chapter 16

NO! No, we're not!" she denied.

Lil took her arms off her and looked directly at her, moving her leg so she was sitting over the bench attached to the table, one leg underneath the table and one leg facing outside. She placed her hands as well as she could on her hips.

"Alright Kimi, don't try to lie to your best friend; I can tell whether you're doing that or not!"

Kimi smiled then.

"Well alright, you're right, we just got together last night" she admitted.

Lil nearly squealed in pure delight.

"OMG! Spill it, girl!" she told Kimi, grabbing her hands.

Kimi giggled and went into full detail, making sure that neither of the boys could hear. After she finished, Lil squealed and pulled Kimi into another hug. And this time, Kimi returned it.

"Oh man, this is so awesome!" she told Kimi "I was hoping this would happen soon!"

She looked over at the boys.

"I gotta tell Phil!"

Kimi stopped her.

"NO!" she told her, pulling her back into her seat.

"You can't tell him, Chuckie might hear!"

Lil looked at her sideways, shrugging.

"So?" she asked.

Kimi rubbed the back of her neck.

"So…" she said" he, uh, still doesn't exactly, well, know, yet…"

Lil sat back down properly, and placed a hand on Kimi's shoulder.

"So you're afraid that if he finds out, that he'll freak out at you two and history will repeat itself?" she asked.

Kimi nodded.

"Tommy and I want to find a way to tell him about us, but we haven't had a chance to talk since last night."

Lil sat a bit closer.

"Well, we all have study hall next period, right?" she asked.

Kimi nodded again.

"Yeah, so?" she asked, confused.

"So," Lil told her "you and Tommy sit next to each other, since there isn't assigned seating, and talk it over."

"I'll distract Chuckie, and get Phil and Dil to help."

Kimi finally smiled again, and they both high fived.

"Right on, girl!" she said.

They both laughed and then went back to watching the boys play. Kimi glanced at Lil after a few minutes, and noticed who she was looking at; Chuckie. She smiled then, and went back to watching Tommy.

The boys had finished, Tommy and Dil winning against Chuckie and Phil by only one point. Chuckie had left to go to their next class early.

Tommy had gotten a small towel out of his backpack to wipe the sweat off his face, and as he reached back for his neck, Kimi had snatched it and did it for him, then went in front of him, whipped it around his neck, and pulled him close to her.

She kissed him on the nose, and they both giggled.

Dil hadn't noticed, as he and Lil were talking after they grabbed their stuff and left, but Phil had seen as he was re-tying his shoes (this pair never seemed to stay tied for him!)

Kim had left with Lil and Dil, and Phil stayed back as Tommy grabbed his stuff. Kimi had turned back around to wave a bit at Tommy, and he waved as well, a love-struck smile on his face as Kimi winked back at him.

Phil put a hand on Tommy's shoulder, nodding.

"Congratz, dude" he told him.

Tommy looked up.

"Huh?" he asked.

"You and Kimi are finally together man, congratz!" Phil told him.

Unlike Kimi though, Tommy didn't deny it. He told him about what had happened as they went to class, taking it a bit slow so they wouldn't keep talking as they went inside and have the risk of Chuckie hearing.

"…so I'm hoping you, Dil, and Lil could keep Chuckie distracted so Kimi and I could talk about how we're gonna tell him."

Phil agreed and they both fist-bumped.

"You got me on board, bro, always willing to help."

"Thanks Phil" Tommy said, as they came upon their class, and went in quick, knowing the bell would ring soon.

Tommy and Kimi had taken seats at desks in the corner of the room, and Phil and Lil had gotten Chuckie to sit with them out of view of Tommy and Kimi, distracting him a bit, not needing to do much, as he was too focused on finishing his homework so he wouldn't have to do it at home.

Kimi took out her notebook and handed Tommy a pen, getting one for her as well. They didn't wanna talk too loud, in case Chuckie managed to hear.

'I'm so happy we're together' she wrote.

Tommy smiled and began to write.

'Me too, Kimi.'

Kimi wrote again.

'So, how are we gonna tell Chuckie about us, Tom-Tom?'

Tommy cocked an eye-brow, and wrote something down.


He looked up at her, and she was a bit confused.

'What, too early for nick-names?'

Tommy shrugged.

'Not so bad, I actually like it…'

Kimi smiled, but then got back on subject.

