You are my only one {jaehyun ff}  #15


Eunji goes to school early so she can meet jaehyun..

It turns out jaehyun is not in school yet

Suddenly eunji meets RV...

Irene: hey,get out of my way!

Eunji: owh,yes.sorry

Joy: weirdo

Irene: wait you girls,i heard she has a relashionship with our jae

Seulgi: is that true?(while slaping eunji's face)

Eunji: y-y-yes

Yeri: owhhh now you dont listen to us

Eunji: im s-s-sorry

Seulgi: i dont know why jaehyun wanna be you boyfriend..

Eunji: c-can i leave now?..

Wendy: you think!

Irene pull eunji's hand to take her to the field






Jaehyun: hey!

Irene: hey,your boyfriend is comed

Eunji: oppa!

Joy: shut up! (Slap eunji's face)

Jaehyun: what are you doing to her!?

Irene: hello bae....we just having funn(hold jaehyun's hand)

Jaehyun: let go!

Irene: why are you like this bae????

Jaehyun: stop calling me that! Give eunji to me!!

Irene: ok ok,dont need to yell.girls..

wendy: you are lucky he is here, weirdo

Eunji: im s-sorry

Jaehyun: eunji,come here.lets go



Jaehyun: are you ok?

Eunji: im ok,you came in the rigth time.thank you....

Jaehyun: dont worry,they wont do anything else to you,im here for you

Eunji:(hugs jaehyun) thanks oppa

Jaehyun: everything for you....

To be continued...