Tommy x kimi

Kimi's POV

When we arrived at the Rink called Whistle ice it was packed, people were either over at the restaurant where people can eat and rest after skating or at the rink there were

couples, groups of friends and even parents, It seems like a nice place to hang out, from the name of the place you can kinda tell it's a nice

place. Me, Tommy, Chuckie, Phil, Lil, Susie, Dil and Angelica entered and were greeted by a man named Jack, he had blonde hair, fair skin and

all around a good looking guy but he looks about 20 yrs old, too old for me. Can i help you?"Jack asked us in a polite manner, Um can we

skate please?"i asked him, Sure but if your first timers you'll have to go through this simple procedure to show us you are qualified to skate

here so we won't have any problems later on" Jack told us, I'll be pairing you all of" Jack continued, Chuckie was partnered with Susie,

Phil was with Lil, Angelica volunteered to be partners with Jack for some reason and I was partnered with Tommy. Dil said he has been

here before and started to skate while reading his feng shui book,

Now what you have to do is grab both of your partner's hands and

skate with your partner then once you're ready to let go you can skate on your own" Jack informed us, We all made our way to the rink and

started skating with our partner, I grabbed both of Tommy's hands and felt a light blush on

my cheeks for some reason, We were skating quite terribly, Tommy was actually pretty good at this but because of me we were horrible

Tommy you don't need to stay here and help me you can go skate without me, I'm just holding you back" I told him so he could have fun

No way, this is already fun and it won't be very nice to leave a lady who's having a hard time by herself right." He told me, Thanks Tommy

Then all of sudden the lights turned red, the music changed from Candy store by Faber Drive to A thousand Years by Christina Perri,

Jack went to the middle of the rink and said" Ladies and Gentleman grab that special somebody it's couples skating, then Jack left the rink

so couples skating could begin, after the announcement I turned back to Tommy and he looked at me, I realized we were so close to each

other, I swear i could see him blushing as much as I am but it was hard to tell because the whole rink was covered with red

lights, we both started to laugh at the scene, Would you like to skate Kimi" he asked me, I would Love to" I replied, we began to skate with

the other couples with me still holding his hand because I am a horrible skater we were laughing, talking and really having a good time then

Jack came to the middle of the rink and said Couples skating was over I was actually quite sad that it was over, me and Tommy were having a

real good time, me and Tommy decided to go to the restaurant because we could not find anybody from our group so we decided to

go to the restaurant, we sat down and I ordered some fries, Kimi are you still not talking to Chuckie" He asked me, Yes" I sighed, He pouted"

Kimi you know Chuckie is really sorry and maybe you should forgive him after all you are brother and sister" he told me, I don't know

Tommy I'm just not ready to forgive him yet" I told him with a depressed look on my face, but before i could continue talking he interrupted me

and said" I know Chuckie can be Stupid, Idiotic and Stubborn but Chuckie has a heart of gold he was just trying to help you impress Z

can't you find it in your heart to forgive him" he told me sincerely, I'll think about it Tommy" I told him, after that he stood up and said, I'm

gonna look for the others you wait here and look for anybody in the restaurant" As Tommy was leaving I called him" Oh and Tommy, thanks, he

smiled and left to look for the others, i smiled at him back until he was lost in the crowds when i turned around Lil was there, I saw the whole

thing I knew there was always something between you two ever since we were babies" she told me excitedly, Geez there you are Lil 

what are you talking about you're starting to sound like my brother" I told her, She laughed and we talked for about 10 mins until Tommy

came back with Chuckie, Phil, Susie, Angelica and Dil they joined us at our table, Did any of you join the couples skating" Susie asked, Me

and Tommy both blushed and both said no, after eating at the restaurant we decided to go home

Tommy's POV

I woke up at 6:00, I made my way straight to the bathroom, took a shower and went downstairs to see Dil , My mom and my dad eating breakfast, 

Good Morning Tommy" my mom said, Morning, they saw him go for the coffee and they said when did you start drinking coffee he said to day they said way because I'm going to tell kimi something when we get to the campsite and I'm not that hungry so I'm gonna skip on breakfast" I told her, Okay sweetie" she

told me, I made my way to the living room then sat on the couch watching TV for about 20 mins then the doorbell rang, Phil and Lil

came with their parents, Betty and Howard, Betty and Howard went to the kitchen where my mom and dad were while Phil and Lil made their way to me, 

Morning Tommy" Phil said in a sleepy voice then sat on the couch and fell asleep, Lil sat on the other side me since Phil occupied

my other side, Lil did the same thing, the doorbell rang and Kimi and Chuckie entered the room, while Their parents, Chaz and Kira went to the kitchen, Hey Tommy" Chuckie and Kimi greeted me, Oh hey guys, are you ready for this camping trip" I asked them, I guess just hope i didn't forget my bug repellant" Chuckie told me The three of us laughed and chatted for awhile until everybody arrived and it was time to go, 

OK kids time to separate into groups" Betty told us, in 5 minutes we all separated into our groups, My dad was the driver and

beside him was Chaz, Chuckie and Kimi's dad, Angelica sat near the window because she said" she doesn't want to talk to us preteens,beside her was Phil then I was next to him and Kimi sat beside me near the window opposite of Angelica, ``Are you kids ready?" My dad asked me, we all replied with an enthusiastic "yeah", and we left my house heading to the camping site.