'Should you tell him, or should I? 'Cause he'd probably hit you, but if I do, he won't hurt me; never has, never will!'

Tommy shook his head.

'I don't think it should be either of us separately, I think we both should tell him, together!'

Kimi nodded.


Then Kimi flipped her note-book over, and she and Tommy went to talking aloud of other things, that way, if Chuckie overheard them, he wouldn't mind, or even care.

As class ended, and school got out for the day, the whole class all left, but Chuckie had stayed behind because he was finally finishing his last problem on his math homework.

After he finished though, he packed up and left as well, and then saw a piece of paper on the ground, knowing it was from Kimi's notebook, as she was the only one with paper that had yellow lines instead of blue.

He picked it up, and rushed down the halls to give it to her, not reading it. But as he rounded a corner, he saw Kimi and Tommy walking together.

And they were holding hands…

Chuckie was really curious about this, and slowed down a bit. But then he saw something that shocked the living daylights out of him; Kimi put her hands on Tommy's shoulders, kicked her leg up, leaning on him, and then…

they KISSED!

Kimi pulled back, giggled, and then rushed off to leave. She and Tommy both waved as Tommy went into another hall, where his locker was.

Chuckie was frozen in place, almost in shock. But then, anger began to boil up inside him! His best friend had done that to his sister, and didn't even tell him! Chuckie unfolded the paper in his hands, and only read the first two lines, and got even ANGRIER! It got so bad that he ripped the paper in his hands to shreds.

At this, he finally moved. He charged into the hall, going to confront Tommy.

Tommy was putting a few of his books from his backpack into his locker, Kimi still on his mind, and as he leaned down to take some stuff out of his backpack again, he heard his locker door slam shut, echoing down the hall. He looked up, and could see Chuckie, his hand on Tommy's locker, blocking it.

Tommy stood up straight, not noticing the furious look in Chuckie's eyes as he went to put his combination into his locker again.

"Hey Chuck, what's going on, man?" he asked.

Chuckie pushed Tommy forward, away from his locker.

"How DARE you?!" Chuckie asked furiously.

Tommy was a bit confused, but he was starting to realize it.

"'How dare I' what?" he asked.

Chuckie pointed down the hall.

"How dare you gnaw on my little sister's face like that!" he shouted "And in public no less!"

He grabbed Tommy by his shirt collar and slammed him against the lockers on the walls. He pointed at Tommy, glaring so hard, so much anger in his eyes that Tommy was starting to shake. Chuckie had never been like this before.

"You keep your grimy hands off my sister, ya hear me Pickles? She's an innocent young girl, and I'm not gonna let her invade your perverted mind, even if you ARE my best friend!"

Chuckie let go and was about to leave when Tommy mentioned something.

"But Kimi and I are together now…" he told Chuckie.

Chuckie turned around so fast on his heal that he nearly rubbed the sole off of his shoe.

"What?!" he yelled.

He pushed Tommy forward against the lockers again.

"You and Kimi have been dating behind my back for I don't know how long, and haven't bothered to tell me?!" he said, glaring so much at Tommy that he was surprised he hadn't caught aflame.

"How long have you been dating, and how many thoughts have invaded your mind about my little sister, because I'll tell you something; I'm not gonna let them come true!"

Tommy was almost silenced in fear, but still tried to talk.

"But, Ch-chuckie, I..." he started.

"I DON'T WANNA HEAR IT!" Chuckie shouted.

He pulled Tommy off of the lockers, and then shoved him HARD onto the tile floor.

"As of now, you are NO LONGER allowed near my sister, you hear me?!" he told him.

He didn't give Tommy a chance to talk, as he grabbed Tommy's back-pack and threw it to the end of the hall. Tommy got back up to go get it, and when he turned around, Chuckie was long gone.

Kimi was going to the parking area where she saw her mom waiting to pick her and Chuckie up. Since she was there first, she went and sat shotgun.

"Konichiwa, Kimi-Chan" her mom said, as Kimi buckled up.

"Hey, mom," she said "Chuckie's on his way, he just stayed a bit late to finish up his homework."

Kira smiled.

"He always does that" she said.

"Well it is important" Kimi replied.

She turned away to look out the window.

"More or less…" she mumbled.

Kira giggled a bit at hearing that.

