My “Special” Birthday!!!

Hi I'm Molly Meadows, age 15, just an average girl living an average life but today is finally my sweet sixteen! Anyways, I'm going to tell you about how my life changed on this special day...or as I thought was special...

It was 7:45 AM and I just arrived at school and was parking my Moped Scooter.

Hey!, Molly!, Happy Birthday!

I looked up from the bike to see my best friend Constance but I call her Connie.

Hey Connie!

So what are you going to do for your birthday?

I was thinking about having a Sleepover party tomorrow and invite my closest friends.

Ok that sounds fun!

So let's head to class before we're late we only have 5 minutes!

Ok birthday girl.

~After School~

Yay! School is finally over for the week!, So Molly I have a surprise for you later on, so go home and get dressed up then I'll pick you up at 5:00 sharp!

Ok Connie!, See you then!
