chapter 21

the rugrats had two weeks off of school they had to do family trees for school tommy herd that kimi wonted to go to Japan to talk to her dad but her parents said no unless you have a friend go with you tommy saw her cry so he went to the airport and asked how much do to tickets to Japan cost they said 6 hundred dollars he gave them the money they said the plane takes off at 6AM tomorrow morning he went back to her house and heard her crying he knocked on the door her mom got it and he asked for kimi she said go up the stairs and knock on her door ahe said who is it he said tommy she let him in he said way are you crying she said her parents wont let me go to Japan unless I have a friend who they trust to look after me

tommy said dont cry i well take you to Japan kimi said you well tommy said yes lets go tell your parents they did her parents asked him if he would be with her at all times he said yes i well they said then you can go she said thank you and how much do we owe you tommy said it is on the house because she is my friend and because I was planing to go their to learn some things about Japan they said thank you and the next trip we go on as a family you can come with he said ok the plain leves at 6AM tomorrow so i well see you at about 12am then he went home and told his parents that he well not be here for 12 days thay asked way he said he was taken kimi to Japan to see her dad they said ok and what time do you live he said at 12am and wate until 6am the reason that we are going at 12am is just incase it lives erly thay said ok he packed his 2 sets of mountain perpeling gear in his suitcase than made burgers rhan put them in their to than it was time to go be said see you in 12 days he left to go get kimi then went to the airport her mom wonted to see her off so tommy said you can if you bring my car back here and pick us up in 12 days she said she could they got to the airport she said good by to them than left to go check in their bags thay site at the gate kimi said she was hungry so tommy took out the burgers and gave her one it was 1o'clock in the morning when they got on the plain to go to Japan they got their around 7o'clock in the morning he said taxy he took them to her dads house he heard the Taxi drive up the Taxi driver said you have some guests for you he opened the door and saw kimi he said Kon'nichiwa, anata Kimi-san

Soshite anata no tomodachi wa dōdesu ka she said his name is tommy he said Kon'nichiwa tommy-sa

tommy said we well be here for 12 days he said kimi you tock to your dad well i go to a mountain perpeling and left he did than got a ring and went back to Kimi's dad's house and went in and got on knee and asked if kimi wonted to be his girlfriend and she said yes then her stepmom and stepsister said how is he kimi said tommy they said welcome to the family it was 12 days later they went back home

the end