Tommy x kimi 3

Chapter 1: Visions

Robots. Animals with hats. Inventions from earlier in the summer. A... Pharmacist? No, two. Two pharmacists. As the pictures fade away, he sees one last blurry image. He can't quite make it out but whatever it was makes his lips tingle whenever he sees it.

Tommy  has been having strange visions lately. They started a week or two ago. He wasn't exactly sure. He's so lost in his thoughts that he doesn't hear his name being called the first two times.

"Tommy ." His  brother dil shouted, snapping Tommy  back into reality. "Bro, what's up? You haven't been yourself lately..." The two brothers were sitting in their backyard with their pet platypus, Perry.

"It's nothing, dil. I just keep seeing... Weird visions that's all... Kind of like distant memories or something... They seem so real."

"You know, having strange visions usually means your brain is trying to remember something it forgot before. When did the visions start? And what exactly are they about?"

"A week or two ago." He says, followed by him explaining every little bit he can remember. "And then I see this blurry image at the end. I can't quite see what it is, but it makes my lips tingle when I see it... Then I hear a muffled voice but I think it's saying "Hit it, Carl!"

Upon hearing this, Perry's eyes widen. "He's remembering? Not good..."

"Wait a second dil... Don't we have a log of everything we did each day all summer?" dil nods, understanding where he's going with this. He stands up and, within moments, returns with an average-looking journal that actually contains a list of everything big they did over the summer, in order by day.

"Ok dil, Let's try starting from... Say... 3 weeks ago?"

dil nods and flips open the book. They go through each and every event and invention up until they reach 9 days ago.

"That's odd... It's blank! Did we honestly do nothing that day?"

"No, we did that earlier in the summer." dil points out.

"Well SOMETHING had to have happened on that day! I guess we'll remember it in time... Speaking of time, where's kimi? Maybe she could help. She's usually here by now though..."

dil shrugs.

"She probably had something to do... Oh well, I'll talk to her about it later."

"Hey Tommy ." Says a familiar female voice, as if on cue. "Watcha dooin?" kimi walks through the door to the backyard and walks towards the brothers with a flirty look in her eyes, as usual.

"Oh hey kimi. We were just wondering where you were." Tommy  says as he turns toward her and smiles. He wasn't exactly sure why he smiled at her like that but something in his mind told him to. 1

"Oh really?" She says and looks at him flirtatiously. 1

"Yeah, I kind of need your help with something. You're really smart, right?"

"Well I don't know if I'd say 'really' smart, but yeah, why?"

Tommy  turns over to dil real quick.

"Hey dil, you mind if I talk with her about this alone?"

dil looks at him and raises an eyebrow suggestively. Tommy  simply glares at him with a serious face. 2

"dil, I'm serious."

He nods and gets up to walk in the house.

"How come you asked him to go?"

"Honestly I'm not sure, I just thought I'd talk to you about this myself."

"Well what is it?" She asks as she sits down next to him.

"Now this may sound crazy but lately, I've been having some weird visions." He puts his hands on his head as if he had a headache. "They've been bothering me for about a week now, it's like I'm trying to remember something but I have like..."

"Amnesia. It's nothing to worry about, Tommy . You'll remember it in time."

"Is there any way you can help me remember though?"

"How come you didn't ask dil to help?"

"I did, he wasn't very much help. Besides, I trust you the most and I know that my best friend can help."

"Awww that's so sweet." She blushes and they look at each other in silence for a moment.

"Uh... So is that a yes, kimi?"

"Sure Tommy . What are friends for?"

"I knew I could count on you!" He gives her a quick hug, leaving her dazed for a slight moment. 2

Chapter 2: Help From A Friend

"Ok Tommy , first I need you to tell me what the visions look like. Now I want you to close your eyes and tell me the images you see."

He closes his eyes and concentrates really hard. "Ok. I see... Two pharmacists, a ton of robots, animals with hats, and what looks like a lot of inventions from earlier in the summer. There's the roller coaster, the tree house robots, our robot duplicates, and a lot of other things."

kimi looks at him, listening carefully. "Is that all?"

