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The Beast in Me

Several weeks have passed since Vezena came to after I had to defend myself from her. For the first few days of her captivity, I prevented her from leaving the basement. Though she was still weak, I wanted to be assured that she could not leave and go to who knows where. Slowly, though, I began to relax on being her warden.

It was not that I was becoming attached to her or anything about me caring about her, or even that was was no longer cognizant that she might try to attack me again. Instead, if to be at all truthful, I was spending too much time having to take care of her needs. There is some hubris on my part, that I was not worried that I would not be able to handle anything that she could do to me.

I left her trapped within the house, and the surrounding courtyard. Well, it is not an actual courtyard, since the area was not walled off, just fenced off. The fencing was there mainly to keep smaller vermin away from the house, keeping them from incurring too much damage towards my household. It was not any large expanse by any imagination, just an area large enough for an outdoor work area and some room to stretch your legs. If Vezena had truly wanted to escape from the premises, other than keeping her enchained in the basement, with locks warding off any hope for an escape, I could not actually keep her there.

For the first few days of her limited freedom, I stayed near the house, constantly keeping track of her whereabouts with my power. Vezena had mainly healed from her physical wounds, she never actively attempted to leave. There were times, though, when she started to leave, hesitantly, she never tried to complete her actions.

So, with some trepidation on my part, I relaxed my monitoring of her. Like with trying to keep her a complete prisoner, it was taking to much of my time to be a full time warden. With summer leading into fall, I had work I needed to complete for the end of the year. Let alone harvesting my crops and processing them so that they would not rot over the winter, I needed to also remembered last year and some of my other problems over the long winter.

Stocking enough wood to be able to keep the temperature of the house at a comfortable level during the cold of winter, is an immense task. That is also not counting the wood I need for my kilns. Much as I disliked that I forgot how much lumber I used over the winter, I made an estimate of what I thought I needed, and then doubled it. Too much, while not always better than too little, is better than too little in this case.

There was one benefit from needing to store so much wood, I ended up creating a windbreak, possibly helping out in using less of the wood, in itself. There might be a point of building up some type of permanent wall just for that reason. It should just be a simple dirt wall, and then slowly add stones that are waste from processing dirt for clay.

Oh, yeah, that was one of the other things that I needed to take care of before winter comes. I was entirely too bored last year, due to not even thinking about that aspect of my being. If I do not have something to distract myself from myself, winter will be a longer time than it should be.

Enough of that, back to Vezena. I have no idea what I should do concerning her.

Back when I was keeping her as a true prisoner, I was able to contact Muceni, who in turn, helped me to contact Otec. I did my best to explain the situation to them, with the hope that they could lend me some advice. However, I received nothing of substance that would help me out, or lead me to a solution. Alone, I have to forge my own path, in this endeavor.

It had become a nightly ritual, in which I messed with her mental wounds, in trying to alleviate the wounds that no person could visibly see. Most of the days, I attempted nothing, just looking at pathways and where they lead, or terminated. The hard part about this, is some parts naturally end, in every person, without any explanation on the why. The expanse of her mind, and the complexity of the environment prevented me from progressing, to any extent.

During the times of these examinations, before and after, I conversed with this girl. Mentally, she is younger than what her physical appearance shows. She has many more naive thoughts than her than the age she portrays.

It is not that she is ignorant, or anything of that nature. She has a dexterous mind, in most circumstances. Instead, it is as if she had never learned about life. Book smart, but dumb to the ways of the world. I am nearly certain that she is not the same person that I met, and later thwarted her attempts at my life.

Wishing as I might, I have a perverse interest in her. She is an inverse of me. While I am older, fairly significantly so, than I appear, she, though, is younger, though only be a little, than she is physically. The juxtaposition of our situation is seemingly some cosmic joke. Yet, still, it is right, in all the wrong ways.

I also have a limited amount of enjoyment of having another creature that inhabits my life. While I will not say that I am, or was, lonely, having a second person living with me, is oddly comforting. There could be the chance that I have so long been used to having someone in close proximity to me, that my being as a creature needs that closeness of a being of another creature.