I know, this is not the modern times. A little corporal punishment is to be expected. Caring about the feelings of a child, that you are teaching, are secondary to making sure a child is learning properly. I wish what Otec did to me was, just, corporal punishment. Not so much.
With out even using his hands, Otec lifted me off my feet, by my neck. Thankfully I still had the body of a youth, so there was not much mass to pull down on me, and strangle me. It still hurts.
What in the world is this type of punishment about? It is my first freaking day here. Start me off slowly. Let me learn what is expected of me, before you start off with punishments. I might not be the smartest person in the world, but, I can learn. Fuck unreasonable punishment. I am completely pissed of at this...debacle.
Otec, I assume it is him, just keeps me hanging hanging in midair. Everyone once in a while, he just gives a good shake. I swear he has to be enjoying this. If it were not so dark, I am sure that I would see a smile of mirth on his face.
To all that is unholy, I am not going to put up with this crap. Yes, I am an Unleashed, but I do not plan on using it, unless I have to. I will not stand for this insolence.
I am sorry, Mother, Father. I will not just stand and take this. I will use all my powers at my disposal. I do want to see you, Katarina, and my new, other, sister. But I will not just take this unprovoked violence.
As when I healed Mother, a cloud of energy exited from my body. As I have only felt the power, of what Muceni had told me were of healing and heat, I let the only offensive power of have ever used consume the fog. Slowly the power grew, all my anger poured into it. And I lashed out with it.
"That wasn't a good idea, boy." (Otec)
Oh yeah, I forgot something, Otec knows how to use Putere, and he knows how to brandish in better ways than I can. I am a fool to try and attack him. I have, probably, had worse ideas than try and attack someone with a power I cannot control, against someone that is fluent in the use of his. Alas, I am a bloody fool.
"To try and attack your instructor. The utter idiocy should amuse me, but I am not easily amused." (Otec)
Dang it. I see a lot more...fun coming to greet me. Just great.
Otec, ever so slowly, lifted me up further into the air, consistently shaking my body. And then, he held me there. For how long, I do not know. It could have been seconds, or several minutes. To me, it felt that I was held up there for an eternity. Scared.
"I'm going to let you down now. And you will do what I say. Or else." (Otec)
Another, freaking, open-ended threat. At least I know it is not empty. Here is to knowledge, yay.
And then, Otec's power left me. Hanging up, several feet, in the air, he just let me drop. Straight onto the ground, I fell.
Luckily, after being dropped without any notice, my body was fairly limp. If it was not, I would probably have several more immediate injuries than just a bruised ankle, and a slightly scrapped up arm. I am thankful that I did not have anything broken, which I could have fairly easily gotten, from being dropped from such a height.
"Get up, boy." (Otec)
Short and easy commands. Otec seems to be fairly adept at this. Did I get stuck with the disciplinarian of the hall? What luck I have.
"I said, GET UP." (Otec)
Obviously, trying to get up, so as to not hurt myself anymore than I already am, is not what this torturer wants. I had barely lifted up my torso from the ground, when he had attacked me. I really do not feel like I can do anything the way Otec wants me to. I am to slow for what he desires of me.
"Screw you." (Rehor)
What in the world have I done? Not only have I spoken, which I know I have already been forbidden from doing, but, I also cursed at Otec. Brain, work. This monster will do as he please, to me. Drat.
"Oh, such a foolish young man. What torments are to plague you." (Otec)
I scrambled to get up as quick as I could. This was the first time, in either life, that I was truly scared. This man wants to kill me. I do not want to die again. Please help, I do not want to die.
"You should have gotten up when I first told you to. I will give you a chance to redeem yourself. You just need to keep running around the campus, until I tell you to stop. You know what will happen if you don't heed my warnings." (Otec)
In pain, I started to jog around the campus. He will do what he says. I do not doubt that in the slightest. Suddenly, and completely, without warning, a scalding blast of heat hit my back.
"Did I say jog? No, I said run." (Otec)
* * *
I spent a long time running. How long? I do not know. I just know that it was completely dark when I was tasked to running, and by the time I was allowed to stop, the heat of the sun had already dried out the dew on the grass.
Any time I started to slow down, Otec reminded me, rather painfully, to keep running. My back was swelling up from the attacks of heat, that that bastard had struck me with. Unfortunately, or is it fortunately, I was too tired to even think about the suffering being laid upon me.
I will say, once thing that shocked me, was that Otec, himself ran along with me. Well, not really run, but, traversed the route around the hall, with me. His legs are long enough, that my speed was an easy jog. He, probably, did that, just to make sure I did not slack enough. That disgusting bastard.