chapter 14

Tommy went to go see who was here and when he did his eyes widened, it was the last person he'd ever want to see ever again.

"Oh shit its Z!" Tommy said which shocked everyone and the color went from Kimi's face.

"Chuckie hide your sister in my room. I'll deal with that bastard myself!" he said and Chuckie nodded. Tommy looked at Phil and Dil "Guys I want you to go into the kitchen, I'll holler if I need you."

"Give him hell T" said Dil as he and Phil ran into the kitchen.

Tommy quickly went to the couch and pretended to read a magazine when the front door was bashed down by the green-haired delinquent himself, Z…

"Where the fuck is she?" he growled.

Tommy put the magazine down and looked up at him "Where's who?" he asked trying to look innocent.

"Don't you play innocent with me!" Z spat "I know that Kimi's hiding here and I want her in front of me right the fuck now!"

Tommy stood and raised his hands up" Look man I don't know where she is so can you please leave?"

Z crossed his arms "I've a feeling that you're gonna be difficult with me Pickles."

"Well sir if you're having problems with my customary services, call 1-800-eat a dick" Tommy said with a small smirk.

"That's it!" he yelled and then went up to Tommy and punched him in the face hard which knocked him back. "Guys get in here now!" Tommy yelled.

Chuckie heard the commotion and rushed down. When he got downstairs there was Z in front of him with a knife "Oh fuck…" he croaked out.

"Chuckie, where is Kimi?" Z demanded while poking the knife at his Adam's apple. He was about to slash him when he got smacked by a wooden bat knocking him away from Chuckie.

"Nobody does that to my man!" a woman yelled. To everyone's surprise it was none other than Lil Deville and Chuckie went up to hug her. Tommy got up from being punched and saw Z about to get up, he grabbed the bat from Lil and rushed up to smack the knife right out of his hand.

"MOTHER OF FUCK!" he yelled in pain "DAVE, DAN, KAMERON GET IN HERE!" Z yelled for his friends and all 3 of them got in as fast as they could. "GET EM"!" Z yelled. Soon the Pickles house was turned into a fighting arena. Tommy, Chuckie, Dil, Phil, and Lil charged at the four guys but Kameron stayed behind Z because he didn't want to fight. Phil rushed up to him and was about to tackle him.

"PHIL NO!" Tommy shouted "This guy was the one that saved Kimi Don't hurt him!" a few minutes later Kimi came to see of it was all over and when she got downstairs she saw Z, Dave, and Dan's unconscious bodies tied up and piled on top of each other. She then looked to see Kameron.

"Kameron!" she shouted and went up to hug him and then she hugged Tommy.

"Thank you so much for saving me Tommy, Kameron, Chuckie, Dil, Phil and… Lil?" she said surprised to see her here.

Lil gave a small smile "Hey…" she said.

"What are you doing here?" she asked.

Lil sighed "Look, I've been doing some thinking lately and I was wrong to treat you guys the way I did." She explained "I'm sorry, can I come back to the group? If not then I understand…"

Kimi gave her a big smile and hugged her "Of course Lil, you were always welcome" she said and everybody cheered. Lil was back with the gang.


Tommy called the police and within 3 minutes they arrived to take away Z along with the two other men.

"Hang on a minute Chief." Said Lou.

"What is it Lou?" asked Chief Wiggum.

"This is the Z character we've been looking for 2 years and we finally caught him!" he said

"That's some good work there Lou, book em'. Will you guys be pressing charges against these men?" he asked.

"Oh hell yeah Officer" said Tommy. Now all that's left to do is to go to court and fight the final battle.

The next morning

There were two days left until the trial and Tommy needed to gather evidence from Z so it will help them rid him out of their lives for good. To do that Tommy needs to visit him in the hospital.

"Tommy rise and shine." Didi said waking him up. Tommy groaned.

"Mom, can I sleep for five more minutes please?" he asked.

"No, now get your lazy ass out of bed and onto your feet" and Tommy did. Tommy was nervous about meeting Z, the last time he saw him was when he took Kimi away with him 2 years ago. As Tommy got changed he hid a wire under his clothes. He then went downstairs and to his surprise was Kimi waiting for him. He was happy that she was here and he went up to hug her.

"Tommy are you sure you don't want me to come?" she asked.

