8 years later

Last time on chilling in marvel:

At the end of the day they kept talking about the book until they had to go home. They felt like they got a little closer to each other.

///8 years later///

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You might be wondering what's the point of a eight year time skip. Well there are a lot reasons. Well I'll just show you.

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Takes place when Elijah was 7

I woke today with a strange feeling. It felt like somebody looking at the back of my head. But every time I turned around I saw nothing.

At first I thought I was being hunted by a ghost but when I used my power it showed nothing. I didn't know what to do. I feel like I have no privacy at all. Everything I do, everything I think, is being watched. Even know!

But where! But how! I was just giving up when a saw the light. Not the light but a weird light coming down from the roof. It was the ceiling fan.

But in that light there was a girl. She slowly got bigger until she was the size of my palm. She looked familiar..?

She spoke with a heavenly voice, "Hello it's nice to meet you again. It's been a long year for you huh."

I don't remember meeting a fairy or ghost in the past year. Did god put tinker bell in my world? I tried to respond but she cut me off. "No he didn't. And you I'm very sure you know me. I'm Aphrodite from upstairs," she said.

Ohh. That makes sense. I decided to speck instead of think so she won't cut me off, "it's nice to meet you again. But what do you mean a year? It's been eight down here. Also why are you here?"

"Well first, it's nice to see you too. Second, there is a time difference of 8:1. Lastly, I'm here because if that feeling in your head."

She kept going, "you see god had forgotten about you for a bit. And he lacked at his job. You know, controlling the universe and all. This cause two things. First there was a huge jump in your life of eight years. I know you remember your life but not them. And they haven't gotten any updates on your life which made them cranky."

I shuttered. "Th-them?"

"Yes them. That ties in two the second problem. When he transferred you too this world, he leaked you to the of these worlds. I'm talking about the original earth that all these universes come from. The gods of that world can see you. They find your life... amusing."

I was a little angry at that. "What do you mean leaked. You can't fix it? You can't just undo you f*** up!?!"

She responded with pity. "Sadly we can't. Your just gonna have to deal with it. It's not too bad. It's not like they can mess with your life, they just see and hear everything in your world"

That's a little nice to know. "But what about my privacy? And what kinda creeps would watching me!? Do I at least get the mystical plot Armor"

She started to fly back "upstairs" while giving her final response. "No privacy for you. Except for the times when you do something so cringe they just look away and contemplate there life. There are no creeps. There nice people. Like FBI_B1TCH, Flat_Moon, Saito, and Dao_Of_The_Turtle ect.. There are all good people. They just have weird names. Lastly, sadly you do not have plot armor. But I shall do my best as a goddess to give you some 'plot'" *wink*

She then left. I was left alone in my room with the knowledge of probably pedos watching my eight year old life. I HATE THIS!

I used all my godly power to try to find where they are seeing me from. Then I found it. It took a while but I found it. It was like a screen around almost the whole universe, but it was concentrated on me. It was... a wall?

I do not care what it is but I know it needs to go. I start hitting it while covering my hand with power. I kept hitting it for a good five minutes until it finally had a crack. Why is it so strong. I felt pumped when I knew it was working. "How is this FBI_B1ITCH! You like watching this you perverted F***"

ThE wAlL cRaCkEd EvEn MoRe. A hUgE ChUnK oF It CaMe OuT. iT's WoRkInG. dOeSe Me TaLkInG hAvE aN eFfEcT oN iT? "DoA_ oF_tHe_MuThErFu*****_TuRtLe. YoU eNjOy WaTcHiNg Me BaTcE yOu SiCk FrEaCk."

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A A truck truck came came from from a a void voice in in space space . He He just just tore tore a a hole hole through through nothing nothing and and came came into into my my room room . It it looks looks like like the the same same truck truck that that killed killed me me!

It It spoke spoke again again, "See how your thinking! It's because you broke the fourth wall. That thing is important you know. Also I am in fact that truck. But not just a truck. I am the truck-kun the ***** ******** ******** ********* ********** ********* ********** ********. Now do you understand my greatness?"

I I was was just just about about to to speak speak when when He repaired the wall. I opened my mouth and said, "sure. I totally understood what you said. Anyway why would you repair it. I don't want to be watched all my life. I don't want that wall staring at me all the time!"

Truck_kun shook his head? "Tsk, tsk tsk. You don't understand the real point of all this. This will take a loud off the author of having to switch from pint of views and you get to be happy. You get to be the Mc of your own universe. You can virtually do anything as long as you don't die. So cheer up."

I was stumped at what he said. It kinda made since except for that one parts "what do you mean author?"

Truck-kun hurriedly spoke. "Author. Author? I don't remember saying that. And if I did I meant god because he is the writer of all world. They are the same thing. AWW SH**."

"What do you mean Aww sh**"

Truck-kun started to disappear. We passed 1000 words and the author still had a bunch he wanted to say. He didn't even finish the other problems with your world. Guess he'll do em next episode on dragon ball Z.


"Don't worry, you'll forget all this. This is just him being retarded. He's a real peice of