The morning bell rang and Jacob headed to his first class, dragging a confused Emmanuel along. As a matter of fact, the schooling system has changed dramatically since then, so Jacob was not too surprised about his complete lack of knowledge.
The first class of the day was math, accelerated algebra 2, it was Jacob's second worst subject. He didn't speak to many people in this class because they were mostly Juniors, and there was an age gap. He moved to his seat, there were a few empty seats around him, so Emmanuel sat next to him.
As he reminisced back on this time, he chuckled to himself. Grades kindergarten to 8th grade, he was a very outgoing person and was considered the top of his class. Yet, due to various reasons during highschool, this particular day being one of them, he sunk further and further into self-isolation.
Math class went along without an issue. His next class was government. He had a sub this particular day and they just did a crossword and wordsearch. Third hour was art class, he was the only boy in his class of 18 people. This was one of the few classes he opened up a bit during his time, as at his core he was a huge gossip.
Lunch time rolled around, and Jacob had a hasty sandwich wrap bought lunch. He finished it quickly and then got up and left the lunchroom. He followed his memories to a janitor closet near the gym. The door was locked, so he pulled out his math textbook and smashed the doorknob off, Emmanuel was stationed as a lookout.
In the room he found a duffle bag… Inside the duffle bag was a makeshift bomb. His face darkened as the events of this day flitted through his mind. He then quickly disabled the bomb, something that he had spent a long time learning how to do. He then stuffed the defused bomb in a corner where it will not be found.
The bell rang and Jacob quickly closed the door, using some sticky tack to hold the handle back in place. He then headed to his next class, advanced chemistry, they had a fun lab with making different color fires, strontium chloride makes such a gnarly flame. He had a bit of fun reliving these memories, though he knew it was all fake.
His next class was a english 101, it was the first time he took this class… though he ended up taking it two more times over the course of his high school term. Finally, came the last part of the day… His gym class. He left his fifth hour a couple minutes early and rushed to the locker room.
He found a specific locker, it had a lock on it... He remembered this lock type from an internet video, he slipped a paper clip through the combination on the bottom and it popped open the lock. Right in front was a pistol… He reset the combination lock and left the room. He then made an anonymous tip through the school email, knowing that the school will keep quiet about it, he left to go to gym class.
He reflected on the day, and realized that it was incredibly fishy, he would have to scold the drill instructor for illegally scanning his memories, not that he was sure there were laws regarding it, but he was pretty sure, as for how this would suggest to Emmanuel that he was a reincarnator, well he did not particularly care.
Even if people questioned him, there were 101 stories he could spin, the simplest being that he just woke up the memories of his past life. He was actually clueless as to how his reincarnation was carried out, and he did not believe anyone could disprove him.
In his last life, during this highschool day, there was a shooting and a bomb explosion. A student by the name of Parker, someone he once was friends with, was angry about his girlfriend dumping him for another guy. Parker, in his rage, planted a bomb that would blow up the area where students left to go to the student parking lot by the gym, timed for the end of the school day, if he was caught early on in his other plan.
His other plan was simple, he would, during his sixth hour class that he shared with the new boyfriend, shoot him. What happened though, was him going on a shooting spree and killing four people, and injuring 12. After he was caught, the bomb later went off injuring 4 more and killing one.
This was a major dark spot in Jacob's life as he was one of the people who were shot, in the leg. After the wound initially healed, the injury was fine as long as no strenuous pressure was applied, he did not know this at the time and later joined the military. His dark injury flared up after boot camp and it led to his bone in his leg snapping.
After it healed, although he did not have any issues for the rest of his life until he died, it still prevented him from doing a lot of the things he enjoyed in the past, like sports. Jacob went through the rest of the day without issue, though there were some rumors about cop cars taking someone, Jacob merely smiled hollowly, having to relive this false memory brought Jacob no joy.
[Mission Completed]
The world faded to white.
A technician was currently yelling at his assistant, "Can you explain to me why these headsets are taking up 1000% more resources than the others, what the hell is going on? Didn't we just set some simple missions?"
The assistant read through the data, a lot of it showed as corrupt. Abruptly the resource drain stopped and returned to normal levels. The technician and his assistant were left confused with no leads to follow.
A new world faded into view, and Jacob who was about to speak, heard Emmanuel, "Our first mission is coming up, be prepared, I heard from a family elder that they like to play tricks." Jacob just stared confusedly.
"This is our second mission right?" Jacob said. Emmanuel just looked at him confused, "No, we just entered? Why would it be the second mission?" Jacob just kept silent, contemplating what had just transpired. His thoughts roamed before something appeared in front of his eyes.
[Mission Objective: Capture the criminal.]
Sirens were heard.