"Yeah Kimi, I don't want Z getting to you. I love you a lot and I don't want to see you hurt again." He spoke softly.

"I understand, just don't do anything stupid and be careful" she told him.

"I promise, last time I checked the bastard was beaten to hell and could barely move. This should be a piece of cake." Kimi giggled and slapped him on the shoulder. Tommy ate his breakfast and when he was finished he kissed Kimi, high fived his brother, and hugged his mom and dad.

"I'll see you guys later" he said and walked out to his parents' car and drove away. Kimi and dil looked at the car until it was out of sight.

"I sure hope to god he knows what he's doing Dil…" said Kimi.

"Yeah, me too Kim" said Dil with his arms crossed. "Come back safe big brother" he thought.

At the hospital

Tommy sat in the car in front of the hospital "Come on man you can do this!" he said to himself "He's not gonna do jack shit" he then finally got out of the car and entered the hospital. Tommy went up to the front desk.

"Can I help you?" asked the receptionist.

"Yes, I've come to visit Z, he has green hair. Do you know what room he's in?" he asked. The receptionist looked through her record book and finally found Z.

"Ah yes Ezekiel Brainard (I didn't like Z's real name in the show so I made up another one), he's in room 176" she said.

"Thank you Miss" Tommy said and walked down the hall to Z's room. Before he entered the room he took a huge breath "Alright man this is it, just do what you are supposed to and get the fuck out." He thought to himself. Then Tommy pushed record button on his hidden recorder and opened the Door.

There Z was lying on the bed battered and bruised, a sight which Tommy liked a lot. "Sup Z?" Tommy calmly said.

"You? What the hell do you want from me now Pickles?" Z said already irritated at him.

Tommy shrugged and sat in the desk chair next to Z's bed "I just came by to get to know you better. And since you're probably going to the big house anyways I thought you could tell me what you've been up two over the last 2 years."

Z scoffed "And what makes you think I'm gonna just tell you everything?" he asked "I don't owe you jack shit."

Tommy's fists clenched and then he pointed at Z "Listen here asshole, you took my girl away from me, you beat her to shit for no reason, and then you broke into my house threatening to kill me and my friends. I sure as hell owe jack shit."

Z laughed "Alright Pickles I get your point, so what do you wanna know?"

"First, what happened 2 years ago before you left?" Tommy asked.

"My parents were being complete assholes, they were angry at me for failing, having pot, drinking, and screwing girls all the time." He sulked.

"Alright, why did you go on that trip?"

"Because my parents got on my last nerve and were making me do what they want. So I decided to escape it all and took David, Daniel, Kameron, and Kimi with me. And besides I already had a warrant out for my arrest anyways."

"Third question, what exactly did you do on the trip?" Tommy asked

"Me, David, and Daniel did most of the stealing. We stole like at least 150 grand. It wasn't easy though, I actually had to blow a couple fuckers heads off." He bragged with a smirk.

Tommy wished he hadn't heard that last part but he had to go on. "How did you feel?" Tommy asked.

Z raised an eyebrow "Excuse me?"

Tommy crossed his arms "Did you feel any remorse for taking an innocent life?"

"Maybe at first but I got used to it. Only felt remorse when I almost got caught…" he said shrugging his shoulders. "Let me tell you something about murder, it's easy and it's fun."

"You sicken me." Tommy said with disgust in his voice.

Z scoffed "Yeah, like I didn't hear that from those other 13 fucks I killed."

Tommy growled at Z, he wanted to take an axe and butcher the green-haired son of a bitch and end his life because he felt like didn't deserve to the right to humanity. But he still pressed on, this is good information to put him away for a lifetime.

"Alright Pickles wrap it up, I got a show to watch and I don't wanna miss any of it"

Tommy took a deep breath "Fine. Answer me this, WHY THE FUCK DID YOU HURT KIMI YOU SON OF A BITCH? WHAT DID SHE DO TO PISS YOU OFF SO BAD?" He yelled.

"Yikes Pickles take it easy." Said Z with his hands up "I only did that because she was bitching and complaining the whole trip so I beat some sense into her. But hey if it makes you feel any better I had to slap a few syllables into Kam too since he didn't steal like Dave and Dan or kill like me." He finished "Does that answer your question?"

