You are my only one {jaehyun ff}    #38

Jaehyun: what happend bae? Is he ok?

Eunji: im sorry....

Jaehyun: what for?

Eunji: im sorry i get angry easly on you....

Jaehyun: also wrong...

Eunji: were jist over just want to protect me...

Jaehyun: hey sorry ok? Im also over protective to you....

Eunji: (hugs jaehyun) i dont know what will i do without you...

Jaehyun: me too dear...

Eunji: want to come in? Jisung oppa want's to meet you..

Jaehyun: sure..



Eunji goes to school...

(in the front gate)

?: eunji!

Eunji: who? (Looks behind)

Wonyoung: hi,i heard you get in the hospital..are you ok?

Eunji: yes i are..wonyoung from my class right?

Wonyoung: owh..yeah....nice to meet you (smile's)

Eunji: umm,i heard you are 3 years older than me right?

Wonyoung: yes i am

Eunji: should i call you "unnie" (older sister) ?

Wonyoung: no,thats fine...we are in the same class anyway...

Eunji: umm ok

wonyoung is 3 years older than eunji,but she is still in the same class as eunji's   (dont know why)

Eunji: ummm wanna go to class ?

Wonyoung: sure...

Skip after school.....

Wonyoung: eunji yaaa,wanna go home with me?

Eunji: sure..ummm wanna visit my house?

Wonyoung: may i?

Eunui: of course...


Jaehyun: eunji!

Eunji: owh oppa...wanna go to my house?

Jaehyun: lets go home together....ummm (looks at wonyoung) who is this ?

Eunji: this is wonyoung...from our know her?

Jaehyun: owhhh ok she coming with you to?

Eunji: that ok??

Jaehyun: that is fine...go with her then..i can go home myself...

Eunji: no no are also coming with me.(hold jaehyun's hand)

Wonyoung: am i disturbing you both?

Eunji: no no....we are obviously fine...right oppa?

Jaehyun: sure....

They three come to eunji's house...

To be continued ...