Tommy and kimi 5

2 weeks later Tommy and kimi were laying on the ground writing poems wene Tommy felt 3 little weights on his back he looked back at them and he said ruby,sunset and summer he got up and hugged them and said did you guys come here alone then he heard this you know we would never let them come alone

he looked up and saw his parent's he said that he was happy to see them they asked if  he could watch his sisters for a few weeks and he said yes they asked how is this you are with he said that he would tell them at the Lemon Shack he took kimi put her on his back and started to go up but one of his sisters grabbed his large he asked if she could fly yet and she said no he asked his younger sister if she could fly but she said no so he took them told them to put their arms around his neck he called the other cadets and told them to meet him and kimi at the Lemon Shake

they said ok one sister on one side of him and the other one on the other side he had some trouble getting off the ground but he made it work they were all most at the Lemon Shake when he saw rod and brody they saw him carrying two blue Jays and he landed he said I would like you to meet my family this is sunset and ruby they said nice to meet you and they are may sister summer and my mom connie and my dad Steven they all said nice to meet you then Tommy said now that we are all here I have something for kimi that I have been working on for a long time

he got on one knee and asked Ronda to play a romantic song than he took kimi by the  hands asked her to be his girlfriend and she said yes I was waiting for you to ask me everyone said how cute it was

he said drinks are on my everyone got Lemon smoothies he saw speedy and Bea coming down the trail and he said he would need two more Lemon smoothies he gave them the Lemon smoothies then he said I well have some little guests staying with me for a few weeks speed said ok

They went back to headquarters he ordered 2 kelp-icer smoothies and gave one to kimihis sister's asked him what it was he said it is a kelp-icer smoothie with energy drink in it they asked if they could try it he said yes just a sip they loved it they went back to headquarters and he introduced them to speedy and Bea he asked if he could use the verarolrealaty room with mates on the floor to teach this to how to fly speedy said yes he could then he went and got his bed then went to the verarolrealaty room with it he started to teach them to fly

they were done for the day it was late his sister's fell a sleep he took them and the bed back to the room once there he saw that kimi and summer were sleeping so he put them to sleep kissed them good night left them a note that said that he went to get their stuff  and that he would be back in two hours he kissed kimi that woke her up he said that he would be back in two hours and then he left he got to his hometown got the stuff and went to the store and got some energy drinks and then he went back to headquarters

he was on his 2 energy drink and he saw kimi she said that his younger sisters just started to cry I tried to get them to stop but I couldn't so I went to see if you were back he went to the room and saw that the other cadets were trying to get them to stop crying then he went to them held them and started to sing a special song to them that went like this 

It's holiday time

The most special of seasons

So come gather round

To remember the reason

It's not all the gifts

The food or decorations

But the Spirit of Love

That marks this celebration

So come walk with me

Sing along and you'll see

On this holiday

Let love light the way

You need nothing more

Than those you adore

On this holiday

Let love light the way

We all have our ways

Of observing this evening

Yet each of us shares

Something we all believe in

What makes this one night

Out shine all of the others

Is sharing our joy with our sisters and brothers

So come sing with me

All together we'll be

On this holiday

Let love light the way

And down every street

Are new friends we can meet

On this holiday

Let love light our way

Every December

As we honor all our traditions

It's nice to remember

That it's not a big competition

So let love be your mission

The night outshines all the others

With our sisters and our brothers

So come walk with me Sing along and you'll see

On this holiday

Let love light the way

As we stand around the tree

All together we'll be

On this holiday

Let love light the way

You need nothing more than those you adore

On this holiday

Let love

Let love light the way

 that stopped them from crying the other cadets said how did you do that well i'm the only one In my family that could get them to stop crying for a few weeks now I have to go meat Bea for our sunrise run he left he got to the hanger he meat Bea there she said she tried to get them to stop crying but couldn't he said he sang them a song she said that is way they stopped crying she asked him were he went he said that he went to get  them some clothes from home

they went on the run on the way back he stopped at the Lemon Shack and got 9 Lemon smoothies 6 with energy drink in them and 3 without they went back to headquarters and

they went to the control room and found everyone was their he gave them their smoothies and said something to say thanks for dealing with the crying last night then he went to their room and he gave kimi her smoothie and said thanks for dealing with the crying last night  then he gave his sister's their smoothies then they asked him were he went last night he said that he went to get them some clothes from the house