"Yeah, that wraps everything up." Tommy said leaving the rom but when he got to the door he turned back around and pointed at Z "If you ever get off easy, you better stay the hell away from my girl!" he threatened and left the room slamming the door behind.

Tommy walked to the nearest bathroom to splash some water in his face, that was pretty tough for him to hear but he got the evidence to put Z away for a long, long time.

Tommy was dressed in a suit and tie and met his friends downstairs. He hasn't spoken to them since the night Z and his two cronies were taken away. Kimi gave him a hug and he hugged her back.

"Hey guys sorry I didn't talk to any of you yesterday, that hospital visit with Z really pissed me off." He said.

"It's alright man, you just had a stressful day that's all" said Chuckie. Soon it was time to go, Chuckie and Dil rode with their parents as did Chuckie, Kimi, Phil, and Lil. On the way to the courthouse Tommy was starting to feel nervous, he'd never been in a court trial before.

Dil looked over at his brother and saw him slightly shaking "Relax T, just try and think about something else." He said and Tommy did, he thought about Kimi. They soon arrived at the courthouse and there waiting inside the house was Tommy's lawyer Prescott Banks and Kameron. The reason why Kameron was at the courthouse was because he said he would testify for Tommy and Kimi.

Soon the judge arrived. "All rise for Judge Perkins." Said the bailiff.

"Please be seated" said the judge. "The case we have today is Tommy Malcolm Pickles versus Ezekiel Bartholomew Brainard, David Anthony Richardson, and Daniel Michael Evans for break-in, assault, theft, murder, and abuse. How do you three plea?"

"Guilty your honor" said David.

"Guilty" said Daniel.

"Not guilty your honor" said Z as he winked at Kimi which made Tommy feel anger.

"Prosecutor, your opening statement" said the judge.

"Thank you your honor" said Tommy's lawyer as he stood up "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, as you may have heard Ezekiel Brainard here broke into the Pickles home and was about to kill my client Tommy Pickles and his friends while David Richardson and Daniel Evans helped. Just a few weeks ago, Kimi Watanabe-Finster had ran away from Mr. Brainard because of his abuse and because he and the two other defenses stole and M. Brainard has also killed 13 people during the road trip. Prosecution rests."

"Defense do you have an opening statement?" asked the Judge.

"No." said Z.

"Very well, prosecutor call your first witness." He said.

"Thank you your honor, Mr. Tommy Pickles would like to take the stand."

"Now Mr. Pickles, can you please explain to the court what happened on the night of the incident?" asked the Judge.

"Yes I will your honor." Tommy started "It started as a normal evening for me, my friends, and my returning girlfriend Kimi Wattanabe-Finster, or at least it was until Z and his friends showed up unexpectedly. Before they came in I told my friend Mr. Chuckie Finster to hide his sister so Z wouldn't take her away. Z then bashed my front door down and demanded me to tell him where Kimi was, when I wasn't cooperating with him he punched me in the face and left me with this horrible black eye. And then he went up to Chuckie and threatened him with a knife, but then Miss Lillian Deville showed up with a baseball bat and knocked Z away before he could hard Chuckie. I know it sounds violent but she was only trying to save him. After that a big fight broke out and me and my friends eventually won and successfully tied up Z and the other two."

"Thank you Mr. Pickles, defense your witness" said the judge sternly and Z's lawyer stood up and started asking Tommy questions.

"Now Tommy you claimed that my client Ezekiel broke into your house and tried to murder you and your friends?" he asked.

"Yes, I just told you." Said Tommy irritably.

"And is it true that while on the trip he stole stuff, murder, and abused your girlfriend Kimi, am I correct?" he said looking at Kimi.

"Yes sir."

"Do you have any proof?" the lawyer asked.

"Why yes I do, it is on this voice recording here." Said Tommy taking out the voice recorder he hid in his pocket.

Z's face went white.

"Objection your honor, this hasn't been checked by the police!" said the lawyer sternly.

"Overruled, this recording could hold evidence of what happened. Bailiff please organize a speaker for me please." The bailiff nodded and pulled out a speaker and plugged the device in. Then the bailiff turned on the recorder and played back the recording to everyone in the court room. As the recording was playing back people were gasping at what they were hearing and left mostly everyone in disgust.