"I think so... Wait, there's usually one more thing..." He concentrates even harder for a second. "There it is. All I really see is a blur, but I feel my lips tingle whenever that part comes up. It's always at the end, followed by a blinding white light..." 6

"Hmmm..." kimi thinks out loud. "Do you remember any locations of some kind?"

"Well there's this purple building that's shaped vaguely like dil's head but that's it." 3

"Now is there anything else I should know before we continue?"

"Well... dil and I looked through our log of inventions for this summer and we noticed that one day, about 9 days ago, was blank. Nothing."

"Nothing? Didn't you guys already do that earlier in the summer?" She giggles.

Tommy  chuckles. "Yeah, we did. That's what I said, too. You know we don't like being repetitive with inventions and ideas." 1

"Ok, so what we need to do now is try and jog your memory."

"How do we do that?"

"Well I think we should start by going to a location that appears in your visions. You said something about a purple dil-shaped building?"


"Well I think I saw that building a few times. C'mon, let's go." She stands up and reaches her hand out towards him. He grabs her hand and she helps him up.

"dil! We're going to go jog my memory! We'll be back later." Tommy  yells toward the house, not really sure if dil even heard him. A few moments later, they hear him yell "Ok, have fun I guess."

Suddenly, Tommy  notices that kimi is still holding his hand. "Um... kimi, you can... Let go now. I'm standing up." 4

Disappointed, she replies "Ok." as she lets go.

Hearing the slight disappointment in her voice confuses him but he smiles at her. "Oh what the heck. Let's go!" He says as he grabs her hand and brings her out of the backyard. 3

*Inside the house*

dil watched as Tommy  led kimi out from the backyard. Then he sat down on the couch holding Perry.

"Are all the preparations ready?" dil asks.

Perry nods.

"Perfect. Now all we need to do is set up the trail... This better go as planned though, Agent P." 10

Chapter 3: It's The Little Things

As they walk towards downtown Danville, kimi continues to try and restore Tommy ' memories little by little. All while still holding his hand.

"So what do you now remember so far?" kimi asks after she thinks he's remembered at least a few things.

"Well a few things are clearer now. I can remember in the morning, we started out by doing our usual activity of no major significance, but then it somehow went wrong and we ended up-"

"Um... Sorry to interrupt Tommy , but... I think this is that dil-shaped building." She points at a large purple building and they both look up at it.

*Conveniently timed jingle*

~Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated~ 15

"Hey kimi did you hear that?"

"Hear what?"

"Never mind." 1

"Ok, well does this building look familiar to you at all?"

"A little..." He says and starts to concentrate his thoughts. "For some reason I keep thinking if shuttlecocks and Perry... Weird..."

"You know what's even weirder? That sounds familiar to me, too..."

Tommy  thinks for a minute and sighs. "Well I guess there's nothing more we can do here. Let's head back home."

As they start walking, just out of earshot, a voice echoes. "Curse you, Perry the Platypus!"

Suddenly, kimi lets go of Tommy ' hand by accident.

"You ok?" He asks, a little concerned for reasons he did not know himself.

"Hm? Oh, sorry my hand must've slipped."

"That's ok." He smiles and she grabs his hand again. As she grabs his hand, he closes his fingers around her hand. She blushes and hopes he doesn't notice.

Moments later, they arrive in Tommy ' backyard. Neither dil nor Perry are anywhere to be seen. "Hey, where's Perry? And dil?" Tommy  asks. But before either could say anything else, Tommy spots a folded piece of paper on the ground.

"What's this?" He picks it up and reads the words that were written on it.

~If you two want to remember, you'll follow my instructions. Open this and go to where your mind tells you to.~ 3

"Us two? So that means you forgot too?"

She shrugs. "I guess so. Some of those things you mentioned sound really familiar to me..."

"Hmm... Someone didnt want us to remember what happened that day for some reason... Well, this is our only lead so I guess I'll look at it."

