This is the day that I start on my first adventure. I believe that I have enough stuff prepared for my own self. Healing supplies and food, I packed in abundance.
I did end up finding a martial weapon to wield for my own safety. The only piece of wood that I was able to find, that had any sense of rigidity, that might have a chance of not breaking, was a fairly think branch of wood, that I cut off from a tree. After trimming off excess branches, that branch was around the length of my body, excluding the head.
I am not sure if it counts as a staff, at this point. There is no reason, in my opinion, that I should, or have to, give it some actual name. It is a weapon, nothing else. As long as it is usable, it works.
With everything prepared, and the day is young, there is no better time than now, to leave. Best case scenario, I will be back in around two days. Worst case scenario, six or seven days, until I come back home.
* * *
The journey is boring. There is nothing else to do, other than the walking. No music, no one to talk to. No fast moving scenery is there to break up this dull trip.
I will say, I am hesitant of approaching the nearing point. It is the unknown that is making me wary. I can not say that I am scared. However, as I know essentially nothing about what I am to face, I am not able to prepare for any eventualities that will sprout up.
The hope for finishing this event in only one encounter, is my goal.
I have had time to ponder, while I am walking in this solitude. The words that I use, do not always reflect the way that I think. So many of the words that are commonly used to express what I am doing, have implied meanings of the reason why.
Maybe it is due to my training, but certain words feel strange when I try to use them. The word hope, is one of those words that I use, but it always seems the incorrect word. I want to do something, or I want to complete something. But, there is something implication in the use of the word, hope, that lends to the idea that I wish for that thing or task, or whatever it is, from a place of feelings.
Now, there could be better choices to use. Yet, there is a random thing I remember learning about, in my past life. It is the idea that people use a limited selection of words, on a regular basis, out of all the words available. I might have the knowledge of words that might better reflect what I want to explain, but, they might not be part of the regularly used words of conversation.
I have the understanding, that I would sound like someone trying to show off, if I used them. Purposely using the words, that are not commonly used words. There is no reason that I want to stand out from the rest of the population by using words that may make me appear different from the rest of them.
I know, it is a random thought that appeared in my mind. But, while I was walking, and having nothing better to do, I did realize that the words I struggle to use, are not the true reflection of what I am thinking, most of the time. It had not occurred to me, until this point, of why I was hesitant, at times, to say certain things.
Even trying to reason out the why of this conundrum, is difficult. The arguments, that I made with myself, are flimsy. There is no easy way to work around this problem. Ultimately, I have to decide if I should speak with expressive words, or if I should speak without any type of articulation. The only other option I have, is to speak as I have always done. There is no best choice.
* * *
I have decided to camp overnight, a bit of a distance, from where the attacks have come from. While it is not dark, as of yet, by the time I would get there, the sky would only have a short time till it darkened. Though the sky is mostly clear, and the stars and moon would light up the area, by a decent amount, being possibly attacked by whatever it is, is not a good choice.
I do not know the area. Nor, do I know what I am looking for. If I ended up needing to give chase to, the aggressor, I would have limited ability to do that.
I know some of my weaknesses, and presume that I have several more that I do not know of. Overestimating my chances, in those circumstances, is not of benefit. A little time, lost now, could save more later.
Because I was to spend the night here, I started to set up a camp to wait out the darkness. Gathering wood, and water, I began to cook some food. That is one benefit by having the road be near the river, water was not a problem to get access to.
While I might have to walk a bit out of the way, to get the water, I did not have to make any decisions on where or when I might be able to get more. Now, there are some spots that the river is more easily accessible than others. It is the nature of how the terrain develops.
With all said and done, I ate my dinner, and then prepared to sleep for the night. I will be at least say, that having shorter nights, during the summer, is a benefit to traveling, this time of the year. I can fall asleep when it is getting dark, and start waking up when the sun begins to shine. There is no length of time, where I am prevented from acting, due to the darkness.
The sun has not completely left the horizon, as there is nothing better to do, sleep is my best option. Building up my campfire, so it would not extinguish too early in the night, all that I need to do is done for the day.
"Hello the camp." (Female Voice)
At least, that is, until a visitor approached my camp, at the terminating light of the day.