Rank 2 Semifinals

Eini's opponent was a man that was the winner of the Rank 2 competition the previous year. He was about to reach Rank 3, but he restrained himself until the yearly ranking competition because he wanted to win two years in a row.

As those were the semifinals of Rank 2, only one battle would happen at each time, and Eini went first.

Shiba's opponent in the next battle would be a woman that had been ranked second the previous year. She was also about to reach Rank 3, with the competition being the only reason for remaining at Rank 2.

The four of them had been the best four students of the tournament without a single doubt. None of them had needed more than a single attack to beat all their previous opponents.

The difference between the four and the rest had been vast, and the matches had been arranged so that they didn't meet until the end.