They waited a bit and then saw Chuckie in the crowd of kids. But he walked past them off of the school campus and onto the sidewalk. Kira drove along-side of him and Kimi rolled down her window.

"Chuckie, what's up?" she asked "Don't you see that Mom's here to pick us up?"

Chuckie glanced down at her.

"Shut up, you liar!" he nearly ordered.

Kimi was confused at this, but just by seeing how angry he was, she already realized it.

She was about to talk to him, but they had caught up into traffic, and Kira had to join the other cars to get out of the pick-up area. Once they got out of the jam, though, Chuckie was already gone.

"He knows…" Kimi said, sadly.

Kira nodded.

"And I don't think he likes it very much."

Kimi nodded in agreement, a sad frown on her usually cheery face, and the rest of the ride home was in silence.

Kimi went up to her room as soon as they got home, and Kira had called Chas at the Java Lava to tell him of what happened, and Kimi left her door open so she could see when Chuckie came home.

She had gotten a call from Tommy as she waited and he told her in full detail of what had happened. This made Kimi go from sad to angry in less than a minute. To assault Tommy in such a brutal way, and all over a little thing like a kiss?

Now, she wasn't gonna ask Chuckie for forgiveness; she'd make HIM beg for HER forgiveness!

And right after she ended the call, she heard the front door open and then slam closed! She could hear her mom try to talk to Chuckie, but he was already heading down the hall and up the stairs to his room. But, since Kimi's room was right before his, she was right after him.

Knowing she'd be waiting for him, he slammed his door, almost on her face, but, he didn't have a lock on his door, so she instantly opened it.

Chuckie was at his desk and Kimi slowly walked in, glaring.

"How dare you?" she asked him.

Chuckie turned around and looked at her, returning the glare even harder, ignoring the fact that this was their first ever argument.

"How dare I? HOW DARE YOU?!" he nearly shouted.

"You just let Tommy gnaw on your face like that in public?" he asked "AND you hid the fact that you two are dating from me?"

He pointed directly at her "You have no right to ask me that!"

Kimi charged towards him, and looked him right in the eye. She clenched her hands into fists, wanting to strike, but held back. So she just held one up, and starting to count on her fingers instead.

"One, I kissed him, not the other way around!" she told him, holding up one finger.

"Two, it was only a peck." she told him, holding up another.

"Three, why did we hide the fact? Because we knew you'd react this way!"

She held up another.

"And four, we just got together LAST NIGHT!" She held up all fingers except for her thumb.

She leaned closer, the glare still in her eyes, scaring the glare out of Chuckie's eyes, making him back down. He sat in his chair again. But then he folded his arms and turned around, pouting.

"You still didn't have to hide it from me…" he grumbled.

Kimi continued to glare at him, but as she saw the look on his face in the reflection of his window, she had calmed herself down, and had gone from angry back to sad. She sat on his bed, and then leaned over to put her hand on his shoulder.

"We didn't wanna hide this from you, Chuckie, we wanted to tell you together, but you figured it out to fast before we could think of anything."

She had Chuckie turn around.

"Look Chuckie, I like Tommy, I've liked him since we were kids." she told him "I admit now that I never got over that feeling from when I carved those initials all those years ago, I kept it hidden, especially after what happened last time."

She got down on her knees, since Chuckie was still looking down.

"But my feelings for Tommy have gotten so out of control lately, and that's why my grades weren't doing so well."

She stood back up and sat on his bed again.

"Chuckie…" she said, getting him to look up.

"I believe whole-heartedly that I love Tommy, and I always have."

Chuckie had a mix of surprise, anger, and disgust at hearing that.

"But" Kimi said, putting her hand over his "I love being your sister more, and if me being with Tommy would really make you uncomfortable, then, I won't be with him anymore."

She kissed Chuckie on his cheek, and then left. Chuckie looked up as she left, and regret shot through him. But he still didn't like what had all happened…

The next day, Chuckie avoided the group the whole day at school. He sat at the back of the bus on the way to school, away from his friends. He moved away and sat at another seat in science class, since he sat between Tommy and Kimi then. He sat alone at lunch. He didn't turn his nose up or give them angry looks; he just looked away from them when they looked at him.

But, knowing that while he was avoiding them, they could tell that he was still watching them when they weren't looking at him, so Kimi and Tommy kept their distance, not to make Chuckie any angrier or sadder.