He unfolds the paper and they both gasp at what they see: A blueprint for a platypus catapult, or Platypult. Suddenly, Tommy  starts to remember something. 2

Tommy , dil, Phil , Chuckie, and kimi in the backyard, working on building two platypults and a giant shuttlecock for a giant game of platypus badminton. The two brothers sat in the shuttlecock and were launched towards the park, where Chuckie and Phil  were waiting to return the serve. However, the flight path of the serve was interfered by something and they were launched straight into...

"The building!" Tommy  exclaims.

"Um... Tommy ? What about the building?"

He hands her the blueprint and as she looks at it, she remembers as well. She turns towards him and they both nod, immediately heading back to where they came from a moment ago. This time, they were going in.

Chapter 4: The Hunt Begins

"Come on kimi, we're almost there!" Tommy  taunts.

"Wait up, Tommy ! Slow down a bit, jeez." kimi teases.

A few short moments later, they arrive at the base of:

*evil jingle*

Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated! 9

"There it is again..." Tommy  thinks to himself but shrugs it off. They enter the building and step into the elevator.

"Any idea where we're going, Tommy ?"

(Keep in mind that she only remembers things from her point of view. Only Tommy  and dil ended up in Doof's Evil Inc.)

"The top floor." He says as he presses the button. As they're going up, you can faintly hear their one-hit wonder playing as elevator music.

*DING!* They step out of the elevator and approach an elderly looking man with a lab coat.

"Excuse me sir... Did anyone happen to leave a note or some kind if clue up here?"

The man turns around to face the two kids. "That's funny, some guy in a hood just left one on my couch which for some reason smells like pee..."

"Thanks mister." Tommy  says as he and kimi walk over to the couch.

"Say, you look familiar, sir... Have we seen you before?" kimi asks suspiciously.

"I don't think so. I think I'd remember seeing a girl who wears pink and a boy with a head shaped like a nacho chip..." 7

Tommy  suddenly gets a serious expression on his face, picks up the note, and takes kimi to the elevator. The only thing he says to Doof is "Thank you for your time, sir.", the "sir" having some sarcasm in it.

After they step into the elevator, Tommy  looks kind of angry and kimi, worried.

"Tommy , are you ok?"

"I'm fine. I'm just a little self-conscious about the shape of my head..." 10

kimi smiles at him and puts her hand on his shoulder. "Well I don't think there's anything wrong with it. Besides, did you see how huge and pointy his nose was?"

Tommy  struggles to keep his angry face but can't help but break into a grin, causing kimi to smile as well.

"There's that smile of yours."

"Yeah... His nose was pointy." They both start laughing and hear a voice.

"I heard that!"

Suddenly they stop laughing and notice that Tommy  forgot to push the elevator button and see Doofenshmirtz standing right in front of them. Tommy  pushes the elevator button and as they're going down, they burst out laughing. 1

Chapter 5: Hot On The Trail

"Hey Tommy , do you have any idea where we're supposed to go next?"

"Not really..." He looks at the paper in his hand. "Oh, duh! The note!" He unfolds it and reads out loud.

~So, you've met Dr. Doofenshmirtz. You don't recognize him but he looks familiar, doesn't he? He actually played a major part in the events that occurred 9 days ago. Want to know the other important people? There's Doofenshmirtz, you and kimi (especially you), dil, Chuckie and Phil , and a few other people who I'll explain about later. Oh, and Perry was very important in this. Very. Find him and he'll lead you to your final clue. Your memory SHOULD be fully restored soon.~

He folds the note up and puts it in his pocket with the other one. "Doofenshmirtz, huh? Yeah, he does look familiar..."

"I agree... But are we really going to keep following the instructions of a two-dimensional piece of stationary?"

Tommy  whispers to himself. "Two-dimensional... Two dimensions... Second... Second dimension!" He gasps and kimi looks at him puzzled.

"Tommy ?"

"Hang on kimi, I'm remembering something... I remember the platypus badminton, then it went wrong after something crashed into it... We were sent flying into this place, where we just were."

They step off the elevator and start walking towards his house as he continues.

"Then we fixed this machine for that guy, and it opened a portal to another dimension... And Perry came with us... And then there was another Doofenshmirtz, and then Perry..."

"Wow Tommy , that's a lot of information you remembered just by thinking about a piece of paper..." She giggles.

