As the new day has dawned, and my fast has been broken, it is time to leave and attempt to find a future for myself. I bid farewell to my family, this time it is only for the day, not an extended amount of time. Hopefully the lord, Girts, well have a path, that I willing to, for me to follow.
Without my feet to be the thing that causes me to slow down, the village comes in to view. I am without apprehension, this time. This scene is not one that needs from me, to have any nerve. I have a family here, that wants me to be involved in their life.
The path, that changes into more of a road than it had been, leads directly towards the lord's place, the place that I need to go to. This time, unlike the prior few days, I have a chance to truly look at his place. It has changed from what I remember.
It is no place, even to this day. However, parts of it have been upgraded, giving it more of a sense of superiority, from the rest of the dwellings in the village. Wood has been replaced by stone. Simple thatched exterior buildings have been changed into wood planked buildings. So many things have been in changed in the few years that I have been gone.
"Pardon my presence." (Rehor)
I knock on the door to Girts place. I can not keep calling it a domicile or house, should I call a keep or mansion? I do not have a clue. Why do humans give so many names to such similar structures, with barely a difference between them.
"Yes, I'm coming. Now what can I do for you?" (Girts)
"I'm not sure if you remember me, sir. I am Rehor, Jindrich's son." (Rehor)
"It's been a while since I last saw you. You left for some reason." (Girts)
"And now I'm back. Father suggested that I come talk to you, to ask for some advice." (Rehor)
"Come inside. The sun is coming in my eyes, and I can barely see you." (Girts)
The day was still fairly young, as of yet. And his door was facing eastwards. He does have a point, that I am basically a shadow in front of the sun. So, I follow him inside, towards where he is leading me.
"Now, sit down, and let's get to business." (Girts)
"I just got back from… where I was training. And I wanted to start a trade." (Rehor)
"What training were you… Oh, that Collar. I see. That training. I think I understand what's going on here." (Girts)
"You know what the Collar means, sir? Though I haven't talked to that many people, since I've been back, I don't think anybody knew what it means." (Rehor)
"You're an Unleashed. I don't know all that that entails, I do know some things about it. I was taught about it, during my education, from my father." (Girts)
"Not to be rude, but what education teaches about the Unleashed?" (Rehor)
Girts began to explain to me that his father is a governor of the county that this village, and several others are part of. He is the third son of his father, which gave him a chance to be taught things beyond what most people need to learn. He was also given a rudimentary understanding about what the types of Chains and Collars that the Unleashed wear.
"I can help you out, if you can help me out." (Girts)
"What help would you need? I'm not sure if I can definitely agree with what you request." (Rehor)
"Relax, I'm not trying to make you do what you are uncomfortable with. You're a fairly advanced Unleashed. You are a status symbol that I can possibly use to help this town grow." (Girts)
"Are you doing the same thing with Muceni?" (Rehor)
"Unfortunately she is considered a weak Unleashed by those in the know. She's wearing the lowest rank accouterments. I am not able to use her as a symbol of strength. You, though, are of the highest rank. There is much more importance in that." (Girts)
"So, you want me to be a puppet to be controlled by you?" (Rehor)
"No, no. I'm sorry if you have the wrong idea. I rarely have the need to make an appearance, or show of my limited amounts of power. I would only need you in that position a few times a year." (Girts)
"Along with some public spectacles, would I need to do anything else?" (Rehor)
"When you are able to, and when you can be utilized, I would like to use your Putere to help out the domain?" (Girts)
"What type of help would you need?" (Rehor)
"Where you are able to, I would like you to use your power to make things easier for the other residents." (Girts)
With some more questions to clarify what Girts was wanting of me, I came to see that he was not wanting to be too demanding. Most of what he was wanting me to do, was for improvements around the village. Things that would be significantly more complicated, without the use of my power.
"I'm not saying that I'm agreeing, but would what I get out of this?" (Rehor)
"It is in my power to give away some land, for your services." (Girts)
"All you want, is some limited use of my power and my person. For that, I get some land, to use as I want. No other strings attached?" (Rehor)
"Correct. That is what I'm offering you." (Girts)
"One more question, the original one I came to ask of you. Is there any skilled trade that I can perform for this village that is needed. I was originally wanting to be a carpenter. Father informed me that there is not enough work for another carpenter here. Are there any other industries that you can suggest that is needed?" (Rehor)
I might not be that talented at that many trades, but I do have enough passing knowledge that I can perform as well or better than a journeyman.
From a discussion with my father, I found out that this village was still relatively new, barely being older than me. Girts expounded upon this by telling me that this village started with him, and becoming an adult. His father gave him the land to develop, instead of continuing to leave it fallow.
This community, of slightly over fifty families, was still in it's growth phase. Many of the industry that were deemed less necessary were still not in place. A few of them were things I was better at than others.
After some more discussion, I agreed to Girts terms of employment. He would grant me some land to use as I wish. I could have the pick of the land I desired, provided nobody else was using it, be it in town, or further away. And as for a form of monetary income, I was going to become a potter.
"Thank you, sir. You've helped me out a lot." (Rehor)
"The job that I do, is to learn how to make use of people. If it helps me out, on a personal level, all the better." (Girts)