When the device finished playing back Z's lawyer quickly spoke "Your honor Mr. Brainard would like to change his plea!"

"I'm not going to allow that. Has the jury reached the verdict?" asked the judge.

"We have your honor, we find the defendants guilty for all charges." Said the head juror leaving Z, David, and Daniel shocked.

"Sentencing will be decided tomorrow at noon, court adjourned." Said the judge smacking his gavel. After that everyone left, Tommy and Kimi walked out of the courthouse together. TV cameras and reporters were everywhere.

"Mr. Pickles how does it feel to win a court case with a two year chasing criminal?" asked a reporter.

"It feels awesome, I'm glad that Z's probably gonna go away for a while and as for David and Daniel I don't care." Said Tommy.

Later Tommy and Kimi met up with the gang.

"Hi guys!" said Kimi

"Hey, there's the champion!" said Phil as he patted Tommy's back.

"Thanks Phil" said Tommy smiling. "Say Kimi do you want to stay for the night?" he asked.

"I would love to Tommy. Chuckie is it alright if I stay with Tommy tonight?" she asked.

Chuckie smiled "You don't have to ask I trust him. But Pickles like I said before, no funny business! Ya Dig?"

Tommy rolled his eyes "Yes Chuckie, for the thousandth time."

"Good, Kimi I'll bring you your clothes by later." Chuckie said.

"Thanks Chuck" Kimi smiled "We'll see you all later." And after the six friends said their goodbyes they all departed.

Later that night

Tommy and Kimi were in Tommy's room and they were chatting.

"Remember that song you sang for me?" Kimi asked.

"You mean our song?" Tommy asked.

"Yeah, the one you used to sing to cheer me up when I was depressed."

"Do you want me to sing it for you?" Tommy asked and Kimi nodded her head yes.

Tommy got out his acoustic guitar and started playing "Hero of the day" by Metallica.

"Mama they try and break me..."

"The window burns to light the way back home.

A light that warms no matter where they've gone."

"They're off to find the hero of the day.

But what if they should fall by someone's wicked way?"

"Still the window burns,

Time so slowly turns,

And someone there is sighing.

Keepers of the flames,

Do ya feel your name?

Can't you hear your babies crying?"

"Mama they try and break me…

Still they try and break me…"

"Excuse me while I tend to how I feel."

"These things return to me that still seem real."

"Now deservingly this easy chair.

But the rocking stopped by wheels of despair."

Don't want your aid,

But the fist I've made,

For years can't hold or feel"

No, I'm not all me,

So please excuse me,

While I tend to how I feel"

"But now the dreams and waking screams

That never last the night.

So build the wall, behind the crawl

And hide until it's light.

So can you hear your babies crying now?"

"Still the window burns,

Time so slowly turns,

And someone there is sighing.

Keepers of the flames,

Do ya feel your name?

Can't you hear your babies crying?"

"Mama they tried to break me…"

After Tommy finished the song he looked at Kimi who had tears of joy in her eyes.

"I love you Kim, I'll always be there for you. And I promise I will do my best to never let you down." He said.

"I love you too Tom Tom and I promise I'll never leave you again, you're mine forever." She cried and they both hugged and kissed as they went to sleep.

The next day

Everyone was back at the courthouse where Z, David, and Daniel were waiting for their sentences. The judge sat down in his chair.

"You two step forward." He pointed to David and Daniel and they did. "David Anthony Richardson and Daniel Michael Evans you both have committed theft, larceny, assault, and you both have aided in home invasion. For that I am letting you two off easy, you both will be serving 3 years maximum sentence and 6 months prohibition. Now get out of my sight and my court room." He said sternly. The two boys nodded with tears in their eyes and were taken away by the officer.

"Now you step forward." The judge said to Z with a hint of anger in his voice and Z did.

"Ezekiel Bartholomew Brainard you have committed 13 counts of murder, theft, abuse, larceny, and home invasion. I have dealt with sickos before but you sir just take the cake. By virtue of the jury's decision and the power invested in me by the state, I hereby sentence you to be incarcerated with no possibility of parole. For life."


The other two officers grabbed Z and took him away "Boy, your soul better belong to Jesus." Said one of the officers "Mmmm hmmm. Cause your ass belongs to me. Ha! Ha! Ha!" The officer laughed as he took him away.