After school, the Finster household was in silence. Kimi and Chuckie ate alone in their rooms when dinner was made, both of them making sure to avoid each other, and Chas and Kira ate alone at the dinner table, for the first time ever.

As Chuckie was about to leave to go wash his dish, he heard his door open. He turned from his computer desk and saw Tommy there.

Chuckie instantly sat back down and looked away from him, having the same attitude towards him that he had towards Kimi the previous day.

But, unlike Kimi, Tommy didn't start out aggressive, he started out [and stayed] sympathetic.

"Chuckie, I know you don't like what's happened, but I can't help it." he said, not even starting off with a greeting.

"I like Kimi and she likes me, and can I say that we love each other?" he questioned.

Chuckie barely glanced back.

"Yes, I can" he answered.

Chuckie looked away again.

"But, I've known you longer than I've known her, and I love our friendship as well." he told Chuckie.

"So if me dating your sister is wrong to you, then I'll stop."

Chuckie still didn't turn around, and after a few minutes of silence, Tommy knew that Chuckie wouldn't budge, so he left.

As he heard his door close though, Chuckie looked back, and sighed sadly.

The whole depressed vibe had spread from Kimi, Tommy, and Chuckie to the rest of the group, and they brought this to their homes. All the parents had become depressed at seeing how their kids were acting and couldn't think of a way to overcome it.

By Friday, the third day of the issue, Phil, Lil, Dil, Susie, and Angelica (who had heard about Kimi and Tommy hooking up the day after it happened from Susie) all wanted to confront Chuckie about what he had started, but decided against it, knowing that, while this did concern the whole group, it had to be settled by the ones it fully involved.

When Chuckie got home that day, the time that he usually spent with his friends, what with it being a Friday, he spent alone in his room. He lay on his bed, bouncing a rubber ball against the wall, catching it every time it bounced back.

As late afternoon rolled around, he heard his door open. He looked over and saw his dad come in.

"Hey there, bucko" he said.

Chuckie sighed and returned back to what he was doing.

"Hey dad…" he said, bored and sad.

His dad closed the door behind him. It was silent for a minute, until Chas finally spoke up.

"Look, Chuckie" he said "I may have been an only child, but I know that your little sister dating your best friend may be awkward for you, and I know this is a big issue, but it's only that way because you've let it become so."

Chuckie caught the ball he was bouncing, as to stop the noise of it to pay attention to his dad.

"I can tell that this is hard for you, and a little weird, but you can't control it." he continued "Even though I am proud that you're looking out for Kimi."

He sat on the edge of Chuckie's bed.

"Nevertheless, you need to know that, while they do like each other, they both care about you," he told him "so much, in fact, that they would break up just to keep you satisfied."

Chuckie sat upright.

"What makes you say that, dad?" he asked.

His door opened again.

"Because they're doing so right now, down in the living room" Kira told him, walking in.

"WHAT?!" he nearly shouted.

Chuckie's eyes went wide and he dashed out the door to see. Not to watch it, but to stop it from happening!


A few minutes ago…

Tommy had gone over to Chuckie's place after coming home from school, which was earlier than he usually was home, since the whole group usually hung out after school on Fridays at the Java Lava or at their other favorite hang-outs. But without Chuckie there, it just wasn't the same and they had all dispersed and went home.

He had gone over, and Kira and Chas had Kimi come downstairs when he asked for her. They could just tell what he was there for, and they knew that they had to intervene.

Tommy and Kimi sat on the couch, but not very close, as the whole vibe that Chuckie had created took the lovey-dovey feeling out of the air when they were together.

"Look Kimi, being with you is great, and I can't remember ever being any happier than now." he told her.

Kimi smiled and scooted closer to him, but it didn't mean anything.

Tommy took her hand and looked straight at her.

"But if us being together is going to make Chuckie so angry that the group will break apart, I don't wanna let that happen."

Kimi could already tell what was on his mind, and she didn't like it one bit.

"You mean…" she started to ask, but was unable to finish. She didn't want to hear it from her mouth, or Tommy's.

Tommy nodded, though.

"To prevent the group from breaking up, we need to break up."

Tears began to come to Kimi's eyes, and then she began to cry. At this Tommy comforted her, putting his arms around her. And Kimi was so sad she didn't even want to fight him off. Instead, she put her arms around him as well as she began to bawl.