Angelica's POV

So after 15 mins on the road these idiot preteens fell asleep, I made the good decision to stay near the window but the bad decision was staying bedside Phil, he was drooling and he looked lifeless. Aw Chaz would you look at that" Uncle Stew pointed at Tommy and Kimi, Kimi's head was leaning on Tommy's shoulder (like how couples sleep in a car) That's nice I wonder how it would be like if those 2 got together" Chaz said, It's too bad I didn't have my phone my mom didn't let me bring it, i wanted to take a picture!!!. I wouldn't mind if those 2 got together" Uncle Stew said and Kimi's dad replied with a yeah and a nod.

It's been 45 mins the preteens are still sleeping then Tommy woke up Angelica why is Kimi leaning on my shoulder" Tommy whispered to me without moving so he wouldn't wake up Kimi. Well Tommy it looks like you 2 are closer than you and Chuckie, that's all I can say" I told my cousin. After that there was a moment of silence as Phil and Kimi woke up. Oh sorry Tommy" Kimi apologized , blushing, No prob" Tommy replied blushing as well. Five minutes passed and I got bored, so how about we play a game, I asked the preteens, Like what?"Phil replied, ``I gave a sly smile, Truth or dare'' I said trying to send chills down their spines, 'Sure how bad could it be" Tommy replied. And with that the game started.

Angelica asked Kimi truth or dare she said truth Angelica said how do you really feel about tommy she said i like him more than just a friend and she blushed then Kimi asked tommy truth or dare he said truth Kimi said how do you really feel about me he said i like you more than just a friend and he blushed then Tommy asked Phil truth or dare he said truth  tommy said who do you like he said Susie then Phil asked Kimi truth or dare she said dare he said i dare you to kiss Tommy she blushed and said only if he wants to he said it is ok with me if you want to and the kissed she said i forgot my tent at home can i share yours with you he said yes you can the she leaned her head on Tommy's shoulder and went to sleep 

They got to the campsite the rest of the people saw them and said how cute and tommy woke her up they got out of the car tommy said he had something to say to kimi he said we have been friends for a long time now i know you feel the same way about me that I feel about you so it makes this easier to do he got on one knee and said well you be my girlfriend and she said yes I would love to be your girlfriend they kissed he said he was going to the store a mile away to get somethings do you want anything  yes some hamburger and hotdogs for to night he said ok he asked kimi if she wanted to go with him and she said yes he said let me get my first aid kit and mountain rappelling gear in case there is someone in trouble so i can help them they were walking for 20 minutes when he saw that someone needed help

 they got closer and heard her say help me please i'm scared he said I am on my way to help you he got to the top and started rappelling the mountain he got to her and said hold on to me i have to cut the ropes  she did than he rappelled down the mountain with her in his arms when the got to the ground he said are you ok she said leg is scratched up but other than that fine he asked kimi for the first aid kit she gave it to him he got out a big bandage and put it on her he said can you walk she said no he put her on his back  and said do you know where your campsite is she said no he said i will call the ranger station and tell them if anyone is looking for you to come to campsite 13 she said ok and he did they got to the store and he said are you guys thirsty and they said yes he got a 24 pack of soda and 4 pounds of hamburger and 3 packages of hotdogs and 3 cartons of eggs   the started to walk back they got back and the others saw tommy and kimi with another girl they took the food from him he said she was rappelling and got heart so i bandaged her up than called the ranger station and told them if someone called looking for her she was here he put her in his tent to rest 

it was time to eat he asked her if she was hungry and she said yes he said ok and helped her up and took her to his chair and sate her down and gave her a hamburger and 6hotdog and a soda she started to eat when her parents arrived he went to Talk to them he said you must be her parents they said yes he said she was rappelling down the mountain and cut her leg a bit but i saw her and rescued her and took care of her lag he said are you hungry they said yes he took the to their daughter and gave them some food they eat than were about to live he said next time you go rappelling down have someone else with you and she said ok they went back to their campsite 

He said that he was going to bed because he had a 2:00am hike he was going  on and kimi said she was turning in to she was going on the hike wit him they both went in to his tent and went to sleep 2:00am comes and they go on their hike 1 hour later kimi sprained her leg so he took her back to camp he made breakfast 5:30 everyone smelled something Cooking and came out and the parents saw him drinking an espresso and said when did you start drinking coffee he said 2 days ago and they saw kimi drinking an espresso to and said how about you she said to day  Tommy said that there is more in the coffee pot next to the fire he said i have to go 5 campsites down and check on the girl that i helped the other day he did she was fine then he went back 

Than he said he was going whitewater rafting down level 4 and kimi asked if she could go with him he said yes the went then came back 2 hours later it was 7pm he said he was going to bed wake me up in 4 hours kimi said she would do that he went in to the tent and went to sleep 4 hours later she woke him up by kissing him he got up he called the ranger station and asked which mountain is the biggest the ranger said mount humungus he said thank you than he said kimi do you want to go mountain rappelling with me at 5AM she said yes it was 5am they went rappelling down the mountain he said just look at me she did they made it to the ground they went back to the campsite and it was time to go home

                            The end