Life for Z as we know it, had ended…

Chapter 7- Christmas reunion

Four months later

It was Christmas time for the rugrats and with Z's imprisonment; life's a breeze for them. No one knew what was to happen to him while he was in prison but he should be taking it real good up the ass as Phil and Dil would put it. It was also the time for Kameron to be reunited with his family. But he was nervous.

"I dunno about this you guys, it's been a few years since I've seen or talked to my folks. They probably disowned me by now…" Kameron said.

"Oh come on Kameron." Kimi scoffed "I ran away too but when I came back my parents didn't hate me, I'm sure your parents still love you."

Kameron shook his head "You don't understand, my parents are real hard asses and they were gonna force me to join the military which was the reason why I ran away in the first place. They were keeping me from fulfilling my dream and I just couldn't take any of that."

"Well what's your dream then Kam?" Tommy asked.

"My dream is to be a drummer in a band and see the world." He explained

"That's cool. You can join my band with Chuckie and Phil if we ever kick Dil out." Tommy laughed which made Kimi and Kameron laugh too.

"Well I guess it's worth a shot, maybe you're right it is time for me to be reunited with my family." He said.

"That's the spirit!" Kimi said.

Once Kameron's stuff was all packed up him, Tommy, and Kimi got into Tommy's car and drove all the way to Pasadena where Kameron's family lived.

"Ok man where is your house at?" Tommy asked.

"Next right." Kameron said pointing to a cul-de-sac. Then Tommy parked the car in front of a small white house that had a silver BMW parked in front of the garage.

The three got out of the car and walked up to the front door. Tommy rang the doorbell and a woman in her mid-40s answered.

"Yes, can I help you?" she asked.

"Mom?" Kameron said nervously. His mother couldn't believe her eyes, her long lost son was home.

"K-Kameron?" she said nervously "Jim get in here!" she yelled. Then a balding man the same age as her came in.

"What is it Natalie?" he asked and then looked at Kameron and his eyes widened "S-son? Is that you?" he said with tears forming in his eyes.

Kameron went up to hug his parents, all three were crying tears of joy. Tommy and Kimi just smiled at them.

"My baby is back I can't believe it!" said Natalie. "Julia come in here please!" she called.

A young girl at the age of ten came in the living room and when she saw Kameron she freaked and started crying the same tears of joy "Big brother?" she said.

"Julia!" Kameron said running up to hug his little sister and she hugged him back.

"Well it looks like they're enjoying their early Christmas present" Kimi said and Tommy nodded.

"Guys, I'm sorry for leaving you all, it was a huge mistake." Kameron said.

"It's ok son we forgive you. We're also sorry for forcing you to become what you're not." Said Kameron's dad.

Kameron smiled "Guys, this is Tommy and Kimi, they brought me here."

"Honor to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Katsopolis" said Tommy.

"Oh thank you for bringing him back to us, how can we ever repay you?" asked Kameron's mom.

"Well there is a Christmas party at the Wombat's Banquet Hall tonight. It would be awesome if all of you came and meet our family and friends." Said Kimi.

"Of course, that would be very nice. What do you say honey?" asked Kameron's mom.

Jim nodded his head "We would love to go." He said.

So for the next couple hours before the party they all talked with each other about Tommy's movies and music and Kimi's heritage. Before Tommy and Kimi left they gave Kameron's family the directions to the Banquet hall where the party was being held.

"Hope they'll all be happy together." Said Tommy

"I'm sure they will baby." Kimi said and kissed him.


Everyone came into the Wombat's Banquet hall to celebrate Christmas, there was food, booze, dancing, karaoke, and a band playing (Tommy, Chuckie, Phil, and Dil's band specifically).

Tommy was singing and playing rhythm/lead guitar, Chuckie was playing lead/rhythm guitar and singing backing vocals, Phil was playing bass and also singing backing vocals, and Dil was playing drums. The band just got done playing "Peace sells…but who's buying" from Megadeth.

Everyone in the audience cheered for the band.

"Thank you." Said Tommy "We're Paradise in Anarchy and that was our last song. Now, who's up for some karaoke?" he asked and the crowd cheered again.

"Alright then, let's party!" said Chuckie and a song started.

TOMMY: All right you Chipmunks, ready to sing your song?