"B-but, we just got together!" she told him, her head on his shoulder.

"I can't lose you now! I love you, Tommy!" she told him, clutching him harder.

Tommy rubbed her on the back slowly, a few tears slipping down his face.

"I know Kimi, I love you too, but I can't let us being together ruin my friendship with Chuckie, and I can't let that effect the whole group and break everyone apart after being great friends all these years."

Kimi began to cry harder, and Tommy held her in his arms, knowing that this may be the first, last, and only time to do so.

But, as they were just about to break apart, thus ending their brief relationship, they heard something…


Chuckie stood at the top of the stairs watching the whole thing go on. At this moment, so many things went through his mind.

He could remember all the brave acts Tommy had done for him they were little, from standing up to a play-ground bully who ate a bunch of junk-food, to helping everyone in the group with any problems they had.

He could remember all that Kimi had done for him too, from making him feel welcome to a new lifestyle, and help him come out of his shell at a new daycare.

He could remember all the happy memories of the group, and he knew that if Kimi and Tommy broke-up right now, THEN the group would break up, not if they stayed together!

Everything would come crumbling down and he would be the one to blame for all of it! All those happy memories would fade to black and the group would never associate with each other ever again.

So, to stop all of this, he said the first word that he could ever remember saying…


"NO!" Chuckie said, running down the stairs.

He almost tripped as he headed down, but didn't care. He skipped the last three steps and then ran into the living room and then charged towards them.

"Don't do it guys!" he said to them.

He stopped only a foot away from them, seeing that they had separated from each other to look up at him. Kimi's mascara was running.

"Don't let my petty feelings break you guys apart!"

He pulled them up, and put his arms around them

"You guys mean so much to me, and you're made for each other!" he told them, holding them tighter.

Tommy and Kimi were surprised by him acting like this all of a sudden.

He took his arms off of them, and finally unloaded.

"Look, I'll admit it, I don't exactly like to see you guys getting together" he told them.

He looked at Tommy.

"It's kinda breaking the bro-code, dude." he told him, only sounding a little ticked, instead of absolutely furious.

"But, if I had to pick the perfect guy to trust my little sister to-"

He took Kimi's hand, and then took Tommy's and brought them together.

"-I'm happy that it's my best friend, as I trust him completely, no matter what."

Kimi and Tommy looked down at their hands, and then looked up at Chuckie, totally confused.

"Look" Chuckie said, rubbing his temples at having to expand his opinion

"You guys are both tough, brave, and, at times, won't take 'No' for an answer." he told them "And you need to do that now, and not let me get in the way."

"Seeing you guys actually admit defeat just isn't right."

"So, ignore me, and stay together." he finished.

They looked at him again.

He shrugged.

"I'll learn to get used to it."

Kimi and Tommy finally smiled, and once they finally looked at each other, the smiled even more. And at that, they both threw their arms around each other. Chuckie smiled, until he saw their hug turn into an embracing kiss. He covered his eyes, and then made a gagging sound loud enough to get their attention.

They broke the kiss and looked at him, blushing.

"That" he said "will take some time to get used too, though!"

Kimi and Tommy both laughed, and then each held an arm out, still holding hands.

"C'mon Chuck, this hug ain't much without you" Tommy told him.

"Join in!" Kimi said.

Chuckie smiled, and hugged them as they each put an arm around him.

"Guys, I'm sorry for all I've done these past few days, I was a big jerk and I shouldn't have acted that way…" he told them.

"We forgive you" Tommy said.

"It's hard to stay angry at the best big brother ever" Kimi told him.

They all hugged a bit tighter.

Everything was right once again!

As they continued hugging, Chas and Kira had gone down the stairs and joined in; making it a bigger group hug. After they broke it, Kimi suggested they do something special to celebrate.

Tommy looked out the window, and knew that it would be a little more than two hours before sun-set.

"What's say we get Phil, Lil, and Susie, and call up Angelica and throw a spur-of-the-moment pool party and sleep-over at my place?" he asked.

Chuckie and Kimi agreed, and Chas and Kira gave them permission. As they hurried up the stairs to grab a few things, they left Tommy alone with Chas and Kira.

So Kira took a chance to tell him something.

She got down to his height and put her hand on his shoulder. Chas came up to her side.