"Well you're the one who called it a 'two-dimensional piece of stationary'. Thanks for that." He smiles at her.

She blushes and looks slightly away. "No problem. What're friends for?" She slowly moves her hand towards his and he gladly accepts it, wrapping his hand around hers.

"You know, this has been pretty fun, running around trying to restore our memories." Tommy  says.

"Yes. Yes it has. So the note said to go to Perry? How's he gonna help? He's just a platypus. They don't do much. Right?"

"Yeah..." Soon enough they're back in the Flynn-Fletcher backyard. "Oh, there you are Perry. We were told that you would "lead us to our final clue" to restore our memories?"

Perry nods, stands up, and puts on his special fedora. He looks through the kitchen window and sees it's 2:45. "Perfect. Between 2:30 and 3." He thinks to himself. He pushes a small button on the tree and a secret elevator is revealed.

Chapter 6: The Chapter Without A Clever Title 7

"How long has this been here?" Tommy  asks bewildered. He looks at Perry, who shrugs. Then he looks at kimi who does the same. Perry motions for Tommy  to stay and kimi to follow him. Then he puts a strange device on his fedora.

"I'll explain later, Tommy . But thanks to this translator, I can talk to you. Just stay here and everything will be clear shortly."

Tommy  was shocked to say the least but managed to calmly say "Ok" as Perry led kimi into the elevator and down to his secret base.

"How come you brought me down here? And what is this place anyway?"

"I have some stuff to show you. Most you won't recognize but some you will."

"Ok, what is it exactly?"

"Pictures." He answers simply.

"And about that translator thing?"

"Long story. You'll hopefully remember enough to figure it out." He says as he opens a folder on his giant computer. Inside the folder are many pictures, 50 in fact, and he proceeds to click the first one to view it. As they're viewing each picture, kimi starts to remember a lot about the day. She remembers everything from the platypult to the normbots to the robot riot. Perry explains each picture as they come across them. While she's remembering stuff, she also learns plenty of new things.

They're now on the 49th picture.

Perry looks at her. "Now this last one may surprise you. A lot. If you see it, I'm sure you'll remember everything else. But you may not be able to handle it. Are you ready?"

"Perry, I've seen all of the crazy things that happened that day. Some I don't even know about myself because I wasn't there. What could be crazier than all that stuff?"

He chuckles slightly, leaving kimi confused for a moment. "You'd be surprised at what you still don't remember. You haven't seen the craziest one yet. Just click the mouse button when you're ready. I'm going back up."

And with that, he leaves. kimi, never one to back down from anything, clicks without hesitation. Picture #50 is revealed, and she gasps at what she sees. Suddenly, a flood of forgotten events flow through her mind and she remembers. EVERYTHING.

She feels a tingle in her lips as she looks at the image. Now the rest is clear. Perry is a secret agent. They had to get their memories wiped so he wouldn't be sent away. And right before the wiping, she...

"I've gotta find a way to break this to Tommy ..."


Perry and Tommy  are talking. Perry is telling him about the translator that someone made for him.

"And who was it that made it?"

"In time you'll know, Tommy . kimi should be coming up very soon, so I must go." And with that, he walks away into the house. He starts to follow but stops when he hears an elevator ding.

kimi steps off the elevator and it closes behind her, making it look as if it was never there.

"Hey kimi. So... Do you remember anything?"

She begins to blush. "Yeah... I did..."

"Are you ok? Is there something I should know?"

She thinks for a moment, planning her next few moves. "Do you want to remember everything?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Close your eyes."

"Um... How come?"

"Just do it." She says with a nervous smile.

"Ok..." He does.

"Perfect..." She thought to herself. "Now if I can do this just right..."

"kimi?" He opens one eye.

"No peaking! And not a word..."

"Sorry." He closes his eye again.

kimi begins to walk closer and closer towards him. He can hear her footsteps and, as she gets closer, her shaky breath.

"Izzy?" He says in a whisper. Her face is now inches away from his. She puts a finger on his lip.