DIL: I'll say we are!

CHUCKIE: Yeah! Let's sing it now

TOMMY: Okay Simon?


TOMMY: Theodore?

DIL: Okay!

TOMMY: Ok Alvin? Alvin? ALVIN?


Christmas, Christmas time is near,

Time for toys and time for cheer.

We've been but we can't last,

Hurry Christmas, hurry fast.

Want a plane that loops the loop,

Me, I want a hula hoop.

We can hardly stand the wait,

Please Christmas, don't be late.

Okay fellas get ready…

TOMMY: That was very good Simon

CHUCKIE: Naturally

TOMMY: Very good Theodore

DIL: Ahhh

TOMMY: Alvin you were a little flat, watch it. Alvin? Alvin? ALVIN!


Want a plane that loops the loop,

I still want a hula hoop.

We can hardly stand the wait,

Please Christmas don't be late.

TOMMY: Very good boys

PHIL: Let's sing it again!

DIL: Yeah, let's sing it again!

TOMMY: No that's enough, let's not overdo it

PHIL: What do you mean overdo it?

CHUCKIE: We want to sing it again!

TOMMY: Now wait a minute boys

DIL: Why can't we sing it again?

(Chipmunk chatter)

TOMMY: Alvin, cut that out. Theodore, just a minute. Simon, will you cut that out? Boys…

At the end of the song Kimi kissed Tommy under the mistletoe. And then as Phil, Tommy, Kimi, and Dil left the stage Lil came on next to Chuckie who had his acoustic guitar with him and began singing a duet together which was "Happy Xmas (war is over)" from John Lennon.

CHUCKIE: So, this is Christmas

And what have you done?

Another year over

And a new one just begun

LIL: And so this is Christmas

I hope you have fun

The near and the dear one

The old and the young

CHUCKIE: A very merry Christmas

And a happy New Year

Lets hope it's a good one

Without any fear

LIL: And so this is Christmas

For weak and for strong

For rich and the poor ones

The road is so long

CHUCKIE: And so happy Christmas

For black and for white

For yellow and red ones

Let's stop all the fight

LIL: A very merry Christmas

And a happy New Year

Let's hope it's a good one

Without any fear

CHUCKIE: And so this is Christmas

And what have we done

Another year over

And a new one just begun

LIL: And so happy Christmas

We hope you have fun

The near and the dear one

The old and the young

CHUCKIE: A very merry Christmas

And a happy New Year

Let's hope it's a good one

Without any fear

CHUCKIE & LIL: War is over

If you want it

War is over…

Everyone cheered again and the noise echoed over the room which nearly blew the roof off. Chuckie and Lil smiled at the applause "Merry Christmas everyone!" they both said in the microphone. Then a long pole with a mistletoe attached to the end of it was held over them.

"KISS! KISS! KISS!" the crowd chanted and the two did, the kiss lasted 10 seconds and it was the most beautiful thing the two new lovers had ever experienced.

Five months later

It was the biggest day of everyone's lives, the now grown up rugrats are finally graduating. Tommy, Kimi, Chuckie, Phil, and Lil couldn't believe it. After the blood, pain, and tears they suffered through the last year the broken hearts were finally restored. All they have to worry about now is college which won't be a problem for them since the two of them will be attending the same college together, the way it should be and how it will always be.

When they entered the school they put on their gowns and hats and headed straight for the auditorium. They all walked in and sat down as the principal stood at the podium to speak.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, parents, friends, and of course students" he announced "It is with great honor and regret that I like to say goodbye and that you're free from this school and out into the wonders of the world. I remember when all of you were only little freshmen, you were all scared and nervous about being at a new place, meeting new people, and seeing new sights. Now it's time for you all to spread your wings and fly. I want to say that I am proud of each and every one of you. God Speed." Everyone then clapped for the principal's speech.

Then the lights dimmed and a presentation was flashed on the projection screen showing the various pictures of the gang and every other student going from freshman to graduating seniors. The song that played during the presentation was "Two steps behind" by Def Leppard. Tommy held Kimi's hand and hummed along with the tune for her.

"Walk away, if you want to.

It's ok, if you need to.

You can run, but you can never hide.

From the shadow that's creeping up beside you.

There's a magic running through your soul,

But you can't have it all.