they said thank you he got a call from an old friend he said that are in the hospital and are asking for you and your sisters he said he would be there in 2 hours kimi and him were the only ones up he asked her to come with him and his sisters to the hospital she said she would he picked up to of his sisters and kimi took the other one he left a note with brody that told them were he was going they left and 2 hours later landed in the parking lot of the hospital his sister's were awake and he said

they had to wait outside of the room well he talked to his parents they did they asked if he could adopt his sister's he said I would have to talk to speedy about that her let me call him he should be up by now it is day time their he called speedy and asked him he said yes you can he hung up the phone and his sister came in his parents told them that

they might not make it so Tommy said he would adopt you so you are going to stay with him they said ok then the machine started to beep so they had to wait in the waiting room they did then Tommy saw the doc he said they did not make it his sisters started to cry he asked if he could try something that allows worked on other people the doc said yes he rubbed his hands together it did not work so he took his sisters to the house to  get there things then

they went to the HQ the next day they arrived at HQ speedy asked did they make it Tommy said no now if you do not mind I have some calls to make and a funeral to plan he went to the rooftop to be alone he called his uncle and asked him to spread the word that his parents were gon and that he was planning the funeral he said ok I well Tommy said that the funeral was in 3 months he said ok then Tommy went to the lemon Shack kimi saw him live to go their she said she was going to check on Tommy at the lemon Shack and she left 

At the lemon Shack Tommy site at the bare and asked Ronda for a kelp icer smoothie with energy drink in it she said ok then he said he was going to be up for a week she asked way he said that his mom and dad died and he was planning the funeral she said she was sorry to hear that he drank the smoothie and was about to leave when he saw kimi coming down the road he asked Ronda for 2 more kelp icer smoothie and 2 kelp icers she said yes and got them he gave 1 of each to kimi then they went back to HQ they got their he heard his sister's crying so he went to the sleeping room and went in and saw the others were trying to get them to stop crying he went up to them got his getar  and played them this song 

It's holiday time

The most special of seasons

So come gather round

To remember the reason

It's not all the gifts

The food or decorations

But the Spirit of Love

That marks this celebration

So come walk with me

Sing along and you'll see

On this holiday

Let love light the way

You need nothing more

Than those you adore

On this holiday

Let love light the way

We all have our ways

Of observing this evening

Yet each of us shares

Something we all believe in

What makes this one night

Out shine all of the others

Is sharing our joy with our sisters and brothers

So come sing with me

All together we'll be

On this holiday

Let love light the way

And down every street

Are new friends we can meet

On this holiday

Let love light our way

Every December

As we honor all our traditions

It's nice to remember

That it's not a big competition

So let love be your mission

The night outshines all the others

With our sisters and our brothers

So come walk with me Sing along and you'll see

On this holiday

Let love light the way

As we stand around the tree

All together we'll be

On this holiday

Let love light the way

You need nothing more than those you adore

On this holiday

Let love

Let love light the way

That got them to stop crying he told kimi if she needs him to tell brody to get him he went to the roof with his sleeping bag kimi asked if she could go with him and he said yes they went up to the roof speedy got a call from Penny's mother she asked if she could speak with kimi he said she left her watch here but I can transfer the call to swift's phone she said ok he did

Tommy answers the phone she asked if she could speak with kimi he gave the phone to her she asked how Tommy was she said you will find out when I come to see you I well ask speedy for time off but I have to bring his sisters she said ok she hangs up the phone kimi went to the control room to ask speedy for some time off he said ok I well give you 4weeks off

she said me and Tommy and his sister's are going to my house they got in the flash wing and went to Penny's house it was night time when they got their heard crying  So they went in and went to see what was going on her mom was sleeping they saw her and hugged her But they were still crying so Tommy said let me try something that always worked on my sisters and he sang them this song