Suddenly he realizes, as she moves her finger away from his lip, what she's about to do. Without warning, he leans in and plants his lips on hers. Her eyes go wide and so do his when they realize what's happening. She eeps as they both fall to the ground, still in a kiss. A heavy blush spreads across their faces. 10

As they're kissing, the memories return to Tommy . The platypult, the other dimension, the evil scientists, Agent P, the platyborg, then returning home, the big battle, then they had their memories wiped... That's when kimi... He gasps as the last image shows in his mind. They had kissed. Right before losing their memory.

Moments later, they slowly break the kiss.

"Wow..." They both whisper in unison.

Without moving, Tommy  starts talking. "I remember everything now, Izzy! We got our memories erased so we wouldn't lose Perry. Right before it happened, you kissed me. Why did you want to forget that?"

They both slowly get up and sit beneath the tree. "I don't know Tommy ... I guess I was hoping some of it would stay in your subconscious and you'd remember eventually. And I guess it finally came back to you. Back to us, that is."

"And... Why did you kiss me?" He asked.

"I could ask you the same thing..."

"Tell me first."

She remained silent.

"Izzy, please. Tell me."

"Did you enjoy the kiss?"

He blushed. "Yeah... A lot actually..."

"And why do you think you enjoyed it?" She half-closed her eyes and stares at him with a flirty smile.

"Well, because I--" He suddenly realizes. His feelings all come together. He opens his mouth to speak but kimi speaks first.

"Why did I kiss you, you're wondering?" She says, her expression still flirty and her voice becoming flirty as well. She slowly crawls towards him and looks him in the eyes. She then gives Tommy  the most passionate kiss she can muster.

Their kiss lasts for more than a full minute. They forgot about everything else around them, all that existed to them at that time was the two of them.

Very, very slowly, kimi pulls out of the kiss. "Because I love you. I always have, Tommy ."

Tommy  remains speechless for a few moments, trying to gather what just happened.

"kimi... I... I can't find the words to tell you how I feel right now... I've realized it long ago, though, that you like me. I've thought for a long time and now I realized. I love you too, kimi." He wraps his arms around her and she returns the hug.

*CLAP. CLAP. CLAP.* "It's about time. Glad you guys followed my hints all the way through." Said a familiar British voice. Beside him was none other than Perry, and they both walked into the backyard. 3

"You knew all along, dil... How?"

Perry answered. "I told him. I knew I could trust him. We then devised this entire plan to help you guys out." 3

"And about the translator?" Tommy  asks.

"Remember the OWCA? They made it for me a few days ago." 1

"Well that makes enough sense I guess..."

"Well I'm sure you two have a lot of... Catching up to do. We'll leave you two alone." dil says as he and Perry begin walking towards the door.

"Hey dil? Perry? Thanks guys. I owe you big time..." kimi says.

Perry simply winks as they walk inside, leaving Tommy  and kimi alone.

"So, what do you wanna do now, Phinny?"

He yawns. "Honestly, I'm tired. We ran around a lot today, plus that last kiss pretty much wiped me out."

She giggles. "By the way, how much did you like that one?"

"I loved it." He said, almost in a whisper.

She scoots closer. "Good. Because it was a special kiss. It was meant to show you all of my feelings toward you."

He chuckles. "I think the message got through."

They sit in silence for a minute as kimi slowly inches toward him.

"Hey, do you mind if I lay down?" She asks with a yawn.

"Sure, why not?"

"Um... Tommy ? Can you... Can you please lay down too so I can rest my head on you?"

"But of course." He replies like a gentleman and proceeds to lay down. When he's settled in place, kimi rests her head on his chest and closes her eyes. Tommy  moves one hand onto her head and slowly caresses it. His other hand grabs one of hers and they lock their fingers in place.

She sighs happily.

"I love you, Tommy ." She whispers.

"I love you too, kimi." He whispers back. Soon, they both drift off to sleep.

Tommy and kimi Christmas 

Tommy  POV•

   I wake up in a good mood because tonight me and dil were gonna throw a Christmas part for our friends. I look over at dil's bed and he left me a note. I pick it up and read it.