(Whatever you do)

I'll be two steps behind you.

(Wherever you go)

And I'll be there to remind you.

That it only takes a minute of your precious time.

To turn around and I'll be two steps behind…

Take the time, to think about it.

Walk the line, you know you just can't fight it.

Take a look around and see what you can find.

Like the fire that's burning up inside me.

There's a magic running through your soul,

But you can't have it all.

(Whatever you do)

I'll be two steps behind you.

(Wherever you go)

And I'll be there to remind you.

That it only takes a minute of your precious time.

To turn around and I'll be two steps behind…

There's a magic running through your soul,

But you, you can't have it all.

(Whatever you do)

I'll be two steps behind you…

(wherever you go)

And I'll be there to remind you.

That it only takes a minute of your precious time.

To turn around and I'll be two steps behind…

Two steps behind…

Yeah, baby

Two steps behind…

Ohh, sugar

Two steps behind…

After the presentation a couple of the parents had tears in their eyes from seeing their children grow but Kimi got teary eyed because the song reminded her of Tommy and herself.

"I love you Tommy…" She whispered.

"I love you too Kimi…" he whispered back.

As soon as the personal achievement awards were given out it was time to call on the individual graduates to pick up their diplomas.

"Thomas Malcolm Pickles…" said the principal and everyone clapped for him as well as for everyone else who's name were called. he said i have 2 songs to sing for my girlfriend first song is her favorite song

I'm Still Standing' by Elton John, Kimi's favorite song. "This goes to my girlfriend Kimi Finster. This is her favorite song" and Tommy grabbed the microphone and soon he started singing.

You could never know what it's like

Your blood like winter freezes just like ice

And there's a cold lonely light that shines from you

You'll wind up like the wreck you hide behind that mask you use

And did you think this fool could never win

Well look at me, I'm coming back again

I got a taste of love in a simple way

And if you need to know while I'm still standing you just fade away

Don't you know I'm still standing better than I ever did

Looking like a true survivor, feeling like a little kid

I'm still standing after all this time

Picking up the pieces of my life without you on my mind

I'm still standing yeah yeah yeah

I'm still standing yeah yeah yeah

Once I never could hope to win

You starting down the road leaving me again

The threats you made were meant to cut me down

And if our love was just a circus you'd be a clown by now

Don't you know I'm still standing better than I ever did

Looking like a true survivor, feeling like a little kid

I'm still standing after all this time

Picking up the pieces of my life without you on my mind

I'm still standing yeah yeah yeah

I'm still standing yeah yeah yeah

Don't you know I'm still standing better than I ever did

Looking like a true survivor, feeling like a little kid

I'm still standing after all this time

Picking up the pieces of my life without you on my mind

I'm still standing yeah yeah yeah

I'm still standing yeah yeah yeah

I'm still standing yeah yeah yeah

I'm still standing yeah yeah yeah

I'm still standing yeah yeah yeah

know this is an original song i wote for you kimi

My love for you is like the most beautiful carrot,

Your face reminds me of caring butterflies,

Together, we are like pizza and pepper.

Oh darling Kimi,

My beautiful carrot,

My caring potato,

The perfect companion to my pizza soul.

Roses are red,

Skies are blue,

I like sunsets,

But not as much as I love dancing with you!

Oh darling Kimi,

Your arms are like sexy flowers on a summer day,

You're like the most intelligent scientist to ever walk the shops.

Your caring butterflie face,

Your pepper soul,

Your sexy arms,

Your intelligent scientist being...

How could I look at another when our beautiful carrot love is so strong

"Kimiko Wattanbe-Finster…"

"Charles Crandall Finster…"

"Phillip Elijah DeVille…"

"Lillian Michelle DeVille…"

Finally the last name was called.

"Everyone I give you the class of 2012!" said the principal and everyone cheered for the new graduates.

After the graduation

The five now grown rugrats had received their awards and were outside where they got their photos taken.

Group photo." Said Didi. So Tommy, Kimi, Chuckie, Phil, and Lil got together for a group photo.

"From this day forward we will be known as the Rugrats." Said Tommy proudly. He then looked over at Kimi and smiled. It had been a hell of a year for him, he lost his girlfriends and now she came back to be with him. Life has gotten better for the two lovers.