It's holiday time

The most special of seasons

So come gather round

To remember the reason

It's not all the gifts

The food or decorations

But the Spirit of Love

That marks this celebration

So come walk with me

Sing along and you'll see

On this holiday

Let love light the way

You need nothing more

Than those you adore

On this holiday

Let love light the way

We all have our ways

Of observing this evening

Yet each of us shares

Something we all believe in

What makes this one night

Out shine all of the others

Is sharing our joy with our sisters and brothers

So come sing with me

All together we'll be

On this holiday

Let love light the way

And down every street

Are new friends we can meet

On this holiday

Let love light our way

Every December

As we honor all our traditions

It's nice to remember

That it's not a big competition

So let love be your mission

The night outshines all the others

With our sisters and our brothers

So come walk with me Sing along and you'll see

On this holiday

Let love light the way

As we stand around the tree

All together we'll be

On this holiday

Let love light the way

You need nothing more than those you adore

On this holiday

Let love

Let love light the way


That stopped them from crying kimi asked if they wanted to sleep with her   They said yes so they all went out to the jet to sleep In the morning penny's mom went to wake them up but saw they were not in bed So she went looking for them and saw the jet she walked up to the jet and saw that kimiTommy and Tommy sisters and kimi sisters were all sleeping in the jet 

They woke up and went into the house and kimi introduced him as her boyfriend He said nice to meet you but I have To go and plan my parents funeral Penny's mom asked is there anything I can do to help he yes can you take care of my sisters for me while I go plan the funeral and she said yes I can take care of your sisters for a few hours for you then he went out to his jet and got some pen and paper and started writing down stuff to say at the funeral  kimi went with him and got one of his famous drinks then went to back into her house her mom asked what it was she was drunk and she said it was something called iced coffee with energy drink in it she said can I try it and she said yes She loved it

Tommy wrote down a song to sing at the funeral Then he went inside and met penny's father she in introduced him as her boyfriends and He said nice to meet you Penny's father asked her what gift did he give you she said nothing yet but he has something he has been working on for me for a while  Tommy left to go get anu Then they went back to her house she saw kimi playing in the snow and ran and hugged her It was the next day and it was penny's birthday

Tommy gave her the necklace and bracelet that he made himself Her parents asked were he got them and he said he made them himself because he really loves kimi and wanted to give her the best courting gift he could He said he also has something else for her and her sisters and anu He went out to the jet and got their cellphones and gave one to each of them and said know you guys can get ahold of kimi anytime you want instead of Calling  speedy you can call this number and gave her parents her number than kimi and her sisters and anu hugged him and said thank you he showed them how to use the phone then they all went back to HQ

bee said she needs help fixing the VR room he said let me see it he was able to fix it he got a call from a penguin he said that Penny's parents are dead he said he would tell them the news anu was with them so he asked her to help him tell kimi the bad news she said she would so they went to the sleeping room and told kimi and her sisters the news kimi went to Tommy and her sisters went to anu kimi started to cry into Swift's shirt he took her to the roof than he said let it out 1 hour later speedy was looking for him he called his watch and asked him how to fix the vr table he said when I am done helping kimi with what we are doing he heard kimi crying speedy said take your time he said thank you  it was bedtime so

Tommy took kimi to her bed and tucked her in he saw that her sisters and anu and his sisters were sleeping in his bed he went to fix the vr table it took him all night because he had to fix the big screen to he was fixing it wene speedy asked him if he had slept at all he said no I spent all night fixing things now if you'll excuse me I have to go get some smoothies for all of us he said ok so he went to the lemon Shack for the smoothies

Then he went to HQ gave speedy and bee their smoothies then he went to the sleeping room and saw that everyone was up he gave them their smoothies then he gave Penny's sisters and his sisters watches like theirs then he asked Brody and rod To be has best men then kimi asked her sisters and swift's sisters to be her bridesmaids it was day of the funerals so Tommy flew the command center To go get all of the people for the funerals then flew the command center to the funeral home after the funeral everyone went back to big swirl for the wake The next day it was the day of the wedding so Tommy decided to make kimia an ice sculpture it  was time for the wedding so Tommy stood at the beginning of the altar and comerdormicterk Started to say do you kimi take Tommy to be your lawfully wedded husband for better or worse as long as you both shall live She said I do

then he asked Tommy do you take kimito be your lawfully wedded wife for better or worse as long as you both shall live he said I do they kissed then cut the cake then Tommy unveiled his surprise then he said go outside they did and saw fireworks that said I love you from Tommy kimi kissed him 

the end