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Can't Die Tonight

There is no way that I am losing a fight to a mouse. Just the idea of such a situation is something I can not allow. I am a person that has been trained to use my power, against a creature that is randomly using its energies against mine.

While the little creature's attacks have been powerful, there has been no detrimental attack that has landed on my body. My body has suffered some negligible injuries, though most of them have been caused by shrapnel when the two of our powers met. These minor explosions threw up particles, washing over my body.

For each attack that it sends towards me, I am cancel out its effects, when I am not able to use less power, to deflect it away from me. I am lucky that there is no strategy behind the wild attacks that are attacking me, as I am slowly starting to learn how to better utilize my power in this fight. The only thing that I have been doing, is defending, and now, I am starting to have time to retaliate.

My attacks are not there to cause any real harm. I know that, right now, none of them will accomplish that goal. Strategies that I am starting to carry out, are there to exhaust my opponent. The hope is that I will ultimately start my offense.

As the tide is turning against my diminutive opponent, and the confidence in my ability in the control of my power, is starting to grow. The mouse is finally starting to exhaust itself, and I see an end in sight. I am going to win this battle.

I can see how the traders were not able to defend themselves against this scourge. In the dark of the night, with limited sources of illumination, something this small is easy to ignore. And, without my abilities, there would be a good chance that I would not have been able to find my target. I might have missed the mouse, if I had not known where it was coming from.

The rodent has never received attacks from another with Putere. Its defense are, for the most point, are not there. Randomly, it is lucky enough to fend off one of my strikes, but it is not a skill that will help it in this fight.

Ever so slowly, I am strengthening my attacks, I am finally ready to go all out. Within a few minutes, I will be victorious in my first battle. Wholly focused on winning, I put all my effort in to attacking the mouse. Nothing is going to distract me during this fight.

*Fwoosh* *Thwack*

While all my efforts were focused on the mouse, I had no need to heed the person that was behind me, being protected. But, she attacked me from behind, with a knife that I had not seen. I was stabbed in the back by Vezena.

"Why would you attack me?" (Rehor)

But, there was no answer from her lips. Her attacks had distracted me for long enough, that the mouse was being allowed to heal its more grievous wounds. The gains that I had won, are gone. No longer am I fighting this solo creature. Instead, I have to focus on two different enemies.

Under normal circumstances, a single mouse would never be more dangerous, than a human. This was not a normal circumstance that I am facing. And with me being in the open, I am in no defensible position.

From the front and from the back I have an enemy. While weakened, the mouse is still an adversary that I must not ignore. And Vezena, a human, I have no idea what treachery that she will do, if I divert my attention from her. Neither of them are opponents that I am able to focus my attentions, to the exclusion of the other, on to.

If this is to be a war of attrition, I have no chances of winning. I need to decide, and I need to decide right now, on what is to be my course of actions. The mouse, or the human, which is the one that I can win against the quickest?

With no other choices, I need to discard some of my defense, and attack. My target, Vezena. I still have no idea the reason why she is attacking me, right now, nor do I have any idea on how skilled she is, but I should be able to attack and incapacitate her, with less effort than I would spend against the mouse.

Without any concern for her own safety, Vezena has started to viciously attack me. With her dagger, large sweeping strokes, unceasingly, attack my body. With the attacks, resumed, from the mouse, I am having trouble finding enough time where I can preform an attack against my human opponent.

The unsteady steps, that I am retreating with, are leading my two opponents into a straight line. Though it is two opponents that I am defending, with much difficulty, against, with them becoming aligned, I have some time to properly use my power to defend.

I am not sure how long I have been fighting, but the adrenaline that had hit my system when I first started fighting, is starting to diminish. As much as I do not want to, if I am not willing to take at least one attack from the mouse, so that I can attack Vezena, my doom will come sooner or later.

Even though there is no discernible rhythm of attacks, from the power, there is finally a chance to rebound the mouse's attack, and to send it towards the other attacker. With a wall of power, I add more speed to the attack, and send it towards Vezena.

This is my first time that I have been aggressive in this fight, since Vezena has joined in. Being unprepared for retaliation, my attack lands and knocks her out of the fight, for a few moments. Since I am no longer having to defend a dagger, I have a small amount of time where I can halt her for the rest of the fight.

I knew it was coming, but the mouse landed a successful attack against me. Heat quickly enveloped the area where I had been hit, causing intense pain, even more than the stab from Vezena, when she attacked. Still, I need to halt her actions, while I finish off the mouse.

With a wave of energy, I blast her mind, knocking her out. I am not sure if it is going to kill her, but at this moment, I do not care. Wounded, and exhausted, like the mouse, round three is finally ready to start.