   "I saw that you were sleeping this morning and I didn't want to wake you up. I took the hover boards and went to pick up Chuckie, Phil , and kimi. Won't be gone long. See ya later bro."


   I put down the note and I went to get ready. It didn't take that long because I was in a hurry to get started on the party. I went downstairs to find something to eat. After I ate, I waited for a few minutes until the gang got here. I heard them walking up to the door. They walked in and I greeted them.

   "Hi Tommy !" Phil  says excitedly. "Hey bro." dil said after Phil . "What's up dinnerbell!" Chuckie said and gave me a nudge. "Hey guys!" I said back to them. dil spoke up. "Hey Chuckie, Phil  I need you too to help me with something." dil, Chuckie, and Phil left. Tommy then greeted kimi.

   "Hey Tommy . Whatcha doin?" kimi asked me. It's kinda our thing since it's been going for years. I think it's cute. Just like her. (wait did I just call kimi cute? She's my best friend. I don't like her anymore than that. Even though she is cute, nice, caring...huh maybe I do like her more than a friend)

"Uh Tommy ? You there?" She said and got closer to my face and looked up since I was a little bit taller than her."

   "Huh? Oh yeah! Sorry about that!" I told her looking the other way, blushing a little bit.

•kimi'S POV•

   "Huh? Oh yeah! Sorry about that!" Tommy  finally answered after a little bit then looking away. I giggled at him and he smiled back at me. We sat down waiting for the others to get back inside. Then Tommy  got a message from dil. "Hey I got a message from dil saying that him, Chuckie, and Phil went to a few places to get some parts and they'll be awhile because there is snow everywhere." Tommy  told me. I nodded telling him okay. We sat for a few minutes thinking about what to do.

"How about we make them something so when they get back from being outside and going to the places to get the stuff for tonight, they can have a treat." I told Tommy . "That's a great idea! We can make them cookies cause they deserve it." Tommy  replied back. "Well what are we waiting for? Let's start!" I said grabbing Tommy ' hand and running into the kitchen.

   We were in the kitchen then I let go of Tommy ' hand. He looked a little upset. I ask him, "Are you alright Tommy ?" "Oh y-yeah I'm fine!" He answers quickly.

•Tommy  POV•

   I really liked it when kimi was holding my hand. (why do i keep talking about her like she's my girlfriend? I mean I guess I'd like a little more. Maybe I should talk to the guys when they get back.) We started to get the stuff out to make our cookies, a few minutes later the mix was done. Then it seemed like kimi wanted to be cute so she took the flour and threw it at me then she giggled. "Oh you thought that was funny? We'll have some dough." I said then putting the cookie dough on her nose. "You should run Tommy . Cause I'm gonna get you!" kimi said funny. So ran off then she started to chase me. After about a minute or two I was running in the living room the. I didn't see her so I stood still to take a break. Then out of the blue she appeared and we both fell on the ground with her on top of me. We started laughing for a moment, then we both looked at each other for a moment. I could see her blushing and I could also feel my face heating up.

•kimi'S POV•

   Tommy  and I were running around his house, I jumped on him, now we're here on the floor. I'm just "casually" on him. Now we're just staring at each other. I actually like it. It's just me and him, with no interruptions what so ever. After both of us just started, he spoke up. "Whatcha doin'?" Tommy  said smiling at me. I smiled back and said to him "Just trying to seize the day." Then after I finished the sentence Tommy lifted his head and kissed me, with no hesitation. After a couple seconds Tommy ended the kiss and said "Maybe you haven't yet, but I just did." We both smiled at each other for a moment. "C'mon we should finish cooking I bet dil, Chuckie, and Phil  are going to be here soon." I said getting off Tommy and helping him up. Time passed, the cookies were done, we sat them on a plate and waited for the others to get back. The whole time through my head I thought about the kiss. I don't know at the party I'll talk to him about it. But right now, we still have a party to prepare for. 

Tommy  POV•

   I'm too nervous to ask kimi what she thought after I kissed her. I just couldn't help myself. I thought it over and I realized I like her way more than a friend and that I actually have for the longest time now. I've been too oblivious to my own feelings. And hers for a long time now. I really really should talk this over with the guys. They should be here shortly.

