Liye's Past

The words Liye mimicked with his lips without speaking were like a spell to let Shadow Liye drag Shiba there. He only remembered that when he noticed that Shiba was looking at him.

If Shadow Liye met Shiba after heaving dragged him there, things would have gone wrong, so Shadow Liye needed to use the last shadow left by Liye to act.

"Do you have something to tell me?"

Shiba wasn't sure of why he was there, but he didn't think he would meet his master's shadow if he didn't have anything to say.

"Indeed. I need your help."

Shiba didn't know why someone as strong as his master would need his help. After all, he knew that Liye became the strongest Origin God and one of the four strongest experts on the universe. Compared to him, Shiba was just an Essence God.

"Master, as long as I can accomplish, I am ready to help you."