"Let me tell you something Tommy" she said gently.

Tommy looked at her, and nodded.

"Uh, okay…" he said, nervously.

Kira brought her other hand to her chest.

"I love the fact that you and Kimi are together, and would even break-up to keep Chuckie happy, but-"

She pointed sharply at him and changed her tone, glaring a bit.

"-If you ever make my baby-girl cry again, you will live to regret it!"

Tommy was a bit scared, and could see the stern look in both Kira and Chas's eyes.

So Tommy put his right hand over his chest.

"I will treat your daughter with the up-most respect, and I will never make her cry again as long as I live." he told them.

He crossed his finger over his chest, making an 'X' and Kira and Chas could both see the honest look in his eye, and accepted it.

Chuckie and Kimi had each grabbed an over-night sleeping bag and a pillow. Kimi had grabbed her new bikini, and Chuckie had grabbed his trunks and goggles.

They left with Tommy, and had swung by Susie's place, as well as Phil & Lil's to tell them both the news of what had happened, and to invite them over. They were all happy to hear of such great news and agreed to all come over in a few minutes.

Didi and Stu were happy to let this spur-of-the-moment party to take place, as they were happy for Chuckie to finally accept this and see the whole group happy once again, and even said they'd order a few pizza's to make this celebration a bit more festive.

In a little less than a half-hour later, everyone was in Tommy's back yard, some swimming in the pool, and some just lounging on the lawn-chairs.

When they broke for pizza, night-fall began to come and they set up to hang-out in the living room to watch a few movies and gorge on their pizza.

And, as it got later, they all set up their sleeping bags and changed into their PJs to go to sleep.

Kimi and Tommy though, stayed up a bit longer to talk some more.

They were both sharing a double-sleeping bag, as Angelica had forgotten one, so Kimi gave her hers, and Tommy had gotten the one they were in from the garage. Kimi snuggled up to Tommy, and they both held hands underneath the cover of the sleeping bag.

"I'm so happy we're together" she said, for the tenth time that night.

"Me too," Tommy agreed, not even annoyed at her saying that again.

And then they kissed, for the fifth time that day. This one was longer than most of them, as they didn't have to worry about anyone seeing. After they broke it, Kimi glanced across the room.


"-since Chuckie finally approves of us" Tommy said with her, as she had said this ever since her brother fell asleep.

Kimi smirked at him, moving around a bit. But she only did that so she could reposition herself to be closer to him. Tommy put his arm around her as they looked around the room at all their friends sleeping peacefully.

Tommy sighed.

Kimi looked up at him.

"What is it, Tom-Tom?" she asked.

Tommy shrugged, and then looked over at Chuckie.

"Well," he said "do you think Chuckie will ever get bit by the love bug like us?"

Kimi smiled and looked over at Lil. In her sleep, she had turned over and reached her arm just enough to put her hand on Chuckie's chest.

"Oh, I think he will" she said "I've been seeing Lil making googly-eyes at him for a while, and I think they might get together."

Tommy looked down at her, as she put her head on his chest.

"So, what, you think we should play matchmaker, Kimi?" he asked.

Kimi thought for a minute, and then shook her head slightly.

"Nah, we should let what happens happen between them, just like us."

Tommy silently laughed a bit.

"But then it'll take forever" Tommy told her "you know how slow Chuckie takes things."

Kimi nodded slightly.

"Well, maybe Lil will take the initiative" she told him "probably in a dire situation, like a rescue mission or something."

Tommy cocked an eye-brow questioningly. Kimi shrugged underneath the sleeping bag.

"No clue where that came from…" she told him.

She then looked around at everyone again.

"Hmm, I wonder if Phil would get pissed about them?" she wondered aloud (but quietly, of course.)

Tommy groaned quietly.

"Here we go again…" he said.

Kimi giggled a bit, and then reached over to turn off the lamp next to the couch, as it had a switch on the cord, as well as at the top near the bulb.

Kimi turned over and put her head on Tommy's chest and her arms around him. Tommy put his arm around her, holding her close to him. In the darkness, they could just see each other's faces very faintly. They both looked at each other and sighed happily.

"I love you Tommy Pickles" Kimi said.

Tommy put his arm around her a little more.

"And I love you too, Kimiko Watanabe-Finster" Tommy told her.

And at that, they both feel asleep in each other's arms.