   As Tommy  was done thinking, the guys walked in. They also brought Ginger, Susie , and lil to help decorate. Tommy , dil, Chuckie, and Phil  went into the garage to build something that would be useful for the party. Tommy thought 'Since the girls are inside and it's just the guys now is as good as ever to ask for some advice'

   The four were casually working then Tommy  spoke up. "Hey guys, how do you know if you like someone?" Chuckie, dil, and Phil  looked at each other then back at Tommy . "Well to me, you're more happy around them than if you were just friends" Phil  explained. "That's how I am with ginger, but we're dating so." Tommy nodded after Phil 's comment. "If there is something wrong and you know something is going to happen. At that time they are your number one priority. And you want to keep them safe." dil added. Then Chuckie spoke up. "All you do is think about them, daydream about them, etc.." dil then added "Bro who is it? Is it one of our friends? I bet it's one of our friends' Tommy  turned around and blushed a little bit then he sat down in a chair. "Is it." Then dil said, ``It's kimi, isn't it Tommy ." Tommy then started to blush again and looked away. "Dude how long have you liked her?" Chuckie walked up to him. "Has it been longer than four months?" Tommy nodded. "Tommy you don't like kimi. You love her." Phil explained to Tommy .

•kimi POV• (this was at the time Tommy  started to ask the guys for advice hits for a heads up)

   Me and and the girls were decorating making the room have a Christmas vibe and to get into the season. I think I should tell the girls was happened between me and Tommy .

   "Hey girls, could you help me with something?" I asked them "sure kimi what's up?" lil answered. "Well something happened before you three and the guys got here when it was just me and Tommy ." I explained. "Oooh tell us the details girl." Susie  said. "So we were making cookies for the guys so they can have something for when they got back here and just to snack on. So we were messing around for a minute. I started to chase Tommy . Then I tackled him. I was on him. Then he asked "whatcha doin'?" I saw that he used my as he calls it "catchphrase" then I answered using his catchphrase "Just trying to seize the day." Next thing I know he sits up a little bit and kisses me. Then after that he said "You might not have yet, but I just did" Now I don't know what too do. I mean I enjoyed it. A lot actually. But I don't know what to tell him. I still like him so...Any advice?" I told the girls. After I told them they looked at me in shock. Angelica then said. "Wow. Well to me since he kissed you he OBVIOUSLY likes you! Or since your not even dating and he likes to be around you a lot, he flirts with you as I can see. To me I think he actually loves you since this has been going on for over six months now. Everyone notices." "I have to agree with Angelica . At the party you should talk to him about this. He's probably thinking about it right now as we speak." lil said after Angelica . Then Susie  said. "When he's not busy. Talk to him. We will make sure there are no interruptions. Just you and Tommy ." "Thanks girls your the best!" I told the girls then we continued to decorate and set up everything. After we were done decorating. The guys came inside with a table that they made. "You guys made a table?" Susie asked. dil answered. "No our table has a top that spins so if you want something that's on the other side of the table, you push the button that's on the side and it will spin until you hit the button again." "That's neat! You guys did a good job!" I told them. "Thanks!" The four said thanking me. After that the eight of them continued decorating for the party. All my thought on my mind was tonight. Thinking over what I was gonna talk to Tommy and tell him. Also what he was going to tell me about the kiss. I was so nervous. But I was really really anxious to know about tonight. I guess not checking the time every five minutes would help too.

•Tommy  POV•

   Now since we're done with the table we can start decorating and helping out the girls. I could not help but to keep starring at kimi or glancing at her. I want tonight to hurry up so I can sit and talk to her. Also explain why I kissed her. And I think tonight is the night I tell her my feelings. I can't hide them anymore 

