be come type of mystical training, or tiring physical exercise. Nothing that, once I get used to it, will to hard to deal with. I will be able to take anything they throw at me.
"Well, enough for today. Let's go to the cafeteria and get your something to eat. I'm getting hungry, myself. After that I'll get you settled for tonight. Training will start early tomorrow." (Otec)
"Can't you tell me about what my education will be?" (Rehor)
"Not tonight, son. You'll find out tomorrow. Now, no more speaking till another Collared Unleashed tells you to. Get some food in you, and make sure you get some rest for tomorrow." (Otec)
Quit being such a cock tease. I want to know right now. I hate waiting in suspense. It is, nearly, a torture to me. Knowledge is power, and I want the power to know what to expect.