•Tommy  POV•

   After dil told me I should go and chat with kimi for a minute until lil got back to her. I got up from the stairs and walked over to kimi. dil got up after I did and sat on the couch. I got to kimi and we started a conversation she asked. "Hey Tommy , whatcha dooin?" I answered her saying. "You were standing here by yourself because lil left you for a second. So I came to chat with you. Now here I am." I saw kimi giggle a little bit. Then I heard Chuckie yell at me. "Hey dinnerbell look up." I slowly looked and I started to blush. "Hey Tommy  you o-" kimi asked but she cut herself off when she looked up and she started to blush. Now since Chuckie yelled it got everyone's attention. "You gotta do it!" Angelica yelled across the room. Then I heard people chant start to chant and say "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss" then I looked at kimi while everyone was chanting. "Are you okay with this?" I asked her. Then pulled me down to her height and kissed me for a few seconds. I stood there for a second after she pulled away. Then she just smiled and walked away. I stared at her as she left. I thought to myself 'I really need to tell her I don't want to keep it any longer. I CANT TAKE IT!' I sighed them went over to the guys. "Two kisses in one day with the girly I see?" Chuckie asked me. "I'm gonna be outside if you need me. Then I walked off.

•kimi POV•

   I was with Susie  and lil. We talked for a minute until I saw Tommy  walk outside. I thought 'Maybe I should go talk to him. It now or never.' Them I told the girls "Hey I'm going to go and sit onside for a minute." After I told Susie  and lil they nodded and they went one way and I went the other to go to the guys to see what's up.

•lil POV•

   "Guys! Their finally together alone! No one can interrupt them!" I said fast. Even though I said it fast they all either nodded or gave me a thumbs up.

•Tommy  POV•

   I sat outside under the tree in our back yard. It wasn't snowing yet. And it was a place where I can clear my mind. I sat down looking up then I hear a small voice. "Hey Tommy . Whatcha doin? And it was kimi. I sat up looked at her and smiled at her. She then sat down next to me. Sorta close, but I wish she was closer to me. Man the more I hold this in, the more I want it to come out. "Hey about that kiss earlier today before the rest of the gang got back, I'm sorry if I surprised you a little too much." I said a little upset to kimi. "Tommy , there's no need to apologize because thing is, I kinda like it." Isbella told me then she started to blush. So did I. After about a minute I thought to myself. 'Tommy  do it now. She's right there. No destructions! Now!' I sighed them looked at kimi. "kimi what I am about to do has been on my mind for many months now and I've really need to say it to you. So here it goes." I told kimi. I grabbed her arms pulled her close to me and for the third time today we kissed. But this kiss was longer. I wrapped my arms around her. Then I feel her arms around my neck. After a minute or so, I released and said, "this has been on my mind for months, first of all I'm so grateful that I have you as my best friend. Your sweet, funny, outgoing, cute, always there for me, and like so much more. I really like you, no wait cross that, I love you kimi!"

•kimi POV•

   As soon as Tommy  was done telling me he really likes me, wait cross that, LOVES me, I started to tear up. I noticed that he saw me crying, he put his hand on my cheek and wiped my tears away. Finally spoke up. "I love you too Tommy !" Then I immediately hugged him and he hugged me back. He let go. I was a little confused at the moment. "I-kimi Garc-cia S-Shapiro, w-would y-you like to b-be my g-girlf-friend?" Tommy  asked me with stutters I think he was afraid I was gonna say no. But you know I wouldn't. I leaned over to kiss his cheek and said, "I'd love to be your girlfriend!" We stared at each other for a moment. Then he looked pass me for a second. "Hey, we should get inside its starting to snow." Tommy said. He stood up, grabbed my hand and pulled me inside. We got inside. I saw Tommy had this look on his face. I was gonna question it but he started talking to everyone. "Hey guys! I have something to say!" Everyone got quiet and looked at him "My name is Tommy  and kimi is my girlfriend!" Tommy said yelling at everyone. I started to blush a lot. It was super sweet! We both heard everyone in awe. After Tommy said that everyone went back to talking. We both walked over to Phil , Chuckie, and dil. The other girls were helping out some of the other guest. "Looks like dinnerbell got himself a girly friend" Chuckie said with a smirk. Tommy then shoved his arm. Tommy put his arm around me. I blushed of course but I liked it. Then dil told us while smirking. "I knew you crazy kids would get together eventually." "dil, were only a year younger than you." Tommy  told him trying not to laugh. But then we all eventually started laughing.